The Hub: Dangerous Territory by James H. Schmitz

Mr. Terokaw regarded Riquol with a bleak blue eye, nodded briefly. “Please continue, Mr. Cholm.”

“A diamondwood forest,” said Riquol, “is a great deal more than an assemblage of trees. The trees are a basic factor, but still only a factor, of a closely integrated, balanced natural ecology. The manner of interdependence of the plants and animals that make up a diamondwood forest is not clear in all details, but the interdependence is a very pronounced one. None of the involved species seem able to survive in any other environment. On the other hand, plants and animals not naturally a part of this ecology will not thrive if brought into it. They move out or vanish quickly. Human beings appear to be the only exception to that rule.”

“Very interesting,” Mr. Terokaw said dryly.

“It is,” said Riquol. “It is a very interesting natural situation and many people, including Mrs. Cholm and myself, feel it should be preserved. The studied, limited cutting practiced on the diamondwood farms at present acts towards its preservation. That degree of harvesting actually is beneficial to the forests, keeps them moving through an optimum cycle of growth and maturity. They are flourishing under the hand of man to an extent which was not usually attained in their natural, untouched state. The people who are at present responsible for them—the farm owners and their associates—have been working for some time to have all diamondwood forests turned into Federation preserves, with the right to harvest them retained by the present owners and their heirs under the same carefully supervised conditions. When Auris and Ilf come of age and can sign an agreement to that effect, the farms will in fact become Federation preserves. All other steps to that end have been taken by now.

“That, Mr. Terokaw, is why we’re not interested in your business proposition. You’ll discover, if you wish to sound them out on it, that the other diamondwood farmers are not interested in it either. We are all of one mind in that matter. If we weren’t, we would long since have accepted propositions essentially similar to yours.”

There was silence for a moment. Then Kugus Ovin said pleasantly, “I know you’re annoyed with me, Riquol, but I’m thinking of Auris and Ilf in this. Perhaps in your concern for the preservation of a natural phenomenon, you aren’t sufficiently considering their interests.”

Riquol looked at him, said, “When Auris reaches maturity, she’ll be an extremely wealthy young woman, even if this farm never sells another cubic foot of diamondwood from this day on. Ilf would be sufficiently well-to-do to make it unnecessary for him ever to work a stroke in his life—though I doubt very much he would make such a choice.”

Kugus smiled. “There are degrees even to the state of being extremely wealthy,” he remarked. “What my niece can expect to gain in her lifetime from this careful harvesting you talk about can’t begin to compare with what she would get at one stroke through Mr. Terokaw’s offer. The same, of course, holds true of Ilf.”

“Quite right,” Mr. Terokaw said heavily. “I’m generous in my business dealings, Mr. Cholm. I have a reputation for it. And I can afford to be generous because I profit well from my investments. Let me bring another point to your attention. Interest in diamondwood products throughout the Federation waxes and wanes, as you must be aware. It rises and falls. There are fashions and fads. At present, we are approaching the crest of a new wave of interest in these products. This interest can be properly stimulated and exploited, but in any event we must expect it will have passed its peak in another few months. The next interest peak might develop six years from now, or twelve years from now. Or it might never develop since there are very few natural products which cannot eventually be duplicated and usually surpassed by artificial methods, and there is no good reason to assume that diamondwood will remain an exception indefinitely.

“We should be prepared, therefore, to make the fullest use of this bonanza while it lasts. I am prepared to do just that, Mr. Cholm. A cargo ship full of cutting equipment is at present stationed a few hours’ flight from Wrake. This machinery can be landed and in operation here within a day after the contract I am offering you is signed. Within a week, the forest can be leveled. We shall make no use of your factory here, which would be entirely inadequate for my purpose. The diamondwood will be shipped at express speeds to another world where I have adequate processing facilities set up. And we can hit the Federation’s main markets with the finished products the following month.”

Riquol Cholm said, icily polite now, “And what would be the reason for all that haste, Mr. Terokaw?”

Mr. Terokaw looked surprised. “To insure that we have no competition, Mr. Cholm. What else? When the other diamondwood farmers here discover what has happened, they may be tempted to follow our example. But we’ll be so far ahead of them that the diamondwood boom will be almost entirely to our exclusive advantage. We have taken every precaution to see that. Mr. Bliman, Mr. Ovin and I arrived here in the utmost secrecy today. No one so much as suspects that we are on Wrake, much less what our purpose is. I make no mistakes in such matters, Mr. Cholm!”

He broke off and looked around as Meldy Cholm said in a troubled voice, “Come in, children. Sit down over there. We’re discussing a matter which concerns you.”

“Hello, Auris!” Kugus said heartily. “Hello, Ilf! Remember old Uncle Kugus?”

“Yes,” Ilf said. He sat down on the bench by the wall beside Auris, feeling scared.

“Auris,” Riquol Cholm said, “did you happen to overhear anything of what was being said before you came into the room?”

Auris nodded. “Yes.” She glanced at Mr. Terokaw, looked at Riquol again. “He wants to cut down the forest.”

“It’s your forest and Ilf’s, you know. Do you want him to do it?”

“Mr. Cholm, please!” Mr. Terokaw protested. “We must approach this properly. Kugus, show Mr. Cholm what I’m offering.”

Riquol took the document Kugus held out to him, looked over it. After a moment, he gave it back to Kugus. “Auris,” he said, “Mr. Terokaw, as he’s indicated, is offering you more money than you would ever be able to spend in your life for the right to cut down your share of the forest. Now . . . do you want him to do it?”

“No,” Auris said.

Riquol glanced at Ilf, who shook his head. Riquol turned back to Mr. Terokaw.

“Well, Mr. Terokaw,” he said, “there’s your answer. My wife and I don’t want you to do it, and Auris and Ilf don’t want you to do it. Now . . . ”

“Oh, come now, Riquol!” Kugus said, smiling. “No one can expect either Auris or Ilf to really understand what’s involved here. When they come of age—”

“When they come of age,” Riquol said, “they’ll again have the opportunity to decide what they wish to do.” He made a gesture of distaste. “Gentlemen, let’s conclude this discussion. Mr. Terokaw, we thank you for your offer, but it’s been rejected.”

Mr. Terokaw frowned, pursed his lips.

“Well, not so fast, Mr. Cholm,” he said. “As I told you, I make no mistakes in business matters. You suggested a few minutes ago that I might contact the other diamondwood farmers on the planet on the subject but predicted that I would have no better luck with them.”

“So I did,” Riquol agreed. He looked puzzled.

“As a matter of fact,” Mr. Terokaw went on, “I already have contacted a number of these people. Not in person, you understand, since I did not want to tip off certain possible competitors that I was interested in diamondwood at present. The offer was rejected, as you indicated it would be. In fact, I learned that the owners of the Wrake diamondwood farms are so involved in legally binding agreements with one another that it would be very difficult for them to accept such an offer even if they wished to do it.”

Riquol nodded, smiled briefly. “We realized that the temptation to sell out to commercial interests who would not be willing to act in accordance with our accepted policies could be made very strong,” he said. “So we’ve made it as nearly impossible as we could for any of us to yield to temptation.”

“Well,” Mr. Terokaw continued, “I am not a man who is easily put off. I ascertained that you and Mrs. Cholm are also bound by such an agreement to the other diamondwood owners of Wrake not to be the first to sell either the farm or its cutting rights to outside interests, or to exceed the established limits of cutting. But you are not the owners of this farm. These two children own it between them.”

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Categories: Schmitz, James