The Icarus Agenda by Robert Ludlum

‘Because in certain areas our interests are the same, and I am willing to work with you on a limited basis.’

‘My God, what arrogance! Would Your Eminence be so kind as to describe these areas and the limits of your generous assistance?’

‘Certainly. To begin with, the safety of the Secretary of State and exposing those who would have him killed as well as discovering why, although I think we can assume the reason. Then the capture of the terrorists who attacked Congressman Kendrick’s houses with considerable loss of life, and confirming the Vanvlanderen connection—’

‘You know about Fairfax and Mesa Verde?’ Varak nodded. ‘The blackout’s total.’

‘Which brings us to the limits of my participation. I must remain far in the background and will not discuss my activities except in the most general terms. I will, however, if it’s necessary, refer you by code name to certain individuals in the government who will attest to my dependability in security matters here and abroad.’

‘You don’t think much of yourself, do you?’

Milos smiled cautiously. ‘I really don’t have an opinion. However, I come from a country whose government was stolen from the people, and made up my mind years ago what I would do with my life. I have confidence in the methods I’ve developed. If that’s arrogance, so be it, and I apologize, but I don’t think of it that way.’

Khalehla slowly pulled her right hand out from under the table and with her left picked up the bag at her side. She shoved her automatic into it and leaned back, shaking her hand to restore circulation. ‘I think we can dispense with the hardware, and you’re right, it’s terribly awkward trying to cut meat with a left-handed fork while your other wrist is paralysed.’

‘I was going to suggest that you order something simpler, perhaps an antipasto, or a dish you might eat with your fingers, but I didn’t feel it was my place.’

‘Do I detect a sense of humour behind that severe expression?’

‘An attempt, perhaps, but I don’t feel very humorous at the moment. I won’t until I know the Secretary of State has arrived safely in Cyprus.’

‘You alerted the proper people; there’s nothing more you can do. They’ll take care of him.’

‘I’m counting on it.’

‘Then to business, Mr. Milos,’ said Khalehla, returning to her meal, again slowly, her eyes on Varak. ‘Why Kendrick? Why did you do it? Above all, how did you do it? You tapped into sources that were supposedly untappable! You went in where no one should be able to go and ripped out secrets, stole a theft proof file. Whoever gave you those should be taken out and put in the field so he’d know what it’s like to have no protection, to be naked without weapons in the dark streets of a hostile city.’

‘Whatever assistance was given to me was rendered by a source who trusted me, who knew where I was coming from, as you phrased it.’

‘But why?

‘I’ll give you a limited response, Miss Rashad, and speak only in general terms.’

‘Hoorah for you. So give.’

‘This country imperatively needs changes in an administration that will undoubtedly be re-elected.’

‘Who says so other than the voters?’

‘Off limits, except again, in general terms… although I shouldn’t have to use even them. You’ve seen for yourself.’

Khalehla put down her fork and looked at the European. ‘San Diego? Vanvlanderen? Grinell?’

‘San Diego, Vanvlanderen and Grinell,’ repeated the Czech quietly. ‘To clarify further: Moneys obviously sent through Zurich and Beirut to the Baaka Valley for the purpose of eliminating a political contender, namely, Congressman Kendrick. And now an apparent attempt to stop a brilliant Secretary of State from attending a disarmament conference whose purpose is to reduce the proliferation—the production of space and nuclear weapons.’

‘San Diego,’ said Khalehla, leaving her food on the plate. ‘Orson Bollinger?’

‘An enigma,’ replied Varak. ‘What does he know? What doesn’t he know? No matter, he’s the rallying point, the funnel into an unbeatable administration. He has to be replaced, thus eliminating the people around him who order him to march to their drums.’

‘But why Evan Kendrick?’

‘Because he is now an unbeatable contender.’

‘He’ll never accept it; he’ll tell you to go to hell. You don’t know him, I do.’

‘A man doesn’t necessarily want to do what he must do, Miss Rashad. But he will do it if the reasons are made clear to him why he should.’

‘You think that’s enough?’

‘I don’t know Mr. Kendrick personally, of course, but I don’t think there’s another human being I’ve studied so closely. He’s a remarkable man, yet so realistically modest about his achievements. He made a great deal of money out of an exploding Middle East economy then walked away from millions more because he was morally offended and emotionally distraught. He then entered the political arena for no other reason than to replace a—what did you call me?— scum-rotten, who was lining his pockets in Colorado. Finally, he went to Oman knowing he might not come back for he believed he could help in a crisis. That’s not a man you take lightly. He may but you don’t.’

‘Oh, good Lord,’ said Khalehla. ‘I’m hearing a variation of my own words.’

‘In support of his political advancement?’

‘No, to explain why he wasn’t a liar. But I should tell you there’s another reason why he went back to Oman. It falls under the not too benevolent heading of a kill. He was convinced he knew who was behind the terrorists in Masqat: the same monster who’d been responsible for killing all seventy-eight people who made up the Kendrick Group, including wives and children. He was right; the man was executed according to Arabic law.’

‘That’s hardly a negative, Miss Rashad.’

‘No, it isn’t, but it somewhat alters the circumstances.’

‘I’d prefer to think it adds a dimension of properly-sought justice, which further confirms our choice of him.’


‘Off limits.’

‘I repeat, he’ll turn it down.’

‘He will if he learns how he was manipulated. He may not if he’s convinced he is needed.’

Khalehla again leaned back in the booth, studying the Czech. ‘If I’m hearing correctly, you’re suggesting something that’s deeply offensive to me.’

‘It shouldn’t be.’ Varak sat forward. ‘No one can force a man to accept elective office, Miss Rashad, he has to seek it. Conversely, no one can force a political party’s leading senators and congressmen to accept a new candidate, they must want him. It’s true that circumstances were created to bring out the man, but we could not create the man; he was there to begin with.’

‘You’re asking me not to tell him about this conversation, not to tell him about you… Have you any idea how many weeks we’ve been looking for you?’

‘Have you any idea how many months we looked for Evan Kendrick?’

‘I don’t give a damn! He was manipulated and he knows it. You can’t hide, I won’t let you. You’ve put him through too much. Dear friends killed, now possibly an old man who’s been a father to him for fifteen years. All his plans shot to hell—too much!’

‘I can’t change what’s happened, I can only grieve for my errors of judgment and no one will grieve more, but I ask you to think of your country, my country now. If we’ve helped to produce a political force, it was only because the force existed in his own right, with his own instincts. Without him, any number of perfectly decent men will be acceptable to the party leadership because they’re familiar and comfortable, but they will not be a force… Do I make myself clear?’

‘According to history, a Vice President once said that the office wasn’t worth a “bucket of warm spit”.’

‘Not these days, and certainly not in the hands of Evan Kendrick. You were obviously in Cairo when he appeared on television here—’

‘I was in Cairo,’ interrupted Khalehla, ‘but we have an American channel—tapes, of course. I saw him and I’ve seen him here subsequently and repeatedly, thanks no doubt to your… agenda. He was very good, very intelligent and appealing.’

‘Miss Rashad, he’s unique. He’s unbuyable and he speaks his mind and the country is taken with him.’

‘Because of you.’

‘No, because of him. He’s done the things he’s done, they weren’t invented; he’s said the things he’s said, the words weren’t provided. What can I tell you? I analysed over four hundred possibilities, using the most advanced computers, and one man stood out. Evan Kendrick.’

‘You want nothing from him?’

‘You say you know him. If we did, what do you think he’d do?’

‘Turn you over to some anti-corruption committee and make damn sure you spent time in prison.’


Khalehla shook her head, her eyes closed. ‘I’d like a glass of wine, Mr. Milos. I’ve got a few things to think about.’

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Categories: Robert Ludlum