The Infinity Gate by Sara Douglass

Axis pushed the ice ball through the water with one hand while trying to paddle with the other.

He was in a foul temper. The ice ball kept bobbing back at him and pushing him under the water; the juit birds were reluctant to move out of the way and kept pecking at both the ice ball (it refused to crack under the onslaught) and Axis; and Axis knew that this journey, as irritating as it was, was going to be nothing compared to the hell of trying to get this thing into Elcho Falling.

Isaiah thought he might be able to do something about the hex.

Axis thought that if, after all this effort, Isaiah couldn’t do anything, then Axis was personally going to break the ice ball over Isaiah’s head.

He kept grimly paddling and pushing and cursing every pink-feathered bird that pecked at him, as well as Isaiah simply for existing, and Inardle for getting herself into this mess. Damn it! Why couldn’t she have managed to walk into Elcho Falling along with everyone else? Why couldn’t she have simply died in the mayhem, as Hereward undoubtedly did? Why, always, was she in such a state of crisis?

Axis was within twenty paces of Elcho Falling’s eastern wall when a juit bird to his right suddenly gave a squawk and disappeared under water, as if something had grabbed at it.

Axis stoped paddling, frowning a little at the vacant space where the bird had been, then, suddenly, to his right another bird squawked and then vanished underwater.

The great mass of juit birds began to fluff themselves out nervously.

Another one vanished, sucked underwater.

Suddenly the lake was alive with the sound of juit birds screaming and lifting into the air. Axis could do little but to cover his face with his arms and hope the ice ball didn’t drift away too far as he was buffeted by birds rising out of the water. He thought the noise and movement would abate after a moment or two, but it kept getting worse, and Axis risked a look.

What he saw froze him momentarily in horror.

Black tentacles — roots! They were roots from the Dark Spire! — were rising out of the water and grabbing juit birds out of the air. The great mass of birds was in such panic that they were blundering into each other in the air, sometimes knocking each other out of the air without any help from the roots, of which there appeared to be thousands, waving about in the air, grabbing birds and dragging them back underwater.

Something pushed past Axis’ face and reared into the sky.

It was another root.

Axis almost panicked, then realised the roots were after the birds and likely didn’t realise his presence. Eleanon, who Axis was certain lay behind this, probably did not know such a tasty prize floated about with the juit birds, otherwise Axis was certain he, too, would have been grabbed and sucked under.

He rolled over in the water, looking for the ice ball.

It floated close by, and Axis kicked over to it, giving it an almighty push toward the rising water wall that comprised the lower third of Elcho Falling. At least now he didn’t have a mass of birds bobbing about the water to hinder his progress. He put all his strength into swimming and pushing the ball ever forward. Now and again another root would rear up beside him, grabbing a juit bird from the air and pulling it back down again.

But the tentacles were grabbing fewer and fewer birds as they were, finally, untangling themselves from their panic and rising higher and higher into the sky, out of the reach of the roots.

Axis hoped the roots wouldn’t try to find a new target once the birds had all vanished.

The ice ball hit the solid water wall of Elcho Falling, bouncing back against Axis’ face and making his nose bleed. As much as he wanted to take the time out to curse the damned thing, he simply reared up out of the water, taking a deep breath as he did so. Then he fell down hard on the ball, pushing it under water.

Stars, this was hard!The ice ball was buoyant, and it kept trying to push Axis back toward the surface. But Axis pushed down with all his strength, driving the ball down three paces until the gaping mouth of an underwater tunnel appeared.

Thank the stars it was large enough to push the ice ball into!

Axis almost didn’t manage it. The ice ball wanted to bounce its way back to the surface, and Axis had to exert all his strength, using both hands and feet, to push it into the tunnel opening.

Then, mercifully, once it was in it bobbed straight up the tunnel, seeking the surface within Elcho Falling.

Axis swum in after it, relaxing in relief.

Prematurely, as it happened.

Just before he got his legs inside the tunnel, something grabbed one of his ankles.

The root wrapped itself tightly about his ankle, tightening like a vice.

Axis fought back both the pain and the panic. He tried to kick at the root with his free foot, but his lungs were by now screaming for air, and his strength was rapidly waning. As much as he tried to cling to the sides of the underwater passage, the root was dragging him inexorably back out into the lake.

There was no more air in his lungs. Now panic did threaten to overwhelm him but, just as he felt his fingers lose their grip on the rocks of the tunnel, he felt someone swim past him.

A moment passed, then suddenly, thankfully, his ankle was free and strong arms had wrapped themselves about Axis.


A few heartbeats later Axis’ head broke water inside Elcho Falling, and he heaved in great lungfuls of air as Georgdi and Insharah between them hauled him out of the water, Isaiah lifting himself out a moment later.

Outside, all the juit birds who had escaped the roots formed a massive pink cloud high in the sky. They circled Elcho Falling once, then, affronted and frightened, they began the long flight home to Lake Juit.

Eleanon watched them go. He squatted on the ground with his arms wrapped about his knees, his chin resting on his arms, and he watched the birds lift in panic into the sky, sort themselves out, then head south.

They would not return to Elcho Falling.

He sighed, standing. He wished Maximilian and Ishbel would hurry back to Elcho Falling. He wanted them inside for his final attack on the citadel. In the meantime, however, he could consolidate his power and prepare the Lealfast Nation for what lay ahead.

Just before Eleanon lifted off he paused, sending his senses scrying out for the ice hex.

It was no longer floating tangled in the reed banks.

It was inside Elcho Falling.

Eleanon stilled, then he burst out laughing, punching the sky in triumph.

“Welcome to hell, Axis,” he said.

Then he rose into the air, flying back to the Lealfast Nation.

Axis was dead.

Chapter 16

Elcho Falling

Isaiah looked at the ice ball bobbing about in the small pool of water that led to the underwater tunnel, then looked at Axis. The StarMan was sitting on the edge of the pool, coughing water out of his lungs and waving off the concerns of Georgdi and Insharah.

Isaiah’s attention turned back to the ice hex. He nodded at a guardsman standing by and together they hauled it out of the water, cursing as it almost slipped from their grasp on several occasions.

Then Isaiah squatted down to run his hands lightly over its surface. He could just make out Inardle inside, curled into a tight ball. He rolled the ball over a little so he could see her face.

Her eyes were closed.

Isaiah glanced at Axis, now standing and stripping off his sodden clothes for dry attire, then grasped the ice hex a little tighter, sending his senses scrying inside.

Axis tossed aside the towel he’d been using to dry his hair, and walked over to Isaiah. “Can you help?” he said.

“No,” Isaiah said, standing. “She’s too far gone, Axis.”

Axis stared at Isaiah. “No, surely . . . there must be something you can do.”

“She’s too far gone, Axis,” Isaiah said, “and the hex is too tightly wound.” He began to walk toward the door leading from the chamber.

“No,” Axis said.

Isaiah turned back to him. “Leave it, Axis.” He nodded at the guardsman who had helped him haul the hex from the water. “Push it back into —”

“No!“ Axis said, taking a step forward to block the guardsman’s approach.

“She is well on the path to her Otherworld, Axis,” Isaiah said. “Let her go. Isn’t this what you have always wanted?”

Axis opened his mouth, then closed it again. What did he want?

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