The Iron Marshall by Louis L’amour

“It’s been a trying time,” Shanaghy said, “a most trying time.” “My boys are glad to be here,” Vince assured him, “and I am sure they will cause no trouble.”

“Red,” Shanaghy said, “will you boys hang up your guns here until you leave town?”

Red shrugged. “Looks like we got no choice.” He grinned. “I wouldn’t want to get mowed down by those feerocious townspeople you got here.” Tom Shanaghy finished his drink and walked outside with Vince. “Why don’t we ride out to the Pendletons?” Vince suggested. “I hear there’s a young lady out there who is most anxious to see you. And,” he added, “she has a gentleman who is recuperating from some serious wounds, a man named Rig Barrett who would like a firsthand report from a deputy he never heard of.” It was long after dark when Tom Shanaghy rode into town, and Josh Lundy met him in the street. “Pin McBride escaped!” he said. “Somebody got the door open and let him out.”

Shanaghy dismounted and handed his horse to Josh. “Put him up, will you? We’ll go hunting for his body in the morning.”


“Rig Barrett was out at the Pendletons. Jan got Coonskin Adams to help her get him out there to her place, where they could take proper care of him.” “What about Pin?”

“No trouble. I am sure you’ll find his body out east of town not far from that water tank. Just look for the carcass of a dead burro. His will be right close by.”

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Categories: L'Amour, Loius