The Knight and Knave of Swords – Book 7 of the “Fafhrd and Gray Mouser” series by Fritz Leiber

In response to Hisvet’s, “And so, no nonsense, child. Strip, I said!” Foursie had been arguing, “Have compassion, demoiselle. To disrobe for a lover would be one thing. But to strip to be searched by a fellow servant is simply too humiliating. I couldn’t bear it!”

Hisvet sprang up off the bed. “I’ve quite lost patience with you, you prudish little bitch. Who are you to say what you’ll bear—or bare, for that matter? Threesie, grip her arms! If she struggles, pinion them behind her.”

The dark maid, who was already back of Foursie, seized and tightly held her elbows down at her sides, meanwhile smiling somewhat evilly at her mistress across the fair maid’s shoulder. Hisvet reached out a straight right arm, chucked the girl’s chin up until they were looking each other straight in the eye, and then proceeded very deliberately to unbutton the top black button.

Foursie said, with as much dignity as she could muster, “I would have submitted to you, demoiselle, without my arms held.”

But Hisvet said only, very deliberately also, “You are a silly schoolgirl, Foursie dear, needing considerable teaching, which you’re going to get. You would submit to me? But not to my maid acting on my orders? To begin with, Threesie is not your equal fellow servant. She outranks you and is empowered to correct you in my absence.”

As she spoke she went on undoing the buttons, taking her time and digging her knuckles and pressing the large buttons into the girl’s flesh edgewise as she did so. At the undoing of the third button the maid’s small, firm, pink-nippled breasts popped out. Hisvet continued, “But as it is, you’re getting your way, aren’t you, Foursie? I am disrobing you and not dear Threesie here, though she is witnessing. In fact, I’m ‘maiding’ you, how’s that for topsy-turvy? You’re getting the deluxe treatment, one might say, though I strongly doubt you will get much pleasure from it.”

She finished with the buttons, looked the girl up and down, lightly flicked her breasts with the back of her hand, and said with a cheery laugh, “There, that wasn’t so bad now, was it, dear? Threesie, finish.”

Grinning, the dark maid slid the white tunic down Foursie’s arms and off them.

“Why, you are blushing, Foursie,” Hisvet observed, chuckling. “On Whore Street that’s a specialty, I’m told, and ups the price. Inspect the garment carefully,” she warned Threesie. “Feel along each seam and hem. She may have pilfered something smaller than the Opener. And now, dear child, prepare yourself to be searched from head to toe by a maid who is your superior, whilst I direct and witness.” Taking up the silver-handled whip of white snow-serpent hide from the bed and gesturing with it, she directed Foursie, “Lift out your arms a little from your sides. There, that’s enough. And stand so that your entire anatomy is more accessible. A little wider stance, please. Yes, that will do.”

The Mouser noted that all the maid’s body hair had been shaven or plucked. So that practice, favored by witless Glipkerio, the Scarecrow Overlord, was still followed in Lankhmar. A seemly and most attractive one, the Mouser thought.

“There’s nothing hidden in the garment, Threesie? You’re sure? Well, toss it by the far wall and then you might begin by running your fingers through Foursie’s hair. Bend forward, child! Slowly and carefully, Threesie. I know her mop’s quite short, but you’d be shocked to learn how much a little hair can sometimes hide. And don’t forget the ears. We’re looking for tiny things.”

Hisvet yawned and took a long swallow of wine. Foursie glared at her nearer tormentor. There is something peculiarly degrading about being handled by the ears, having them spread and bent this way and that. But Threesie, learning from her mistress, only smiled sweetly back.

“And now the mouth,” Hisvet directed. “Open wide, Foursie, as for the barber-surgeon. Feel in each cheek, Threesie. I don’t suppose Foursie’s been playing the little squirrel, but there’s no telling. And now … Surely you’re not at a loss, Threesie? Perhaps I should have expressed it, search her from top to bottom. You may lubricate your fingers with my pomade. But use it sparingly, its basis is the essential oil with which they anoint the Emperor of the East. Don’t agonize so, Foursie! Imagine it’s your lover exploring you, dexterously demonstrating his tender regard. Who is your lover, Foursie? You do have one, I trust? Come to recall, I’ve caught the fair page Han looking at you in that certain way. I wonder what he’d think if he could see you as you’re presently occupied. Droll. I’ve half a mind to summon him. Well, that’s half done. And now, Threesie, her darker avenue of amatory bliss. Bend over, Foursie. Treat her gently, Threesie. Some of these matters appear to be quite new to our little girl, advanced subjects for our student, though I know that’s hard to credit. What Foursie, tears? Cheer up, child! You’re not proved guilty yet, in fact you’re well on the way to being cleared. Life has all sorts of surprises.”

The Mouser smiled cynically from his weird invisible prison. Around Hisvet surprises were invariably disastrous, he knew from experience. He was thoroughly enjoying himself, so far as his limited circumstances permitted. He thought of how all of his greatest loves and infatuations had been for short and slim girls like these. Lilyblack came to mind, back when he’d bravoed and racketeered for Pulg and Fafhrd had found god in Issek. Reetha, who’d been Glipkerio’s silver-chained maid. Ivivis of Quarmall, supple as a snake. Innocent, tragic Ivrian, his first love, whose princess-dreams he’d fed. Cif, of course. The night-filly Ivmiss Ovartamortes. That made seven, counting Hisvet. And there was one other, an eighth, whose name and identity evaded him, who was also a maid by profession and particularly delectable because somehow forbidden. Who had she been? What was her name? If he could recall one more detail he’d remember all. Maddening! Of course, he’d had all manner of larger women, but this elusive memory involved all smaller than himself, his special pantheon of little darlings. You’d think a man in his grave (and that was truly his situation, face it) would be able to concentrate his mind upon one subject, but no, even here there were details to distract you, self-responsibilities that had to be taken care of, as keeping up an even rhythm of shallow breathing, pushing back intrusive dirt off of his lips, keeping constant watch before and behind—it occurred to him that Foursie too must be telling herself that last thing, though much good it would do her—which reminded him to return to the enjoyment of the three-girl comedy which destiny had provided for his secret viewing.

Hisvet was saying, “Now, Foursie, go to the far wall and stand facing it while I hear Threesie’s report and confer with her. And stop blubbering, girl! Use your discarded tunic to wipe the tears and snot off your face.”

Hisvet led Threesie back to the foot of the bed, set her empty glass on the low table, and said in a voice that Mouser could barely hear, despite the advantages of nearness and occult audition, “I take it, Threesie, you didn’t find the Opener or anything else?”

“No, dear demoiselle, I did not,” the dark maid replied, and then went on in a voice that was more like a stage whisper, “I’m certain she’s swallowed it. I suggest she be given a strong emetic, and if that fails, a powerful cathartic. Or both together, to save time.”

Foursie too heard that, the Mouser judged by the way her shoulders drew together as she faced the wall.

Hisvet shook her head and said in the same low tones as before, “No, that won’t be necessary, I think, though it could be amusing under other circumstances. Now it suits my design to have her think she’s been completely cleared of any suspicion of theft.” She faced around and changed to her most ringing silver voice, “Congratulations, Foursie, you’ll be glad to hear that your fellow maid has given you a clean bill of health. Isn’t that wonderful? And now come here at once. No, don’t try to put on your tunic. Leave that soiled rag. You need a lot more practice in serving naked, which you ought to be able to do every bit as efficiently, coolly, and nicely without the reassurance of a frock. And perhaps practice in other activities one generally carries out best in one’s skin. Beginning now.”

The Lankhmar demoiselle in the violet wrap yawned again and stretched. “That wretched session has quite wearied me. Foursie, you may begin your nude reapprenticeship (that’s a joke, girl) by fetching me a fat pillow from the head of the bed.”

When Foursie came around with her plump lemon-hued burden, her eyes asking a question, Hisvet indicated with her whip the bottom corner of the bed, and when the fair maid had placed the pillow there, gave her the whip, saying, “Hold this for me,” and stretched herself out with her head on the pillow. But after murmuring, “Ah, that’s better,” and wriggling her toes, she lifted up on an elbow, looked toward Threesie, and pointed with her other hand down at the carpet by the foot of the bed, saying, “Threesie, come here. I want to show you something privately.”

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Categories: Leiber, Fritz