The Last Titan. A Life of Theodore Dreiser

Brace, Annie. See Winter, Anna

Cary, Lucian, 231

Brandes, Georg, 328

Cather, Willa, 262, 395

Branner, John Caspar, 31

Cecil, Robert, 277

Brennan, Austin, 27, 46, 112, 146, 172, 174,

Century Magazine, 61, 100, 116, 133–34,

308, 396

209, 273, 318

Brett, George A., 162, 168, 201

Chaplin, Charlie, 288, 291–92, 349, 400

Bridges, Calvin, 345, 395

Charlotte Observer, 227

Brill, A. A., 307

Chase, Stuart, 356

Brisbane, Arthur, 91, 358

Chicago Daily Globe, 48–51, 53, 57, 60, 271

Broadway Magazine, 183–88

Chicago Daily News, 48–49

Brooklyn Eagle, 145, 327

Chicago Evening Post, 231, 233–34

Broun, Heywood, 318, 358

Chicago Herald, 47, 72

Brown, Grace, 297–306, 311, 314; Grace

Chicago Times Herald, 159, 161

Brown’s Love Letters, 306

Chicago Tribune, 252

Browne, Maurice, 233–34

Chopin, Kate, 152, 187; Awakening, The,

Bryan, William Jennings, 188

152, 187

Bryant, William Cullen, 16

Christian Age, 40

Buck, Pearl S., 376, 389

Churchill, Winston, 345, 386

Buckner, John, 136

Cincinnati Enquirer, 334

Building Management, 232

Clark, Clara. See Jaeger, Clara Clark

Bulger, Jimmy, 9, 312, 314, 329

Clark, Orrin Benner, 31–33

i n d e x

4 6 4

Clemens, Samuel L., 32, 162, 187, 229,

Dale, Violet, 100

333, 376; Adventures of Huckleberry

Daly, Augustin, 62, 86–87; Under the

Finn, 40, 206; Connecticut Yankee,

Gaslight, 62, 87, 148, 289

A, 96; Gilded Age, The, 40; Innocents

Damrosch, Walter, 395

Abroad, The, 60, 210; Mysterious

Dana, Charles A., 52, 90

Stranger, The, 374; Personal Reflections

Danger Signal, The, 69

of Joan of Arc, 108; What Is Man? 374

Daniels, Bebe, 293

Cleveland, Grover, 49

Daniels, George Henry, 172

Cleveland Leader, 75

Darrow, Clarence, 232, 236, 304, 318, 335,

Clift, Montgomery, 383


Coates, Joseph H., 188, 224

Darwin, Charles, 88, 107, 131, 164, 258,

Cohen, Lester, 361–62

376; On the Origin of Species, 51,

Columbus, Christopher, 67


Comstock, Anthony, 140, 259, 366

Davis, Ed, 27

Conklin, Andrew, 39–41, 43, 45, 290

Davis, Hubert, 373

Conklin, Asa. See Conklin, Andrew

Davis, Magdalene, 308

Conway, Moncure, 138

Davis, Richard Harding, 95

Copenhaver, Eleanor, 364

Davis, Robert H., 179

Cooke, Jay, 225

Dawson, N. P., 252

Cooper, Frederick Taber, 186

Defoe, Daniel, 310; Robinson Crusoe, 310

Cooper, James Fenimore, 17

Dell, Floyd, 215, 233–34, 236, 240, 269,

Cosgrave, John O’Hara, 187

276, 338; model for “Gardner

Cosmopolitan Magazine. See Hearst’s

Knowles” in The Titan, 234


DeLong, Edith. See Jarmuth, Edith

Coxey, Jacob S., 75


Coxey’s Army, 75, 79–80

Delineator, The, 187–88, 191, 193–96, 199,

Crane, Stephen, 32, 83, 91–92, 125–26, 153,

203, 232, 237, 252, 277, 282, 380

162, 207, 325, 332; “Experiment in

DeMille, Cecil B., 288

Misery, An” 81, 114; Maggie, A Girl

Demorest’s Magazine, 120, 124–25, 128, 149

of the Streets, 81, 83, 92, 116, 131;

Depew, Chauncey M., 171–72, 176

“Men in the Storm, The,” 108, 148;

Designer, The, 187, 193–94

“Mystery of Heroism, A,” 108; Red

Deshon, Florence, 291; model for “Ernes-

Badge of Courage, The, 108, 110, 133,

tine” in A Gallery, 291, 349


Detroit Free Press, 206

Critic, The, 160

Dewey, Admiral George, 195

Cudlipp, Annie, 197–98, 201

Dewey, John, 337, 376

Cudlipp, Jerome, 197–98

Dickens, Charles, 20, 228

Cudlipp, Olaff, 197–98

Dickinson, Emily, 33

Cudlipp, Thelma, 197–99, 255, 351; model

Dies, Harold, 398–99

for “Aileen Butler” in The Financier,

Dies, Martin, 398

226; model for “Emanuela” in A

Dinamov, Serge, 342

Gallery, 349

Dixon, Thomas, 73; The Clansman, 73

cummings, e. e., 276; Enormous Room,

Dodge, Ben, 185

The, 276

Dooney, Jimmy. See Bulger, Jimmie

Current Literature, 160

Doran, George H., 237

Custer, Mrs. General, 119

Dos Passos, John, 355, 359; Harlan Miners

Czolgosz, Leon, 200

Speak, 361; U.S.A., 361

i n d e x

4 6 5

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 315, 343

Dreiser, Mary Theresa, 2, 14, 22, 27, 41–43,

Doty, Douglas Z., 229–30

46, 112, 134; accidental death, 132, 286

Doubleday, Frank, 154–58, 161, 208

Dreiser, Sarah Schänäb (mother), 1–6, 8–

Doubleday, Neltje, 140, 185, 208

16, 20–23, 27, 29–30, 38, 45–46, 65,

Douglas, George, 293, 373–74

211, 242, 285; death, 41–43, 231, 331

Dreiser, Alphonse Joachim (“Al”), 2, 8, 12,

Dreiser, Sara Osborne White (first wife,

27, 41–43, 46, 68, 112, 174, 312

“Jug”), 18, 66, 68–69, 71, 84, 85, 96,

Dreiser, Cacilia (“Sylvia”), 2, 7–8, 11, 21–

99–100, 106–7, 109, 112–13, 116–17,

22, 112, 201, 211, 312; model for

122–25, 138, 158, 170, 176, 179, 181,

“Jennie,” 221

184, 192, 197, 218, 239–40, 277, 279,

Dreiser, Carl (Sylvia’s son), 22, 53, 201;

282, 348; death, 390; demands for

suicide, 183

financial support, 322–24; editing

Dreiser, Clara Clothilde (“Claire” or

of Jennie Gerhardt, 205, 390; editing

“Tillie”), 2, 6, 8, 10–12, 14, 41, 43,

of Sister Carrie, 150, 152, 205, 390;

45–46, 47, 52, 112, 263

marriage to Dreiser, 125, 399; model

Dreiser, Eduard Minerod (“Ed”), 2, 4–6,

for “Angela Blue” in The “Genius,”

8, 10, 14–15, 17, 20, 41–42, 47, 68,

193, 255, 307; model for “Lillian

112, 174, 182–83, 221, 286, 390

Semple” in The Financier, 225–26;

Dreiser, Emma Wilhelmina, 2, 8, 12, 14,

separation from Dreiser, 198–99, 277,

112, 146, 172, 182, 322; model for


“Carrie,” 20–22, 145, 149, 312

Dreiser, Theodore: and the American

Dreiser, Gertrude (Emma’s daughter), 312

Academy of Arts and Letters, 395;

Dreiser, Helen (second wife). See Richard-

anti-Semitism, 44, 350, 367–71, 385,

son, Helen Patges

387–88; audience with the Pope Pius

Dreiser, John Paul (father), 1, 4–8, 11, 15–

X, 213; candidate for Nobel Prize

16, 21–22, 27, 30, 41–43, 45–46, 68,

in Literature, 356–57; and Chicago

112, 134, 183, 214, 244; death, 146;

World’s Fair, 66–68, 101–2; claim

model in The Bulwark, 201, 391;

that he wrote lyrics to “On the Banks

model in “The Father,” 231; model

of the Wabash,”96, 116–18; and the

in The Hand of the Potter, 263; model

Communist Party, 337, 397–98; death

in “Old Ragpicker, 244

and funeral, 400–401; depression,

Dreiser, Jr., John Paul (brother). See

163–64, 168–77; as editor of Bo-

Dresser, Paul

hemian Magazine, 193, 197; as editor

Dreiser, Mai Skelly (Ed Dreiser’s wife),

of The Delineator, 187–88, 191, 193–

183, 263–64

99; as editor of Ev’ry Month, 99–118,

Dreiser, Markus Romanus (“Rome”), 2, 8,

129, 173; eyesight, 3; FBI Record, 363,

12, 14, 27–28, 41, 42–43, 45, 98, 112,

379; hit by car, 284; interviews with

174, 183, 202, 263, 301, 312, 314, 322,

William Dean Howells, 125–28, 130;

336, 384; model for “Black Sheep

jealousy of brother Paul Dresser’s

No. One: Johnny,” 394; model for

success, 110–11; as “Lane Cross”

unidentified prisoner in The Fi-

in The Titan, 234; marriages, 125,

nancier, 226; premature report of

396–97, 399; and the National Insti-

death, 250

tute of Arts and Letters, 374; plagia-

Dreiser, Mary Frances (“Mame”), 2–3, 7–

rism, 104–6, 126–27, 161, 186, 328–

8, 12, 14, 21, 27, 41–42, 45–46, 85, 89–

29, 346–47, 356, 358, 389; Pulitzer

94, 97, 112, 172–74, 182, 308, 312, 322,

Prize, 376; quarrel with Arthur Henry,

336, 396; model for Jennie, 201, 221

180; quarrel with H. L. Mencken in

i n d e x

4 6 6

1925, 316; road trip to Indiana, 246–

Duffy, J. W., the Rev., 125

51; sexual sterility, 193; slapping of

Duffy, Richard, 122, 124, 160, 169–70,

Sinclair Lewis, 358–59; student at In-

179–80, 395–96

diana University, 30–39, 250; suicidal,

Duhring, Louis A., 170

171, 199; superstitious nature, 2, 60,

Dunne, Finley Peter, 48–49

227; throwing coffee in Horace Live-

right’s face, 320–22; and the Titanic,

Eastman, Yvette Székely, 351–52

214–17, 234; Toronto lecture invita-

Eastman, Max, 240, 262, 276, 291, 349,

tion, 388–89; as a transcendentalist,

352, 375; Since Lenin Died, 337

382–83; vernacular style, 317; view

Eastern District Penitentiary of Pennsylva-

of Sacco and Vanzetti, 343, 363; visit

nia, 225, 228

to father’s birthplace in Germany,

Edison, Thomas, 115, 121, 288

213–14, 231. See also section devoted

Edmonston, Arch T., 59–61

to Dreiser’s works, at end of index

Eisenstein, Sergei, 338, 357, 371; Battleship

Dreiser, Vera, 286, 396

Potemkin, 342

Dresser, Louise. See Kerlin, Louise

Elder, Donald, 391, 397

Dresser, Paul (brother), 2, 4, 7–9, 12, 27,

Elder, Paul, 293

29, 45–46, 49, 61–62, 68, 70, 84–89,

Elias, Robert H., xiii, 97, 167, 282, 347,

91, 97–99, 107, 110, 112–14, 116–19,

375, 390, 396

124, 137, 147, 172–75, 177, 179, 191,

Eliot, George, 235

312–13, 327, 383–84; assistance to

Eliot, T. S., 276; Waste Land, The, 276

Dreiser during 1903 crisis, 173–75;

Ellsworth, William E., 229

bankruptcy, 182; “Blue and the Gray,

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 10, 16–17, 102–4,

The,” 183; death, 182–83, 223; “I

113, 129, 154, 257, 272, 359, 373, 376,

Believe It For My Mother Told Me

392; “Experience,” 104, 325, 383

So,” 41, 85; “I Can’t Believe Her

Era, 170, 188

Faithless,” 98; “I’se Your Nigger If

Esherick, Wharton, 264, 316, 358–59

You Wants Me, Liza Jane,” 135; “I Was

Esquire, 366, 372, 395

Looking for My Boy, She Said,” 101;

Euripides, 233; Trojan Women, The, 233–34

“Judgment Is at Hand, The,” 182;

Evans, Herndon, 361–62

“Just Tell Them That You Saw Me,”

Everybody’s Magazine, 224

98, 393; “Letter That Never Came,

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