The Last Titan. A Life of Theodore Dreiser

Ev’ry Month, 99–118, 129, 132, 146, 173, 184,

The, “ 22, 85, 97, 110;”Lone Grave,

187, 254

The,” 98; “Making Songs for the

Millions,” 97; “My Gal Sal,” 2, 13,

Fabri, Ralph, 373

250, 327; “On the Banks of the

Fadiman, Clifton, 389

Wabash, Far Away,” 2, 96, 116–18,

Fairbanks, Douglas, 288

124, 173, 183; “Pardon That Never

Farrell, James T., 399

Came, The” 98; “You’se Just a Little

Faulkner, William, 258, 376, 383

Nigger, Still You’se All Mine All

Ficke, Arthur Davison, 231, 240

Mine,” 135; Paul Dresser Publishing

Field, Eugene, 48–50, 54–55, 103; “At

Company, The, 182; Paul Dresser

Cheyenne,” 50; “Little Boy Blue,”

Songster, The, 12; Songs of Paul Dresser,

49, 103; “Little Mack,” 54–55; “Sharps

The, 98, 117–18, 135, 327

and Flats,” 49

Dryden, John, 80

Field, Marshall, 25, 122, 146, 172; model

Dudley, Dorothy. See Harvey, Dorothy

for “Anson Merrill” in The Titan,


221, 236

i n d e x

4 6 7

Fielding, Henry, 80

Gillette, Noah, 298

Fielding, Mildred, 23, 29–30, 36, 38

Ginity, Annie, 66, 69

Fields, W. C., 308

Gissell, Harry, 48, 49; Adventures of Mickey

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 146, 283, 313; Great

Finn, The, 48

Gatsby, The, 302

George, Henry, 104

Flaubert, Gustave, 206; Madame Bovary,

Glackens, William, 254


Glasgow, Ellen, 262

Ford, Ford Madox, 235, 253; Good Soldier,

Godwin, Hazel Mack, 380, 388–89

The, 253; review of The Titan, 235, 253

Goethe, Johann, 28, 109; Faust, 120

Ford, Henry, 379

Gold, Mike, 371

Fort, Charles, 181, 373; Book of the

Goldfish, Samuel. See Goldwyn, Samuel

Damned, 181, 277

Goldman, Emma, 200, 328, 337; model for

Forum, The, 186

“Ernita” in A Gallery, 349

Foster, William Z., 360

Goldwyn, Samuel, 288, 358

Fox, William, 288

Goodman, Edward, 246; Eugenically

Frank Leslie’s Magazine, 74

Speaking, 246

Franco, Francisco, 377

Goodman, Lillian Rosenthal, 200, 278,

Frank, Waldo, 240, 273

287, 293, 397; model for “Aglaia”

French, Daniel Chester, 67

in “This Madness,” 348

Frankfurter, Felix, 360

Gray, Thomas, 12; “Elegy Written

Franklin, Benjamin, 246; Autobiography,

in a Country Churchyard,” 12


Greeley, Horace, 120

Freud, Sigmund, 206, 327, 334; influence

Green, Rufus, L., 33

on An American Tragedy, 310–11;

Grey, Zane, 252; Rainbow Trail, The, 252

Introduction to Psychoanalysis, 264

Gri‹th, D. W., 288, 290, 292; Broken

Frick, Henry Clay, 77, 200

Blossoms, 288

Friede, Donald, 335, 383

Griggs, Edward Howard, 33

Frost, Robert, 262, 296

Griswold, Rufus Wilmot, 292

Fuller, Henry Blake, 231, 262; Cliff

Grigsby, Emily (Emilie), 236–37; model

Dwellers, The, 231; With the Proces-

for Berenice Fleming in The Stoic, 236

sion, 231

Guggenheim, Benjamin, 217

Fuller, Melville Weston, 49

Haardt, Sara, 375

Gaither, Harrison Null, 78

Hapgood, Hutchins, 240, 349–50, 368–70,

Gamble, Susanna, 225

388; model for “JJ” in “Esther Norn”

Garland, Hamlin, 32, 126, 153, 162, 195,

in A Gallery, 368; Spirit of the Ghetto,

231, 375; Companions on the Trail,

The, 368; “My Forty Years of Drink,”

261; Main-Traveled Roads, 82, 108,


reaction to The “Genius,” 261–62 ;

Harben, Will N., 251; Inner Law, The, 252

reaction to Sister Carrie, 261;

Hardin, A. T., 172, 176,

“Return of the Private, The,” 148;

Hardy, Thomas, 108, 153; Tess of the

Rose of Dutcher’s Coolly, 82, 261

D’Urbervilles, 206

Gide, André, 376

Harper’s Monthly Magazine, 100, 108, 116,

Gilbert, Charles Henry, 31

126, 133–34, 160, 227, 251

Gillette, Chester E., 297–306, 309, 311,

Harris, Carlyle, 303

314, 329

Harris, Joel Chandler, 204

Gillette, Frank, 298

Harris, Hilary, 397

i n d e x

4 6 8

Harris, Marguerite Tjader, 345, 359, 378,

131, 141–45, 150–51, 156–60; Unwrit-

384–85, 395–97; Direction, 377; edit-

ten Law, The, 74, 330

ing of The Bulwark, 393, 397; model

Henry, Dorothy (“Dottie”), 130, 141, 167,

for “Lucia” in A Gallery, 350

180, 330

Harris, Overton, 303, 377

Henry, Maude Wood, 72, 130, 137, 141–42,

Hart, William S., 288

145, 167, 180

Harte, Bret, 52

Henry, Patrick, 72

Hartford Courant, 161

Herget, John F., 259

Harvey, Dorothy Dudley, xiii, 96, 124, 143,

Herman the Great, 118

193, 269

Herrick, Robert, 222; Memories of an

Harvey, Henry Blodgett, 269

American Citizen, The, 222

Hauptmann, Gerhardt, 209

Hersey, Harold, 262

Haviland, Fred, 85–86, 99, 179

Herzberg, Max J., 108

Hawthorne, Julian, 195, 228–29; Sub-

Hicks, Elias, 392

terranean Brotherhood, The, 229

Hicks, Granville, 386

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, xii, 10, 16, 129,

Higby, Roy C., 305

138–39, 152, 154, 257; “My Kinsman

Hill, David Bennett, 49

Major Molineux,” 134; “Rappachini’s

Hill, Thomas E., 10–11; Hill’s Manual

Daughter,” 142; Scarlet Letter, The,

of Social and Business Forms, 10–11

138–39, 206, 290

Hirschberg, Leonard K., 188; “Nursing

Hays, Arthur, 357

Baby, The,” 188

Hays, Will, 320

Hitchcock, Ripley, 204–5

Haywood, “Big Bill,” 238, 338

Hitler, Adolf, 367, 370, 372, 377, 385–87,

Hazard, Bob, 57, 61


Hearst’s International-Cosmopolitan, 122–

Hogg, James S., 56

23, 178, 278, 291, 295–96, 331, 347–

Holly, Flora Mai, 185


Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 257

Hearst, William Randolph, 91, 123

Hook, Sidney, 255

Heinemann, William, 208, 230

Hoover, Herbert, 354–55

Hemingway, Ernest, 276, 335, 367, 389;

Hopkins, L. A., 20–21, 85, 89, 93–94, 97,

Farewell to Arms, A, 385; In Our

114, 172, 312; model for Hurstwood,

Time, 276; Sun Also Rises, The, 339

148–49, 221

Henri, Robert, 254

Horton, George, 159, 161

Henry, Arthur, 72–75, 78–79, 110, 118–19,

Houston Daily Post, 186

130, 132, 137, 139, 141, 145, 151, 155–60,

Howard, George Bronson, 193–94

162, 164–67, 169, 180, 188, 190, 230,

Howells, William Dean, 17, 110, 129–

248, 277, 282, 330; character in “Rona

30, 153–54, 204, 223, 235, 251, 262;

Murtha” in A Gallery, 165–67, 368;

Dreiser’s interviews with, 125–28, 130,

contributor to Ev’ry Month, 100; death,

196; “Editha,” 251; Hazard of New

167, 397; “Doctrine of Happiness,

Fortunes, A, 126, 153; My Literary

The,” 145; editing of Sister Carrie,

Passions, 126–27; reaction to Sister

142–44, 150–52, 154; House in the

Carrie, 92, 127, 160, 185; Rise of Silas

Woods, The, 144, 167; Island Cabin,

Lapham, The, 126, 206, 222; Traveler

An, 144–45, 164–69, 180, 330; “It Is

from Alturia, A, 127

to Laugh,” 110, 113; Nicholas Blood,

Howley, Haviland, and Company, 85–86,

Candidate, 72–74, 137; “Philosophy

99, 113

of Hope,” 145; Princess of Arcady, A,

Howley, Haviland, and Dresser, 179, 182

i n d e x

4 6 9

Howley, Pat, 85–86, 173–74, 179

Johnson, Tom, 75

Huebsch, Ben, 274, 338

Johnson, Robert Underwood, 133

Hueffer, Ford Hermann. See Ford, Ford

Jones, H. E., 112


Jones, J. Jefferson, 237, 259–60

Hughes, Charles Evan, 195

Jones, Rufus, 392–93

Hughes, Langston, 355

Jones, Sissieretta (“Black Patti”), 62

Hume, Arthur Carter, 309

Jordan, David Starr, 31, 33

Hume, David, 109

Journal-Courier (New Haven), 161

Hunter, Dr. Allan, 400

Jower, Hanscha, 211, 214

Hutchinson, Winfield, 69–72

Joyce, James, 317, 339

Huxley, Julian, 376

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 48, 109; Science

Kahn, Otto, 456

and Christian Tradition, 88; Science

Kameneva, Olga Davidovna, 338

and Hebrew Tradition, 88

Kant, Immanuel, 272

Hyman, Elaine, 233, 236, 240–41, 254, 258,

Kantor, MacKinley, 335

265, 278, 285; model for Andromache

Karston, Gustaf, 31

in The Trojan Women, 233–34; model

Kearney, Patrick, 320–21, 343; A Man’s

for “Sidonie” in “This Madness” series,

Man, 320

348, 350; model for Stephanie Platow

Kelly, Ethel M., 185

in The Titan, 234, 238

Kemp, Harry, 349, 368

Kennell, Ruth, 340–41, 344, 355, 375–76,

Ibsen, Henrik, 28, 328

393; editing of Dreiser Looks at Russia,

Ingersol, Robert, 36

346–47; model for “Ernita” in A

Ingram, Rex, 289

Gallery, 340; “Vanya of the Streets,”

Irving, Washington, 17, 20, 103, 162, 333;


“Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” 18; “Rip

Kerlin, Louise, 183

Van Winkle,” 62

Kilmer, [Alfred] Joyce, 251, 262; Trees

Ish-Kishor, Sulamith, 373

and Other Poems, 251

Izvestia, 363

Kilrain, Jake, 174

Kipling, Rudyard, 95, 204

Jackson, Andrew, 84

Kraft, Hy, 369, 372

Jackson, “Aunt Molly,” 361

Krog, Fritz, 197

Jackson, Peter, 63

Krutch, Joseph Wood, 317

Jaeger, Clara Clark, 363–65

Kubitz, Hans, 266, 285, 307, 313

James, Henry, 119, 376; Portrait of a Lady,

Kubitz, Estelle (“Gloom,” “Bert”), 265–

The, 222; What Maisie Knew, 206

69, 273, 275, 277, 287, 289, 295, 313;

James, William, 107, 272

model for “Albertine” in A Gallery,

Jarmuth, Edith Delong, 292; model for

350; model for the unpublished

“Olive Brand” in A Gallery, 292,

“Gloom,” 350; one of the “Redmond


Sisters” in A Gallery, 265–66, 348

Jefferson, Joseph, 62

Kummer, Clare, 167, 397

Jefferson, Thomas, 67, 376

Kussell, Sallie, 307; editing of An American

Jenks, George C., 100

Tragedy, 307

Jenks, Tudor, 119

Kyllmann, Otto, 328, 386–87

Jewett, Rutger B., 168–69

Jewish Advocate, 369

Lane, Sir Hugh, 213

Jewish Daily Forward, 111

Lanier, Henry, 154–56

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4 7 0

Lanier, Sidney, 155; English Novel and Its

Luks, George, 254

Development, The, 155

Lyon, Harris Merton, 186–87, 282

Lasky, Jesse L., 286, 320–22, 357

Lawson, John Howard, 400

MacMonnie, Frederick William, 67

LeFèvre, Edwin, 224; “What Availeth It?”

MacPherson, Nellie. See Anderson, Nellie


Male and Female, 288

Lehan, Richard, 89, 392

Mallon, Anna T., 142, 144–45, 150, 164–65,

Leiter, Levi, 236; as “Norman Schryart”

180, 277; model for “Rona Murtha”

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