The Last Titan. A Life of Theodore Dreiser

Rollins, Alice W., 119

I Ended Poverty, 372; I, Candidate

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 355, 363, 369,

for Governor: And How I Got Licked,

378–80, 385, 392

372; Jungle, The, 184, 222, 372

Roosevelt, Theodore, 194–95, 380

Skelly, Mai. See Dreiser, Mai Skelly

Rosenthal, Elias, 199

Skelly, Margaret, 183

Rosenthal, Emma, 199

Sloan, John, 254

Rosenthal, Lillian. See Goodman, Lillian

Smart Set, The, 189, 194, 206–7, 235, 239,


241, 253, 260, 265, 274, 332

Rossetti, Daniel Gabriel, 123–24; “Stream’s

Smith, Edward H., 292, 349

Secret, The,” 123

Smith, Lorna, 117

Rowe, F. L., 259

Smith’s Magazine, 181, 277

Russell, Charles Edward, 223; Lawless

Smith, Ormond, 181

Wealth, 223

Smith, Thomas R., 308–9, 316, 330, 338, 347

Ruth, Babe, 335

Smollett, Tobias George, 80

i n d e x

4 7 4

Social War, The, 272

Swanberg, W. A., xii–xiii, 180, 192, 196,

Sonntag, Jr., William Lewis, 168, 254, 281


South, Mary, 117

Swanson, Gloria, 288

Spafford, Jessie, 349; model for “Giff ”

Swift, Gustavus Franklin, 25

in A Gallery, 349

Székely, Margaret, 351–52

Spencer, Herbert, 36, 88–89, 91, 100, 109,

Székely, Suzanne, 351

148, 272, 392; First Principles, 88

Székely, Yvette. See Eastman, Yvette Székely

Stalin, Josef, 337, 342, 364

Standard Magazine, 84

Taft, William Howard, 195

Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 119–20, 130

Taft, Mrs. William Howard, 188

Steffens, Lincoln, 91, 240, 368; Shame of

Tarbell, Ida, 222, 262; History of the

the Cities, The, 222, 225

Standard Oil Company, 222

Steinbeck, John, 383

Tarkington, Booth, 262, 296

Sterling, George, 293–94, 329

Tarzan of the Apes, 289

Sterne, Laurence, 75, 80; Sentimental

Tatum, Anna P., 219, 237, 392–93; model

Journey through France and Italy, 75

for “Elizabeth” in “This Madness,”

Stieglitz, Alfred, 254; “El in the Storm, The,”

348; model for “Etta” in The Bulwark,

254; “Winter on Fifth Avenue,” 254


Stout, Rex, 389

Taylor, Bayard, 120, 138, 184

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 109; Uncle Tom’s

Taylor, Jr., Charles W., 196

Cabin, 63, 109

Taylor, Elizabeth, 383

St. Joseph Press, 228

Taylor, Mariam, 349

St. Louis Democrat, 55, 96

Taylor, Thomas P., 283

St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 52, 54–58, 58, 61,

Thackeray, William, 20

63–64, 85, 96, 191, 225, 278, 287, 366,

Thompson, Dorothy, 339–40, 456, 358–


59; New Russia, The, 346–47

St. Louis Mirror, 203

Thoreau, Henry David, 326, 376; Maine

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 227

Woods, The, 379; Walden, 379

St. Louis Republic, 54, 60, 62–66, 69, 72–

Tjader, Marguerite. See Harris, Marguerite

73, 136, 287, 366


St. Nicholas Magazine, 119

Tobey, Esther McCoy, 308, 338, 397

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 62; Uncle Tom’s

Toledo Blade, 72, 74–75, 78

Cabin, 62

Tolstoy, Leo, 126–27, 129, 343; Anna

Strang, F. A., 175–76

Karenina, 206; What to Do? 126, 129

Strindberg, August, 28, 328

Tom Watson’s Magazine, 180–81

Strong, Josiah, 113; The Twentieth Century,

Tocqueville, Alexis, 228


Toronto Evening Telegram, 388

Strong, Dr. Julia, 241

Traubel, Horace, 104, 240, 262

Success Magazine, 80, 83, 119–21, 126–27,

Trego, Myrtle. See Weimar, Myrtle

132, 138, 144, 168, 171–; 72, 221, 235,

Trotsky, Leon, 337, 375


Truth Magazine, 116, 120–21

Sullivan, John L., 60, 63, 174

Tuttle, “Cad,” 19

Sullivan, Red. See Bulger, Jimmie

Twain, Mark. See Clemens, Samuel L.

Sullivan, Whitey. See Bulger, Jimmie

Sumner, John, 259–60, 281

United Mine Workers, 360

Sutcliffe, Halliwell, 109; The Eleventh

University of Pennsylvania, 170

Commandment, 109

Untermeyer, Louis, 240

i n d e x

4 7 5

Valentino, Rudolph, 289

Whitlock, Brand, 48, 72

Vanity Fair, 328

Whitman, Charles S., 198

Van Buren, Martin, 359

Whitman, Thomas Jefferson, 282

Van Doren, Carl, 318

Whitman, Walt, 27, 32, 100, 102, 104, 108–

Van Doren, Mark, xii

9, 140, 154, 162, 169, 187, 236–37, 240,

Van Vechten, Carl, 262

257, 259, 261, 272, 292; “I Sing the

Veblen, Thorstein, 301; Theory of the

Body Electric,” 104–5, 295, 327, 373;

Leisure Class, The, 301

Leaves of Grass, 84, 119, 140, 159, 169,

von Sternberg, Joseph, 357

248, 259–60, 282; “Out of the Cradle

Endlessly Rocking,” 236; Spirit in A

Wadhams, William. See Yakey, Bill

Hoosier Holiday, 248; “To a Common

Walker, Sallie. See Winter, Anna

Prostitute,” 210

Wallace, Jules, 65

Whittier, John Greenleaf, 16–17, 257

Wallace, Lew, 62; Ben Hur, 62

Wilde, Oscar, 63, 212, 279, 378–79

Wandell, H. B., 64–65, 72–73

Wilder, George W., 187, 196

Wanger, Walter, 321

Wilder, Thornton, 242

Ward, Aaron Montgomery, 25

Willard, Frances E., 26

Ward, George W., 301

Williams, Arthur Phelps, 267, 350

Warner, Charles Dudley, 40; Gilded Age,

Williams, Estelle. See Kubitz, Estelle

The, 40

Willy, Day Allen, 37–38, 49, 259

Warren, Robert Penn, 92; Night Rider, 372

Wilson, Edmund, 355

Watkins, Ann, 198; model for “Emanuela”

Wilson, Harry Leon, 205

in A Gallery, 349

Wilson, Walter, 229; Forced Labor in the

Watson’s Magazine. See Tom Watson’s

United States, 229


Wilson, Woodrow, 188, 204, 228, 385

Wells, H. G., 262

Winter, Anna, 13–14

West, James E., 195

Wood, Dick, 57, 59, 69, 85, 100, 191, 366

Weimar, Myrtle, 20

Wood, Maude. See Henry, Maude Wood

Western Society for the Prevention of

Woodward, W. E., 286, 345

Vice, 259

Woolf, Virginia, 281

Wharton, Edith, 185, 296, 367; House of

Woolman, John, 392, 400

Mirth, The, 185, 203, 206; Reef, The,

Wright, Jr., Frank Lloyd, 278


Wright, Willard Huntington, 193

Whipple, T. K., 317

White, Archibald ( Jug’s father), 84, 168,

Yakey, Bill, 35–36

255, 349; compared to Walt Whit-

Yerkes, Jr., Charles Tyson, 25, 29, 68, 199,

man, 84, 282

208, 218, 221–22, 224–25, 227, 231,

White, Richard ( Jug’s brother), 125, 172,

232, 234, 237, 399


Young, Art, 276

White, Rose ( Jug’s sister), 67, 125, 154, 255,

Young, C. C., 355

323; early death from cancer, 390;

model for “Rella” in A Gallery, 349

Zahn, Lois, 52–53, 255, 278–79

White, Sally O. See Dreiser, Sara Osborne

Zola, Émile, 57, 325; Nana, 209

White (“Jug”)

Zukor, Adolph, 288

i n d e x

4 7 6

d r e i s e r ’ s w o r k s

“Aglaia.” See “This Madness”

“Culhane, The Solid Man,” 282

“Albertine.” See Gallery of Women, A

“Curious Shifts of the Poor,” 125, 128–30,

“Along the Wabash,” 96

149–50, 168, 224

Amateur Laborer, An, 172, 178–79, 238

America Is Worth Saving, 385–87

Dawn, 2, 4, 6, 8–10, 13–15, 18–19, 21, 23,

American Diaries, 170

26, 30, 32–35, 38, 40, 42, 44–46, 53,

“American Idealism and German Frightful-

95, 118, 201–2, 238, 242, 250, 254, 259,

ness,” 273

262–63, 272, 290, 313, 358, 364, 369

American Tragedy, An, xi–xii, 10, 31, 45,

“Day of Special Privileges, The,” 194

57, 59, 134, 147, 178–81, 206, 221, 254,

“De Maupassant, Jr.,” 186, 282

276, 281, 290, 292, 296–324, 327, 329,

“Democracy on the Offensive,” 388

331–32, 334–35, 339, 343, 348, 356, 364,

“Doer of the World, A,” 87, 281

380, 391, 400; argument for abortion,

“Down Hill and Up,” 172

22; “banning” in Boston, 335; original

Dreiser Looks at Russia, 341, 344, 376;

title, 293; film versions, 342, 357–58,

charges of plagiarism, 346–47

371, 383; stage version, 320, 336

“At the Sign of the Lead Pencil,” 194

“Electricity in the Household,” 133

“Elizabeth.” See “This Madness”

“Beautiful, The” (poem), 328

“Ellen Adams Wrynn.” See Gallery, A

“Beauty of the Tree, The,” 184

“Emanuela.” See Gallery, A

“Black Sheep” series for Esquire, 394–95

“Epic Sinclair, The,” 372

“Blue Sphere, The,” 242

“Ernestine.” See Gallery, A

“Bondage” (poem), 125

“Ernita.” See Gallery, A

Book About Myself, A. See Newspaper Days

“Essential Tragedy of Life, The,” 283

“Bridgett Mullanphy.” See Gallery, A

“Esther Norn.” See Gallery, A

“Bubble of Success, The,” 131

Bulwark, The, 219, 232, 243, 247, 287–88,

“Father, The,” 231

290–91, 294, 372, 382, 388, 390–95,

Financier, The (1912 edition), xii, 25, 163,


199, 202–3, 208–9, 216, 218, 220–

“Butcher Rogaum’s Door,” 131–32, 134–35,

21, 224–29, 231, 234, 237–38, 241,

159, 331

252, 301–2, 372, 399; revised edition

“Burned to Death,” 58

(1927), 226, 334–45

“Forgotten,” 98, 110–11

“Carrier Pigeons in War Time,” 124

“Free,” 278, 280

“Chains,” 179, 332

Free and Other Stories, 133, 135–36, 138, 177,

Chains and Other Stories, 179, 331–33, 348

238, 277–81, 307, 331, 348

“Cheyenne, Haunt of Misery and Crime,”

“Fruitage” (poem), 184–85


“Fulfillment,” 332

Color of a Great City, The, 179–80, 238,

242, 263, 306

Gallery of Women, A, 165, 169, 264, 291,

“Convention,” 309, 332

295, 313, 348, 365, 391; “Albertine,”

“Country Doctor, The,” 282

350; “Bridgett Mullanphy,” 350; “Ellen

“Court of Progress, The,” 272

Adams Wrynn,” 350; “Emanuela,”

“Cradle of Tears, The,” 180

349; “Ernestine,” 291, 349; “Ernita,”

“Cruise of the ‘Idlewild,’ The,” 280

340, 349; “Esther Norn,” 349, 368;

i n d e x

4 7 7

Gallery of Women, A (continued)

“In the Days of Discovery,” 194

“Giff,” 349; “Ida Hauchawout,” 350–

“Irish Section Foreman Who Taught Me

51; “Lucia,” 350; “Olive Brand,” 292,

How to Live, The,” 178

349; “Regina C _____,” 348–49;

“Is America Worth Saving?” See America

“Reina,” 349; “Rella,” 169, 349; “Rona

Is Worth Saving

Murtha,” 165–67, 349

“Genius,” The, 53, 108, 124, 176, 199, 202–

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