The Last Titan. A Life of Theodore Dreiser

“Japanese Home Life,” 133

4, 206, 216, 219–20, 231, 234, 236–

Jennie Gerhardt, xii, 5–6, 134, 163, 168, 199,

38, 244, 246, 252–59, 263–64, 269,

200–204, 206, 208, 211–12, 218–20,

271, 282; 350, 380, 395; Charges of

227, 229, 233, 237–38, 252, 254–55,

obscenity, 140, 259–61, 279, 281,

270, 274, 331, 364, 391; compared

294, 303, 316–17; earlier titles, 253;

with Sister Carrie, 169, 203–4; film

Mencken’s opinion of, 253–54; reissue

version, 371–72; Harper and Brothers’

of, 307, 311, 318–19

editing of, 204–5

“Giff.” See Gallery, A

Jeremiah I, 96

“Girl in the Co‹n, The,” 238, 241, 292

“Just What Happened When the Waters

“Gloom,” 350

of the Hudson Broke into the North

“Great Blossom, The,” (poem), 326

River Tunnel,” 179

“Hand, The,” 333

“Khat,” 333

Hand of the Potter, The, 207, 262–65,

269, 277, 281, 286, 292; 315, 368;

“Lady Bountiful, Jr.,” 288–89

Mencken’s dislike for, 262, 264–

“Laughing Gas,” 241

65; revised edition, 334

“Last Fly of Fly Time, The,” 82

“Haunts of Bayard Taylor, The,” 120

“Lesson from the Aquarium, A,” 224

“Haunts of Nathaniel Hawthorne, The,”

“Life, Art and America,” 271–73


“Light in the Window, The,” 243

“Heard in the Corridors,” 60–61

“Literary Apprenticeship, A,” 95, 203, 390

“Her Boy,” 314

“Little God, The” (poem), 325

“Hey Rub-a-Dub-Dub,” 274, 373

“Little Flowers of Love and Wonder, The”

Hey Rub-a-Dub-Dub, 241, 272, 283–84,

(poem), 327

304, 325, 348

Living Thoughts of Thoreau, The, 376,

“Hidden God, The” (poem), 326, 334


“Hollywood: Its Morals and Manners,”

“Loneliness of the City, The,” 181

289, 295

“Long, Long Trail, The,” 288

“Hollywood Now,” 295

“Lost Phoebe, The,” 231, 241

“Homes of Longfellow, The,” 120

“Love.” See “Chains”

“Hospital Violet Day,” 81, 110

“Love Affairs of Little Italy,” 180, 242

Hoosier Holiday, A, 18, 34–35, 71, 117, 145,

“Lucia.” See Gallery, A

238, 246, 248–49, 259, 265, 267, 274–

“Lying about Success,” 131

75, 281, 284, 322, 367; pro-German

sentiment, 247–48; road trip for,

“Madding Crowd, The,” (poem) 108


“Mark the Double Twain,” 374

“How He Climbed Fame’s Ladder,” 126

“Marriage for One,” 332

“Married,” 278–81, 284

“Ida Hauchawout.” See Gallery, A

“Materials of a Great Novel, The,” 223

“In the Dark,” 242

“Mathewson,” 366–67

i n d e x

4 7 8

“Mayor and His People, A,” 131–32, 138,

“Rake, The” (earliest draft of The “Genius” ),

169, 283

163, 168, 254

“McEwen of the Shining Slave Makers.”

Rake, The (unfinished novel about

See “Shining Slave Makers, The”

Molineaux case), 303

“‘Mercy’ of God, The,” 333–34

“Real Howells, The,” 129

“Mighty Burke, The,” 219, 242

“Regina C _____ .” See Gallery, A

“Mighty Rourke, The,” 282

“Reina.” See Gallery, A

“Mirage” (poem), 293

“Rella.” See Gallery, A

Moods: Cadenced and Declaimed, 293, 325–

“Revolt,” 372

27, 373; charge of plagiarism, 328–29,

“Road I Came, The” (poem), 327, 400


“Rona Murtha.” See Gallery, A

“Mr. President: Free the Scottsboro Boys,”

“Return of Genius, The,” 53


“Rivers of the Nameless Dead, The,” 181

“My Brother Paul,” 87, 97, 117–18, 182,

281–82, 327; film version, 383

“Sanctuary,” 333

My City, 347

“Second Choice, The,” 278–79

“Shadow, The,” 332

“Neurotic America and the Sex Impulse,”

“Shining Slave Makers, The,” 79, 131–33,



“New York’s Art Colony,” 119

“Sidonie.” See “This Madness”

Newspaper Days, 46, 52, 56–57, 59–60,

“Silent Worker, The,” 181

62–64, 80, 82, 87–88, 95, 254, 272,

Sister Carrie, xi–xii, 3, 10, 17, 21, 24, 42, 45,

278, 280–81, 285, 292, 294, 298, 306,

60, 62, 65, 77, 81–82, 86, 89, 92, 95,


97, 102, 108, 111, 119–22, 125–26, 128,

“Nigger Jeff,” 56, 132–33, 135–38, 242, 265,

130–31, 133–34, 138, 140–64, 168, 170,

280, 366, 369

174, 176, 181, 184, 188, 196, 204, 206,

“Night Song,” (poem), 124

221–22, 224, 227, 230–31, 233, 252–54,

Notes on Life, 17, 284, 373

261, 269, 274, 281, 290, 292, 303, 312,

316–18, 330, 348, 356–57, 364, 366,

“Of the Shining Slave Makers.” See

380, 384, 386, 396; British edition,

“Shining Slave Makers, The”

162; dedication to Arthur Henry, 145,

“Old Neighborhood, The,” 331

186; dramatization, 400; ending, 228;

“Old Ragpicker, The,” 243–44

film version, 383; H. L. Mencken’s

“Old Rogaum and His Theresa.” See

opinion of, 207; Hurstwood, first

“Butcher Rogaum’s Door”

idea for, 90, 143; manuscript given

“Olive Brand.” See Gallery, A

to Mencken, 295; plagiarism of

“Overcrowded Entryway, An,” 295

George Ade’s “Fable of Two Man-

dolin Players,” 161, 186, 329; reissue,

“Peter,” 281

185–87, 189, 208–9, 220, 237, 276,

“Phantom Gold,” 333

372; suppression of, 140, 153–59, 183,

Plays of the Natural and the Supernatural,

199–200, 208, 236, 275, 342

241, 246

“Sixteen Dead,” 59

“Poet’s Creed, The” (poem), 184

“Spring Recital, The,” 243

“Portrait of a Woman.” See “Ernestine”

“St. Columba and the River,” 179, 332

under Gallery of Women, A

Stoic, The, xii, 199, 206, 235, 364–65, 368,

“Prince Who Was a Thief, The,” 333

373–74, 380, 390, 392, 394–95, 397, 399

“Problem of Distribution, The,” 169

“Story of a Human Nine-Pin, The,” 180

i n d e x

4 7 9

“Story of Stories, The,” 280

“Transgressor, The.” See Jennie Gerhardt

“Supremacy of the Modern Business Man,

Traveler at Forty, A, 4, 86, 145, 209–12,

The,” 222

214, 229–31, 236–38, 254, 259, 267;

“Lilly: Girl of the Streets,” 210

“Ten-Foot Drop,” 136

“True Patriarch, A,” 84, 282

“This Calls for the Hemp,” 136

Twelve Men, 84, 168, 186, 190–92, 238,

“This Madness,” 347–48; “Aglaia,” 348;

254, 281–83, 286, 309, 348–49, 366

“Elizabeth,” 348; “Sidonie,” 347–48,

“Typhoon,” 331


“Tie your spirit to a sail” (poem), 378

“‘Vanity, Vanity,’ Saith the Preacher,”

Titan, The, xii, 25, 194, 199, 219, 221, 231,


234–39, 241, 243, 246, 252, 274, 302,

“Victim of Justice, A,” 136–37

399; cancellation by Harpers and

“Victor, The,” 333

Brothers, 236–37

“Village Feudists, The,” 282

“Tobacco.” See “Revolt”

“Tobacco and Men.” See “Revolt”

“Wages of Sin, The.” See “Typhoon”

“Toil of the Laborer, The,” 179

“Wayplace for the Fallen, A,” 173

“Toilers of the Tenements, The,” 242

“When the Old Century Was New,”

“Townsend,” 366

131–32, 134, 163

“Track Walker, The,” 181

“Winterton,” 366

Tragic America, 355–56, 365, 375, 378, 385,

“W.L.S.,” 281


“World and the Bubble, The,” 131

i n d e x

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