The Lost World by Michael Crichton

She whispered, “I can’t tell you how relieved I am.”

From the opposite side, the other rex bellowed and struck the trailer with it’s snout. The suspension creaked with the impact.

The two tyrannosaurs now began an alternating, rhythmic pounding of the trailer from either side. Malcolm and Harding were thrown back and forth. Sarah tried to steady herself, but was knocked away at the next impact. The floor tilted crazily under each blow. Lab equipment flew off the tables. Glass shattered.

And then, abruptly, the pounding stopped. There was silence.

Grunting, Malcolm got up on one knee. He peered out the window, and saw the hindquarters of one of the tyrannosaurs, as it moved forward.

“What do we do?” he whispered.

The radio crackled. Thorne said, “Ian, are you there? Ian!”

“For God’s sake, turn that off,” Sarah whispered.

Malcolm reached for his belt, whispered, “We’re okay,” and clicked the radio off.

Sarah was crawling on her hands and knees forward through the trailer, into the biology lab. He followed her, and saw the big tyrannosaur peering in through the window, at the baby, strapped down. The tyrannosaur made a soft grunting sound.

Then it paused, looking in the window. It grunted again.

“She wants her baby, Ian,” Sarah whispered.

“Well, God knows,” Malcolm said, “it’s all right with me.”

They were huddled on the floor, trying to stay out of sight.

“How are we going to get it to her?”

“I don’t know. Maybe push it out the door?”

“I don’t want them to step on it,” Sarah said.

“Who cares?” Malcolm said.

The tyrannosaur at the window made a series of soft grunts, followed by a long, menacing growl. It was the big female.

“Sarah – ”

But she was already standing up, facing the tyrannosaur. She immediately began to speak, her voice soft, soothing. “It’s okay….It’s all right now….The baby is fine….I’m just going to loosen these straps here….You can watch me….”

The head outside the window was so huge it filled the entire glass frame. Sarah saw the powerful muscles of the neck ripple beneath the skin. The jaws moved slightly. Her hands trembled as she undid the straps.

“That’s right….Your baby is fine….See, it’s just fine….”

Crouched below at her feet, Malcolm whispered, “What are you doing?”

She did not change her soft, soothing tone. “I know it sounds crazy….But it works with lions…sometimes….There we are….Your baby is free….”

Sarah unwrapped the blanket, and took away the oxygen mask, all the while speaking calmly. “Now…all I have to do…” She lifted the baby up in her hands. “…is get it to you….”

Suddenly, the female’s head swung back, and smashed side-on into the glass, which shattered into a white spiderweb with a harsh crack. Sarah couldn’t see through it, but she saw a shadow move and then the second impact broke the glass free. Sarah dropped the baby on the tray and jumped back as the head crashed through, and pushed several feet into the trailer. Streams of blood ran down the adult’s snout, from the shards of glass. But after the initial violence it stopped, and became delicate in its movements. It sniffed the baby, starting at the head, moving slowly down the body. It sniffed the cast, too, and licked it briefly with its tongue. Finally, it rested its lower jaw lightly on the baby’s chest. It stayed that way for a long time, not moving. Only the eyes blinked slowly, staring at Sarah.

Malcolm, lying on the floor, saw blood dripping over the edge of the counter. He started to get up, but she pushed his head back down with her hand. She whispered, “Ssssh.”

“What’s happening?”

“It’s feeling the heartbeat.”

The tyrannosaur grunted, opened its mouth, and gently gripped the infant between its jaws. Then it moved slowly back, out through the broken glass, carrying the baby outside.

It set the baby on the ground, below their vision. It bent over, the head disappearing from view.

Malcolm whispered, “Did it wake up? Is the baby awake?”


There was a repetitive slurping sound, coming from outside the trailer. It was interspersed with soft, guttural growls. Malcolm saw Sarah leaning forward, trying to see out the window. He whispered, “What’s happening?”

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Categories: Crichton, Michael