The Lost World by Michael Crichton

“I wonder what they were doing?” she said. Still eating, she got up off the couch and went to look out the window. “Sure is a big place. Huh,” she said. “That’s weird.”

“What is?”

“Look out here. That building is all overgrown, like nobody’s been there for years and years. And this field is all grown up, too. The grass is pretty high.”


“But right down here,” she said, pointing near the trailer, “there’s a clear path.”

Chewing, Arby came over and looked. She was right. Just a few yards from their trailer, the grass had been trampled down, and was yellowed. In many places, bare earth showed through. It was a narrow but distinct trail, coming in from the left, going off to the right, across the open clearing.

“So,” Kelly said. “If nobody’s been here for years, what made the trail?”

“Has to be animals,” he said. It was all he could think of “Must be a game trail.”

” Like what animals?”

“I don’t know. Whatever’s here. Deer or something.”

‘I haven’t seen any deer.”

He shrugged. “Maybe goats. You know, wild goats, like they have in Hawaii.”

“The trail’s too wide for deer or goats.”

“Maybe there’s a whole herd of wild goats.”

“Too wide,” Kelly said. She shrugged, and turned away from the window. She went back to the refrigerator. “I wonder if there’s anything for dessert.”

Mention of dessert gave him a sudden thought. He went to the com partment above the bed, climbed up, and poked around.

“What’re you doing?” she said.

“Checking my pack.”

“For what?”

“I think I forgot my toothbrush.


“I won’t be able to brush my teeth.”

“Arb,” she said. “Who cares?”

“But I always brush my teeth….”

“Be daring,” Kelly said. “Live a little.”

Arby sighed. “Maybe Dr. Thorne brought an extra one.” He came back and sat down on the couch beside Kelly. She folded her arms across her chest and shook her head.

“No dessert?”

“Nothing. Not even frozen yogurt. Adults. They never plan right.”

“Yeah. That’s true.”

Arby yawned, It was warm in the trailer. He felt sleepy. Lying huddled in that compartment for the last twelve hours, shivering and cramped, he hadn’t slept at all. Now he was suddenly tired.

He looked at Kelly, and she yawned, too. “Want to go outside? Wake us up?”

“We should probably wait here,” he said.

“If I do, I’m afraid I’ll go to sleep,” Kelly said.

Arby shrugged. Sleep was overtaking him fast. He went back to the living compartment, and crawled onto the mattress beside the window. Kelly followed him back.

“I’m not going to sleep,” she said.

“Fine, Kel.” His eyes were heavy. He realized he couldn’t keep them open.

“But” – she yawned again – “maybe I’ll just lie down for a minute.”

He saw her stretch out on the bed opposite him, and then his eyes closed, and he was immediately asleep. He dreamed he was back in the airplane, feeling the gentle rocking motion, hearing the deep rumble of the engines. He slept lightly, and at one moment woke up, convinced that the trailer actually was rocking, and that there really was a low rumbling sound, coming from right outside the window. But almost immediately he was asleep again, and now he dreamed of dinosaurs, Kelly’s dinosaurs, and in his light sleep there were two animals, so huge that he could not see their heads through the window, only their thick scaly legs as they thumped on the ground and walked past the trailer. But in his dream the second animal paused, and bent over, and the big head peered in curiously through the window, and Arby realized that he was seeing the giant head of a Tyrannosaurus rex, the great jaws working, the white teeth glinting in the sunlight, and in his dream he watched it all calmly, and slept on.


Two large swinging glass doors at the front of the main building led into a darkened lobby beyond. The glass was scratched and dirty, the chrome door-handles pitted with corrosion. But it was clear that the dust, debris, and dead leaves in front of the doorway had been disturbed in twin arcs.

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Categories: Crichton, Michael