The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg by Mark Twain


“That ‘one thing,’ indeed! As if that ‘one thing’ wasn’t enough,

all by itself.”

“Plenty. Plenty. Only he wasn’t guilty of it.”

“How you talk! Not guilty of it! Everybody knows he WAS guilty.”

“Mary, I give you my word–he was innocent.”

“I can’t believe it and I don’t. How do you know?”

“It is a confession. I am ashamed, but I will make it. I was the

only man who knew he was innocent. I could have saved him, and–

and–well, you know how the town was wrought up–I hadn’t the pluck

to do it. It would have turned everybody against me. I felt mean,

ever so mean; ut I didn’t dare; I hadn’t the manliness to face


Mary looked troubled, and for a while was silent. Then she said


“I–I don’t think it would have done for you to–to–One mustn’t–

er–public opinion–one has to be so careful –so–” It was a

difficult road, and she got mired; but after a little she got

started again. “It was a great pity, but– Why, we couldn’t afford

it, Edward–we couldn’t indeed. Oh, I wouldn’t have had you do it

for anything!”

“It would have lost us the good-will of so many people, Mary; and

then–and then–”

“What troubles me now is, what HE thinks of us, Edward.”

“He? HE doesn’t suspect that I could have saved him.”

“Oh,” exclaimed the wife, in a tone of relief, “I am glad of that.

As long as he doesn’t know that you could have saved him, he–he–

well that makes it a great deal better. Why, I might have known he

didn’t know, because he is always trying to be friendly with us, as

little encouragement as we give him. More than once people have

twitted me with it. There’s the Wilsons, and the Wilcoxes, and the

Harknesses, they take a mean pleasure in saying ‘YOUR FRIEND

Burgess,’ because they know it pesters me. I wish he wouldn’t

persist in liking us so; I can’t think why he keeps it up.”

“I can explain it. It’s another confession. When the thing was new

and hot, and the town made a plan to ride him on a rail, my

conscience hurt me so that I couldn’t stand it, and I went privately

and gave him notice, and he got out of the town and stayed out till

it was safe to come back.”

“Edward! If the town had found it out–”

“DON’T! It scares me yet, to think of it. I repented of it the

minute it was done; and I was even afraid to tell you lest your face

might betray it to somebody. I didn’t sleep any that night, for

worrying. But after a few days I saw that no one was going to

suspect me, and after that I got to feeling glad I did it. And I

feel glad yet, Mary–glad through and through.”

“So do I, now, for it would have been a dreadful way to treat him.

Yes, I’m glad; for really you did owe him that, you know. But,

Edward, suppose it should come out yet, some day!”

“It won’t.”


“Because everybody thinks it was Goodson.”

“Of course they would!”

“Certainly. And of course HE didn’t care. They persuaded poor old

Sawlsberry to go and charge it on him, and he went blustering over

there and did it. Goodson looked him over, like as if he was

hunting for a place on him that he could despise the most; then he

says, ‘So you are the Committee of Inquiry, are you?’ Sawlsberry

said that was about what he was. ‘H’m. Do they require

particulars, or do you reckon a kind of a GENERAL answer will do?’

‘If they require particulars, I will come back, Mr. Goodson; I will

take the general answer first.’ ‘Very well, then, tell them to go

to hell–I reckon that’s general enough. And I’ll give you some

advice, Sawlsberry; when you come back for the particulars, fetch a

basket to carry what is left of yourself home in.'”

“Just like Goodson; it’s got all the marks. He had only one vanity;

he thought he could give advice better than any other person.”

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