The Master Harper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Part seven

“No.” Melongel’s tone was sharp. “Farevene’s dead. In a duel.” “With Fax? Then where’s BargenT

Melongel shrugged. “The runner heard nothing about him, and Lady Evelene is evidently grieving in her apartments. I hope that much is true.”

“Then will there be a Council to confirm the new Lord Holder?” “A Council is convened at the request of the heir. The heir has not been heard from,” Melongel said, his face mirroring anger and doubt.

“Then Fax is in control.” Robinton stated that as a fact. An anger and a fear took a corner off his sorrow. He got to his feet to pace.

“That man’s dangerous, Melongel. And he’s not going to be satisfied with just High Reaches.”

“Oh, come now, Rob,” Melongel said. “He has the Hold he coveted, yes. But that’s large enough to satisfy anyone’s ambitions.”

“Not Fax’s. And where are Lobira and Mallan? And BargenT

“Yes.” Minnarden’s voice was anxious. “I worry about them.” “We should,” Robinton said, still pacing, and smoothing the hair back from his face. He needed to have it trimmed again … Kasia had done it the last time … Quickly he seized on Fax’s aggression as distraction. “First he takes over the Holding from an uncle. He refuses to allow harpers to teach what every holder has the right to know. Then he “acquires” other holds, duelling the legitimate holders to death and ousting their families from their homes. You can’t let him continue unopposed, Melongel.”

“Lord Holders are autonomous within their property,” Melongel said wearily, as if trying to convince himself.

“Not if they have taken illegal possession.”

“That’s not specified,” Melongel said.

“It will seem,” Minnarden began carefully, “as if silence confirms him in the position of Lord Holder of High Reaches.”

“I know. I know. And you’ve sent my messages to the other Lord Holders,” Melongel said testily. “You know their response.”

“They’ll let Fax get away with this?” Robinton was indignant.

Couldn’t they realize that they were taking an awful risk? “I’d guard my borders, brother.”

Melongel shot him a hard look, then relaxed and gave a little smile. “I have. So far all they’ve done is succour those fleeing Fax’s new management. He’s a hard man.”

“And will the Lord Holders act?” Robinton demanded.

Melongel twisted his head slightly to indicate uncertainty, lifting his hands in helplessness. “I cannot act on my own.”

Robinton sighed, knowing that that would be foolish. “Lord Grogellan would support you – especially since Groghe can endorse your word.”

“Grogellan would, but I doubt I could get much support from old Lord Ashmichel at Ruatha Hold. His son, Kale, though …” Melongel thoughtfully fingered his chin. “Telgar’s another matter, but his Hold borders High Reaches.”

“Lord Tarathel’s protective, and his foresters are very well trained,” Minnarden ventured.

“Lord Raid is too far away to feel anxiety,” said Robinton with a touch of asperity.

“I know that Master Gennell wants to know about Lobira and Mallan,” Minnarden said, exchanging another glance with

Melongel. “If he isn’t satisfied with the answers, he’ll withdraw all harpers from the Hold.”

Robinton snorted, still pacing. “That would suit Fax perfectly.

No one to tell anyone in his Hold what their rights are.” Then he paused. “I know High Reaches Hold well: how to get in and how to get out.”

“Yes, and Fax knows your face,” Minnarden said.

“He can’t be everywhere,” Robinton replied.

“You are far too valuable to be sent on that sort of a task,” said Minnarden, his face set in denial.

“I’ve nothing to lose …” Robinton began.

“I have … brother,” said Melongel.

“You’ve all to lose if you cross Fax,” Minnarden said at the same time. “Master Gennell has men who are versed in quiet investigations.

He has arranged all.” His expression said clearly that that was that.

After Robinton left that meeting, he realized how he had shut himself away from what was happening around him. He fretted about Master Lobira, Lotricia and Mallan. And, considering what the fleeing women had told Chochol, he worried about pretty Sitta, Triana and Marcine. He was still worrying about their fates when he sought his bed, and it was a long time before he could get his mind to stop and let him sleep.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne