The Master Harper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

Grogellan raised his eyebrows in surprise and turned to Gennell.

“Is that true?”

“Yes, I fear it is.”

“But surely someone as thorough as Faroguy would have insisted.”

“Faroguy is old, tired and sick,” Robinton went on, “and remarks that the Charter allows autonomy within a hold.”

“Which begs the question of whether the hold in question allows the Charter in,” Master Ginia said, catching the point. At Robinton’s nod, she went on, “Frankly, I don’t like such an attitude.

Intolerant and high-handed.”

“An educated cotholder is far more useful and productive,” Grogellan said.

“From what I understood, Fax’s cotholders had better produce as much as he expects them to,” Robinton said, “and no excuses allowed.”

“I shall give the problem considerable thought,” said Gennell.

“As will I,” Lord Grogellan said. He glanced over at the door and rose. “I see our rider has come. Will you be back at the Hall soon, Robinton?”

“I’m contracted here, Lord Grogellan, but it’s nice of you to enquire.”

“Keep me informed, Rob,” Gennell said, not needing to make specific what information he wanted.

Master Ginia, however, startled the journeyman by standing on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his cheek. “I promised your mother I would,” she said, and then left him gawping after her.

As he felt his cheeks reddening, he could only hope that no one else had seen her salutation. That wasn’t his mother’s style, but he smiled as Ginia disappeared down the hall.

Raid took hold with no faltering and no hesitation. He called all his Craftsmen to a meeting the next day and asked if there was any business that he needed to go over with any of them. Then he announced that his sister, Maizella, would exchange her espousal promises after the usual period of mourning, and that Lady Hayara would remain in the Hold until he could find a spouse of his own.

He naturally would arrange suitable employment for his numerous half-brothers and half-sisters.

If the speech was stuffy and stilted, there was no question that Raid would not honour his commitments. But Robinton quietly seethed at the awkward way the young man went about it. There were so many ways in which a bitter pill could be sweetened, but Raid seemed to know none of them, with all his blunt speaking and total disregard for the feelings of others. Only Maizella could rebuke him. Lady Hayara merely regarded him with filling eyes and numbly accepted his orders. Fortunately, she was a capable woman and the ordering of the Hold had long been hers, so there was no friction on that score. Even Raid knew her value to him. He didn’t even begin looking about for an appropriate girl until his father had been gone three full months.

But something had noticeably gone out of the Hold which Maidir had managed so capably and … circumspectly. Holders with problems did not discuss them with Lord Raid: he told them what they had to do and that was that. Robinton did what he could to soften the Lord Holder’s unequivocal statements, obliquely suggesting that Raid was still numbed by his father’s tragic demise; and that, while he was well trained and competent, he still lacked the touch which only experience would give him.

One day, after Robinton had been nearly two turns at Benden Hold, Raid called him to his office.

“I hear a few things about you, Journeyman, that I do not like,” he said, coming to the point immediately. “I am Lord Holder, and what I say is how things will be. I do not need you soothing down disgruntled holders or denigrating my efforts behind my back. You may leave.”

“Leave?” Robinton felt as numb as he had suggested Raid was.

“Leave. I hereby release you from your contract.” Raid tossed a pouch of marks across the table to Robinton. “I shall request a replacement from the MasterHarper. Without prejudice, of course,

since you have discharged your duties with efficiency and energy.” “Efficiency’ and “energy’ were two of Raid’s favourite words.

“But I …”

“You may drum that bronze rider friend of yours to convey you back. Give this’ – he fielded a little roll of hide to join the pouch to Master Gennell. You do not suit me as the Hold harper.” Then he rose to his feet, to indicate the meeting was over.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne