The Master Harper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

When the mating flight did occur, Robinton tactfully did not ask for any details the next time F’lon appeared at Benden Hold. F’lon made only one reference to the event.

“S’loner had no great joy in the day. We all hope Chendith had more.” He spoke in such a neutral tone that Robinton couldn’t tell if F’lon had got over his disappointment; but the bronze rider had an infinite capacity to ignore what he wished.

F’lon was shortly able to report that Nemorth was showing unmistakable signs that she was in egg. He even appeared happy to be able to make such an announcement.

“All in all, considering the way Jora carries on, I’m just as glad that I don’t have to put up with her nonsense and carryings-on.

S’loner’s welcome to them.” He grinned maliciously.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne