The Master Harper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

Karenchok journeyman harper South Boll

Kasia Juvana’s sister Tillek Hold

Kepiru Fax’s lad Telgar Gather

Klada shy holder Tillek Hold

Kubisa primary teacher Harper Hall

Kulla hospitable woman Nerat border

Laela woman South Boll Hold

Landon 2nd son Halibran Ista Hold

Larad son Tarathel Telgar Hold

Lama Carola’s daughter Benden Weyr

Lear dorm-mate Harper Hall

Lessa Kale’s daughter, Weyrwoman Ruatha Hold

Lesseldon Lord Holder Crom

Lexey slow child Harper Hall

Libby Kubisa’s daughter Harper Hall

Lissala seawoman Wave Rider

Lobirn MasterHarper High Reaches Hold

Londik treble apprentice Harper Hall

Lorra headwoman Harper Hall

Lotricia Lobirn’s spouse High Reaches Hold

Lytonal (L’tol)

– Larth ex-harper, brown rider Benden Weyr

M’odon – Nigarth oldest rider Benden Weyr

M’ridin – Cortath bronze rider Benden Weyr

Macester guard Telgar Hold

Maidir Lord Holder Benden Hold

Maizella daughter Maidir Benden Hold

Mallan journeyman harper High Reaches Hold

Manora mother Famanoran Benden Weyr

Marcine dancer High Reaches Hold

Marlifin MasterCarver Tillek Hold

Matsen SeaHolder South Boll Hold

Maxilant harper Ista Hold

Melongel Lord Holder Tillek Hold

Merdine (dec.) Kasia’s ex-espoused Greystones Hold

Merelan MasterSinger Harper Hall

Meren Station Master Runner Station

Miata teacher Benden Weyr

Milla kitchener Benden Weyr

Minnarden MasterHarper Tillek Hold

Monegal MasterVintner Tillek Hold

Motif weyr lad Benden Weyr

Motjell journeyman harper Fort Hold

Mosse boy Nerat border

Mumolen journeyman harper Tillek Hold

Murphytwen holder High Reaches Hold

Murphytwenone his son High Reaches Hold

Naprila child Benden Hold

Naylor holder Piefie Hold

Neilla student Harper Hall

Nip (aka Kinsale) harper-spy Harper Hall

Ogolly MasterArchivist Harper Hall

Oldive MasterHealer Harper Hall

Oterel son Melongel, becomes

Lord Holder Tillek Hold

Patty uncle Pierie Hold

Pessia spouse Valrol Tillek Hold

Petiron MasterComposer Harper Hall

Pragel weyr lad Benden Weyr

Raid 1st son Maidir Benden Hold

Rangul (R’gul) bronze rider Benden Weyr

Rantou forester South Boll

Rasa child Benden Hold

Relna Lady Holder Crom

Ricardy Master Fort Hold

Robinton MasterHarper Harper Hall

Rochers woodsie

Rulyar (R’yar)

– Garanath brown rider ex-Harper Hall

S’bran – Kilminth bronze rider Benden Weyr

S’loner – Chendith Weydeader Benden Weyr

S’tellan – Vickith brown rider Benden Weyr

Saday holder woodcarver Tillek Hold

Saltor head guard Harper Hall

Sangel Lord Holder South Boll

Saretta healer South Boll Hold

Sebell grandson Rantou South Boll

Segoina Merelan’s aunt South Boll Hold

Sellel (S’lel) bronze rider Benden Weyr

Sev Ritecamp MasterTrader Runner Station

Shelline dorm-mate Harper Hall

Sheve boy Nerat border

Shonagar journeyman harper ex-Keroon

Sifer Lord Holder Bitra Hold

Silvina Lorra’s daughter Harper Hall

Sirde healer Harper Hall

Sitta pert girl High Reaches Hold

Sontie boy Nerat border

Stolla headwoman Benden Weyr Struan (Fort Harper) dorm-mate Harper Hall

Sucho Fort holder Fort Hold

Tarathel Lord Holder Tillek Hold

Targus unfriendly holder Nerat border

Tesner Lord Holder Igen Hold

Tinamon Hold Healer Benden Weyr

Torlin holder Tillek Hold

Tortole Tillek forester Tillek Hold

Trailer student Harper Hall

T’rell Weyrlingmaster Benden Weyr

Triana dancer High Reaches Hold

Valden forest holder Tillek Hold

Valrol holder Tillek Hold

Vendross guard captain Telgar Hold

Vesna Gostol’s daughter Northern MaM

Warder (no name) steward Ruatha Hold

Washell Apprentice Master Harper Hall

Winalia Lady Holder Fort Hold

Wonegal MasterVintner Benden Hold

Yorag healer Benden Hold


“One thing sure,” Betrice said wryly as she wrapped the squalling, wriggling baby tightly into the fine cotton sheet his mother had woven for just this moment, “he’s got your lungs, Petiron. Here! I’ve got to make Merelan more comfortable now.” The howling baby, his face brick red with his exertions, tiny fists clenched, was deposited into his alarmed father’s arms. Jiggling the babe as he had seen other fathers do, Petiron carried him to the window to get a good look at his first-born. He didn’t see the looks passing between the midwife and her assistant, nor did he see the younger woman leave quietly to summon a healer. Merelan’s bleeding was not tapering off. The midwife suspected that something had been torn: the baby had been breech, and was large-headed as well. She packed ice in towels around Merelan’s slim hips. It had been a long labour. Merelan lay limp in the bed, exhausted, her face white and lined. She seemed bloodless, and that worried Betrice more. There was such a risk in a transfusion: despite the similarity in colour, blood differed from person to person. Once, long ago, healers had known how to tell the difference and match the blood. Or so she’d heard. Betrice had suspected that Merelan would have trouble delivering, for she could feel the size of the child in the womb, and so she had asked the Healer Hall to stand by. There was a solution of

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne