The Master Harper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

“You’d better do it soon, then,” Merelan said. “She’ll never forgive you for not doing it sooner … unless, of course, you’ve just finished the piece.”

“No, I wrote it this summer.”

“Oh!” she exclaimed in explosive dismay. “If you were so worried about it, why didn’t you send it to me? I’d have reassured you.”

Why he hadn’t sent it was no mystery to either of them, but he felt relieved and more confident than ever, having her positive opinion. And he knew that she would never have been so enthusiastic if she didn’t truly find it good. That courtesy had nothing to do with him being her son. “Is there a copy of it, Rob? Master Gennell will want to use it for other espousals. It’s so … so lyric. So romantic. Oh, Robinton, you are such a comfort to me.” Abruptly she changed moods. “I’m exhausted after that, love. Will you escort me to my room? I don’t think I could find my way back down.”

When he had returned from escorting his mother, he prepared for bed himself, since it was late and tomorrow would be an exceedingly eventful day. He smiled, and then broke into a chuckle as he shucked off his clothes and settled into the wide bed that he and Kasia would be sharing. It was far too warm to require night-wear, and besides, he seldom bothered and now probably never would, it being so comforting to snuggle Kasia into his arms and have her skin next to his all night long. He exhaled deeply, and then realized that he was far too excited to sleep yet.

So he threw off the light fur and found a long-tailed shirt. His new clothes for the espousal – well, Gather Day, if he wasn’t being self-centred – were hanging on the closet door. He ran a hand down the fine, brocaded fabric which Clostan had talked him into having made up. It really was a fine set, and he could see why cut and fit were so important.

“Do harpers really like wearing bags?” Clostan had sarcastically demanded when Robinton would have settled for the first outfit long enough to fit his torso and legs at Tillek’s WeaverHall. The MasterHealer was as tall as Robinton, dark-haired and handsome, with fine, long hands which were clever in sewing up wounds and gently strong in setting broken bones. He had been at Tillek for the past seven turns, ever since he attained his Mastery, for the Hold required an experienced healer and Clostan had worked hard to adapt treatment to the needs of a fishing community. “By the Egg, man, you do yourself no favours. You’ve broad shoulders …” Clostan flicked fingers at them. “You’ve a trim waist’ – he couldn’t pinch much there – “and long shanks … Show them off.” Clostan’s trousers tended to cling to his strong, muscular legs, just missing a tension that might be considered lewd. “Especially during your espousal … show all the girls what a fine one they missed out on.

And allow Kasia to be proud of you.”

“Because I show off?.” Robinton had demanded, almost indignant.

“I can’t im was far too excited to sleep yet.

So he threw off the light fur and found a long-tailed shirt. His new clothes for the espousal – well, Gather Day, if he wasn’t being self-centred – were hanging on the closet door. He ran a hand down the fine, brocaded fabric which Clostan had talked him into having made up. It really was a fine set, and he could see why cut and fit were so important.

“Do harpers really like wearing bags?” Clostan had sarcastically demanded when Robinton would have settled for the first outfit long enough to fit his torso and legs at Tillek’s WeaverHall. The MasterHealer was as tall as Robinton, dark-haired and handsome, with fine, long hands which were clever in sewing up wounds and gently strong in setting broken bones. He had been at Tillek for the past seven turns, ever since he attained his Mastery, for the Hold required an experienced healer and Clostan had worked hard to adapt treatment to the needs of a fishing community. “By the Egg, man, you do yourself no favours. You’ve broad shoulders …” Clostan flicked fingers at them. “You’ve a trim waist’ – he couldn’t pinch much there – “and long shanks … Show them off.” Clostan’s trousers tended to cling to his strong, muscular legs, just missing a tension that might be considered lewd. “Especially during your espousal … show all the girls what a fine one they missed out on.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne