The Master Harper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

“I spoke to Ginia, and she believes that a full summer off will restore my mother’s health.” Even as Rob spoke, he caught Lorra

and F’lon exchanging glances. “Now, look, if there’s something I should know, tell me. She’s my mother! I have a right to know.”

Lorra turned to him, making a sudden decision. “Ginia doesn’t know, so what can she tell you? But she’s hoping the rest will help.

Merelan has never been very strong …”

“You mean, after giving birth to a big lug like me?” Robinton demanded. He had overheard his father complaining that having a child had seriously damaged her.

“You weren’t that big at birth, for all of you now,” Lorra said in her droll fashion, “so don’t cover yourself with midden dung in guilty reparation. You have never been at fault.” She cleared her throat, realizing that her emphasis implied that she knew who was.

“Merelan’s always lived on nerve. It’s the energy she uses to sing and perform at the level she does that drains her so. But there comes a time in a woman’s life when she isn’t as resilient as she was in her twenties.”

“Mother would die if she couldn’t sing …”

“It’s unlikely to come to that,” Lorra said sharply. “But she certainly will have to cut back on these exhausting performances.

It isn’t as if Maizella’s not capable; or he can write for Halanna, who’d be only too happy to take on Merelan’s First Singer duties.” Her eyes flashed, and Robinton couldn’t resist chuckling at her comment about Halanna. “Your father needs a scare like this,” she went on. “He takes Merelan too much for granted.”

“She’s really the only one capable of singing some of his scores,” Robinton said, oddly on the defensive.

“Well, he can just write simpler. Anyway, your songs are the ones anyone can sing and enjoy, Rob.” When he started to demur, she flicked her fingers at him. “Oh, I know, I know, but it’s the truth, isn’t it, dragonrider?”

F’lon grinned, nodding vehemently. Then he rose, brushing pastry flakes from his lips and off his undershirt.

“Any time you want to visit her, give me a roll,” he said, beginning to close the fastening on his jacket. “I’ve got to hunt Simanith on the way back.”

When Merelan returned to the Harper Hall in the autumn, she was sun-browned and appeared much restored. Petiron continued to be solicitous and, as Robinton heard Master Bosler remark to a journeyman, he seemed to have mellowed. Well he might have mellowed towards others, Robinton realized later, but never towards him. In fact, if anything, Petiron ignored his son more thoroughly than even There were not even any of the usual pithy complaints levelled at the baritone section. But then, because Robinton was more or less the leader of that section, Petiron had no real cause for complaint. Everyone did better than their best at all times, as a sort of aid to keep him from his father’s shafts of criticism. Petiron did smile more frequently, if mainly at the sopranos and altos, and he did praise the trebles more often.

Merelan still coached his soloists, but she was given fewer voices to train.

Master Gennell called Robinton in one morning two seven-days after his parents’ return. Sensitive to appearances now, Robinton thought the MasterHarper looked tired, as well as older.

“You’ve turned fifteen now, haven’t you, Rob?” Gennell began.

Robinton nodded. “So how are we going to keep you busy this term?”

The question shook Robinton and he shifted nervously in the chair “I’m not sure what you mean, sir’ He paused, cleared his throat, and then blurted out, “Theory and composition are usually third term …”

“Ah, my lad, you’ve mastered those long since. I saw the orchestral piece you did for Washell, and none of us can fault it.” Gennell smiled reassuringly. Then his expression altered. “But I cannot assign you to your father’s class. And I must find suitable studies for you.”

Robinton closed his eyes in relief at the knowledge that he would not have to endure a class with his father.

“I’ll be plain, Rob, I’ve never understood your father’s antipathy towards you, yet there’s never been a word of complaint from you.” “He’s my father, Master Gennell …”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne