The Master Harper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

“We tap into the Weyr’s heat source here at the Hold,” Lady Hayara said, “which is such a blessing. So many holds have to heat bathing water. I do hope you’ll be comfortable, Merelan,” she added as she led the way to the larger bedroom. “I think there’s enough room for a small bed in here, if you’d rather your son sleeps—”

“Goodness me,” Merelan said with a laugh, “Robinton’s much too big a lad not to have his own room.”

Robinton wanted to put his tongue out at Maizella for the haughty expression on her face, but he knew his mother wouldn’t like him to. She reminded him of Halanna, and he really didn’t need to deal with another Halanna disliking him.

“Well, we’ll let you get settled in then. Come on, children, you can make friends at supper-time,” said Lady Hayara, resettling the child she carried in her arms as she gestured for the others to clear out. “Ah, I see there’s a tray for you since I know you’ve missed your usual lunch-time coming here. We’ll be eating in another two hours, you know, what with the time difference coming east and all.”

Merelan smiled her gratitude and escorted her hostess to the door, the rest of the children following. When they were gone, she turned to Robie.

“Well!” she said with a big sigh, and then she smiled – a sad sort of smile – at her son. “Let me see your room, love.”

“It’s a lot like mine at the Hall, Mother…” And Robinton trailed off, the sadness in her smile suggesting he’d better not ask why they had left so abruptly and with no warning.

Though he did not follow her, his mother did look into his room in a perfunctory fashion.

“Did you and Falloner make friends on your way up?” she asked,

wandering about the living room and touching this and that.

“He’s weyrbred,” Robinton replied, still somewhat awed.

“Yes, he is. And I hope he’s as eager to learn as the others. That’s why I’m here.” And then she sat down in a chair and burst into tears.

Robinton rushed to her side, patting her arm and stroking her hair. His mother rarely cried. She hugged him to her, her tears soaking his shirt, but he knew only to hold on to her and repeat that they’d be fine, they were together, and Benden Hold seemed nice and the Lord Holders were so friendly and wanted them here.

“Yes, they do want us here, don’t they?” she said finally, giving herself a little shake and sitting up straight. “I’m sorry to have sprung this on you so abruptly, Robie, but Lord Maidir’s been after me to come and teach music to these very promising youngsters.

Suddenly, I thought it might be a good idea for both of us to take a break from the Hall. Master Gennell thought so too, and urged me to take the posting. And there was the dragon …”

“Spakinth is his name,” Robinton said when she paused.

She smiled through the last of her tears. “How do you know that?”

“He told me.” “C’rob told you?” “No, Spakinth.”

She tilted her head to one side. “You can hear dragons?” “Well, when they want me to, I do.”

“Oh, Robie.” She embraced him tightly. “Not many do. It might even mean you’d Impress, and that would solve everything.” She spoke the last over his shoulder as if more to herself than to him.

“But I could still be a harper, couldn’t I?” He hadn’t had a definitive answer to that question from the dragons. Maybe his mother would know.

“I think that depends on many things,” she said, drying her eyes, and suddenly she seemed more like herself. “Like if there’s a clutch when you’re the right age. Dragons don’t have as many eggs during an Interval, you see, and you’re only Impressionable until you’re twenty, and the weyrbred have preference. At least you’ll get to understand more about the Weyrs, and that’s all to the good.”

Again her remark was not meant for him, but he didn’t mind because he’d like to know more about the Weyrs. The abandoned Fort Weyr was forbidden by order of Lord Grogellan. That might have been one reason why every boy had to go up there alone for a night when he turned twelve, or he’d be considered cowardly.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne