The number of the beast by Fritz Leiber


Fritz Leiber

“I wish,” said the Young Captain, police chief of High

Chicago, the turbulent satellite that hangs over the merid-

ian of the mid-western groundside city, “I wish that some-

times the telepathic races of the Galaxy weren’t such

consistent truth-tellers and silence-keepers.”

“Your four suspects are all telepaths?” the- Old Lieu-

tenant asked.

“Yes. I also wish I had more than half an how to

decide which one to accuse; But Earth-side has muscled

into the case and the pressure is on. If I can’t reason it

out, I must make a guess. A bare half-hour they give


“Then perhaps you shouldn’t waste it with a pensioned-

off old louey.”

The Young Captain shook his head decisively. “No. You

think. You have time to now.”

The Old Lieutenant smiled. “Sometimes I wish I hadn’t.

And I doubt if I can give you any special angles on tele-

paths, Jim. It’s true I’ve lately been whiling away the

time on informal study of alien thought systems with

Khla-Khla the Martian, but—”

“I didn’t come to you looking for a specialist on tele-

pathy,” the Young Captain asserted sharply.

“Very well then, Jim. You know what you’re doings

Let’s hear your case. And give me background. I don’t

keep up with the news.’

The Young Captain looked skeptical. “Everyone in High

Chicago has heard about the murder—not two furlongs

from here—of the representative of the Arcturian peace


“I haven’t,” the Old Lieutenant said. “Who are the

Arcturians? I tell you, for an oldster like me, the Now

is just one more historical period. Better consult someone

else, Jim.”

“No. The Arcturians are the first non-related humanoid

race to turn up in the Galaxy. Non-related to Earth

humans, that is. True, they have three eyes, and six fin-

gers on each hand, but they are hairless mammalian

bipeds just the same. One of their females is the current

burlesque sensation of the Star and Garter.”

“The police found that a good spot to keep their eyes on

in my day too,” the Old Lieutenant recalled, nodding.

“Are the Arcturians telepaths?”

“No. I’ll come to the telepathy angle later. The Arcturi-

ans are split into two” parties: those who want to enter the

Commerce Union and open their planets to alien star-

ships, including Earth’s—the peace party, in short—and

those who favour a policy of strict non-intercourse which,

as far as we know, always intimately leads to war. The war

party is rather the stronger of the two. Any event may tip

the balance.”

“Such as a representative of the peace party coming

quietly to Earth and getting himself bumped before he

even gets down from High Chicago?”

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Categories: Leiber, Fritz