The number of the beast by Fritz Leiber

system. Anyone operating around Sol would be apt to use

the decimal system. Hrohrakak’s 1000 points in no one


“Now as to Hlilav’s 1024—that number is the tenth

power of two. As far as I know, no natural species of being

uses the binary system. However, it is the rule with.

robots. The indications are that Hlilav is working for the

Interstellar Brotherhood of Free Business Machines or

some like organization, and, as we both know, the robots

are not ones to pound the war drums or touch off the war

fuses, for they are always the chief sufferers.

“That leaves Fa’s 1728. Jim, the first thing you told

me about the Arcturians was that they were hexadactylic

bipeds. Six fingers on one hand means 12 on two—and

almost a mortal certainty that the beings so equipped by

nature will be using the duodecimal system, in many

‘ ways the most convenient of all. In the duodecimal sys-

tem, *one thousand’ is not 10 times 10 times 10, but 12

times 12 times 12—which comes out as 1728 exactly in our

decimal system.

“As you said, *one thousand’ of the going unit is the

price of a being’s life. Someone paid *one thousand’ gold

martians by an Arcturian would have 1728 in his pocket

according to our count.

*The size of Pa’s purse seemed to me an odds-on indi-

cation that he was in the pay of the Arcturians war party.

Incidentally, he must have felt very smart getting that

extra 728—a more principled beast-criminal would have

scorned to profit from a mere difference in numerical


The Young Captain took some time before he answered.

He smiled incredulously more than once, and once he

shook his head.

Finally he said, “And you asked me to go ahead, Scan,

and make my accusation, with no more indication than


“It worked for you, didn’t it?” the Old Lieutenant;

countered briskly. “And as soon as Fa started to confess,

you must have known I was right beyond any possibility

of doubt. Telepaths are always truth-tellers.”

The Young Captain shot him a very strange look.

“It couldn’t be, Sean—?” he said softly. “It couldn’t be

that you’re a telepath yourself? That that’s the alien

thought system you’ve been studying with your Martian

witch doctor?”

“If it were,” the Old Lieutenant replied, “I’d tell—”

He stopped. He twinkled. “Or would I?”

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Categories: Leiber, Fritz