The Philosophical Strangler by Eric Flint

So “the wise young Virge” scuttled away and I thought we were home free. Not a chance. The next thing I knew, the whole area was resounding with the chatter of about a jillion imps, all prattling away in what the bedamned scholars call a “classical chorus.”

* * *

I groaned. Hrundig grinned.

“You think this is bad?

You ought to see the

Guide’s Rules in my homeland’s

version of eternal damnation.”

I groaned again.

Since you might be interested—heh—and since I’m a firm believer in the wise man’s saw that “misery conscripts company,” here’s what happened then:

THE CHORUS OF IMPS: They come! They come!


CEO OF THE INFERNAL Whence come ye, mortals?

REGIONS: And by whose leave?

ZULKEH OF GOIMR, From above, Foul One.

PHYSICIAN: And our leave is sufficient,

The will of my own intellect.

CEO OF THE INFERNAL For what purpose then?

REGIONS: And by whose fell design?

THE CHORUS OF IMPS: By whose fell design?

Speak! Speak!

ZULKEH OF GOIMR, For the purpose of discovering

PHYSICIAN: All secrets of Joetry.

As for the design,

From far Pryggia it comes,

Dispatched by Magrit’s hand,

Whose withered veins and

Talons held the might to cast

Her mission unto decrepit

Goimr, tumored city of

Once-proud kings,

Now overthrown, their dynasty

Brought to ruination,

Whose wretched hovels huddle

By the very woods whose shade

Once dappled fair Gwendolyn,

The long hours she strode,

Her keen eyes searching

Every shadow for sign of peril

Whilst her mind wandered,

Pondering the newfound love

Discovered in the unexpected

Form of the hated intruder

From haughty imperial Ozar.

THE CHORUS OF IMPS: Cut to the chase!

Cut to the chase!

ZULKEH OF GOIMR, Now the bone fought over by

PHYSICIAN: Miscreants mad and military

Who sought in vain to

Forestall the shrewd acumen

Of the mage Zulkeh,

That is myself, who, now

Apprised of Magrit’s vision,

Seeks to wrest from all

Powers, be they high or low

The truth concerning the fell

Dream of the dotard king.

THE CHORUS OF IMPS: Get to the point!

Get to the point!

ZULKEH OF GOIMR, Bah! Impudent imps!

PHYSICIAN: Foul Vizier of Vileness!

I demand the truth, all

That is known in Hell

Anent the ancient Joe,

Who invented everything.

CEO OF THE INFERNAL Not a chance, Zulkeh.


THE CHORUS OF IMPS: What a clown!

What a clown!

ZULKEH OF GOIMR, Bah! Impudent archdevil!

PHYSICIAN: Desist, Lord of Lies.

I am impatient, for even as

I pontificate in epic meter,

Time wanes.

CEO OF THE INFERNAL I’m dying here. Dying!

REGIONS: Of laughter. Not a chance,

Zulkeh of Goimr. Ask me

Something serious.

ZULKEH OF GOIMR, Since you insist!

PHYSICIAN: Where is fair Gwendolyn’s

Former squeeze?


Hee! Hee! Hee!

CEO OF THE INFERNAL Gasp! Choke! Wheeze!

REGIONS: Gigglegigglegiggle.

He’s in Even Worse Hands

Than me! Gasp! Choke!


* * *

So off we went, before the CEO of the Infernal Regions and his minions could stop laughing. True, he’d pointed us to the door himself, so by all rights he could hardly object to our following his directions. But they don’t call him the Archdevil for nothing.

According to the Guide’s Rules, I can’t describe the door itself which led to the Place Even Worse Than Hell, but the inscription over it is within the guidelines:

Abandon All Hope

Ye Who Enter Here

And This Time We’re Not Kidding

* * *

I was so relieved when the door closed behind us that I practically collapsed. I paid no attention to my surroundings. Some kind of huge grotto, glittering with light from what seemed like thousands of veins of peculiar minerals, glowing from within.

“Wonder what faces us next?” mused Greyboar.

“Don’t care!” I gasped. “At least it’ll come at us in prose!”

Chapter 27.

Moments, High and Low

But my gasping didn’t last for long. Not two seconds later I

was right in the wizard’s face. Clutching the lapels of his sorcerer’s robe in my hands and shaking him the way a terrier shakes a rat. Well. Small terrier; big rat. The terrier actually does most of the moving around part.

“What’s the big idea, Zulkeh?” I demanded. “What are you doing getting into a wrangle with the CEO of the Infernal Regions—the Archdevil himself!—over this damned Joe business? You were just supposed to ask him about Benny!”

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