The Prince by Jerry Pournelle and S.M. Stirling

There was no problem with the troops. They marched and sang like regulars, even if half of them were recruits and the rest were guardhouse cases. If any of them had ideas of running, they never showed them.

“With another man’s cloak underneath of my head,

And a beautiful view of the yard,

It’s thirty day’s fine,

With bread and no wine,

For Drunk and Resistin’ the Guard!

Mad-drunk and Resistin’ the Guard!”

“Curious,” Louis said. “Half of them have never seen a guardhouse.”

“I expect they’ll find out soon enough,” Deane said. “Lord love us, will you look at that?”

He gestured at a row of cheap adobe houses along the riverbank. There wasn’t much doubt about what they sold. The girls were dressed for hot weather, and they sat on the windowsills and waved at the troopers going by.

“I thought Arrarat was full of holy Joes,” Louis Bonneyman said. “Well, we will have no difficulty finding any troopers who run—not for the first night, anyway.”

The harbor area was just north of a wide river that fanned into a delta east of the city. The road was just inland from the harbor, with the city a high bluff to our right as we marched inland. It seemed a long way before we got to the turnoff to the city gate.

There were facilities for servicing the space shuttle, and some riverboat docks and warehouses, but it seemed to me there wasn’t a lot of activity, and I wondered why. As far as I could remember, there weren’t any railroads on Arrarat, nor many highways, and I couldn’t remember seeing any airfields, either.

After a kilometer of marching inland, we turned sharply right and followed another road up the bluff. There was a rabbit warren of crumbling houses and alleys along the bluff, then a clear area in front of the high city wall. Militiamen in drab coveralls manned a guardhouse at the city gate. Other militiamen patrolled the wall. Inside the gate was Harmony, another warren of houses and shops not a lot different from those outside, but a little better kept up.

The main road had clear area for thirty meters on each side, and beyond that was chaos. Market stalls, houses, tailor shops, electronics shops, a smithy with hand bellows and forge, a shop that wound electric motors and another that sold solar cells, a pottery with kick-wheel where a woman shaped cups from clay, a silversmith, a scissors grinder—the variety was overwhelming, and so was the contrast of modern and the kinds of things you might see in Frontierland.

There were anachronisms everywhere, but 1 was used to them. The military services were shot through with contrasts. Part of it was the state of development out in the colonies—many of them had no industrial base, and some didn’t want any to begin with. If you didn’t bring it with you, you wouldn’t have it. There was another reason, too. CoDominium Intelligence licensed all scientific research and tried to suppress anything that could have military value. The U.S.-Soviet alliance was on top and wasn’t about to let any new discoveries upset the balance. They couldn’t stop everything, but they didn’t have to, so long as the Grand Senate controlled everyone’s R&D budget and could tinker with the patent laws.

We all knew it couldn’t last, but we didn’t want to think about that. Back on Earth the U.S. and Soviet governments hated each other. The only thing they hated more was the idea that someone else—like the Chinese or Japanese or United Emirates—would get strong enough to tell them what to do. The Fleet guards an uneasy peace built on an uneasy alliance.

The people of Harmony came in all races and colors, and I heard a dozen languages shouted from shop to shop. Everyone either worked outside his house or had market stalls there. When we marched past, people stopped work and waved at us. One old man came out of a tailor shop and took off his broad-brimmed hat. “God bless you, soldiers!” he shouted. “We love you!”

“Now, that’s what we joined up for,” Deane said. “Not to herd a bunch of losers halfway across the Galaxy.”

“Twenty parsecs isn’t halfway across the Galaxy,” I told him.

He made faces at me.

“I wonder why they’re all so glad to see us?” Louis asked. “And they look hungry. How does one become so thin in an agricultural paradise?”

“Incredible,” Deane said. “Louis, you really must learn to pay attention to important details. Such as reading the station roster of the garrison here.”

“And when could I have done that?” Bonneyman demanded. “Falkenberg had us working twelve hours a day—”

“So you use the other twelve,” Deane said.

“And what, O brilliant one, didst thou learn from the station roster?” I asked.

“That the garrison commander is over seventy, and he has one sixty-three-year-old major on his staff, as well as a sixty-two-year-old captain. Also, the youngest Marine officer on Arrarat is over sixty, and the only junior officers are militia.”

“Bah. A retirement post,” Bonneyman said. “So why did they ask for a regiment?”

“Don’t be silly, Louis,” Deane said. “Because they’ve run into something they can’t handle with their militia and their superannuated officers, of course.”

“Meaning we’ll have to,” I said. Only, of course, we didn’t have a regiment, only less than a thousand Marines, three junior officers, a captain with the Military Cross, and—well, and nothing, unless the local militia were capable of something. “The heroes have arrived.”

“Yes. Nice, isn’t it?” Deane said. “I expect the women will be friendly.”

“And is that all you ever think about?” Louis demanded.

“What else is there? Marching in the sun?”

A younger townman in dark clerical clothing stood at his table under the awning of a sidewalk café. He raised a hand in a gesture of blessing. There were more cheers from a group of children.

“Nice to be loved,” Deane said.

Despite the way he said it, Deane meant that. It was nice to be loved. I remembered my last visit to Earth. There were a lot of places where CD officers didn’t dare go without a squad of troopers. Out here the people wanted us. The paladins, I thought, and I laughed at myself because I could imagine what Deane and Louis would say if I’d said that aloud, but I wondered if they didn’t think it, too.

“They don’t seem to have much transport,” Louis said.

“Unless you count those.” Deane pointed to a watering trough where five horses were tied. There were also two camels, and an animal that looked like a clumsy combination of camel, moose, and mule, with big splayed feet and silly antlers.

That had to be an alien beast, the first thing I was certain was native to this planet. I wondered what they called it, and how it had been domesticated.

There was almost no motor transport: a few pickup trucks, and one old ground-effects car with no top; everything else was animal transport. There were wagons, and men on horseback, and two women dressed in coveralls and mounted on mules.

Bonneyman shook his head. “Looks as if they stirred up a brew from the American Wild West, medieval Paris, and threw in scenes from the Arabian Nights.”

We all laughed, but Louis wasn’t far wrong.

* * *

Arrarat was discovered soon after the first private exploration ships went out from Earth. It was an inhabitable planet, and although there are a number of those in the regions near Earth, they aren’t all that common. A survey team was sent to find out what riches could be taken.

There weren’t any. Earth crops would grow, and men could live on the planet, but no one was going to invest money in agriculture. Shipping foodstuffs through interstellar space is a simple way of going bankrupt unless there are nearby markets with valuable minerals and no agriculture. This planet had no nearby market at all.

The American Express Company owned settlement rights through discovery. AmEx sold the planet to a combine of churches. The World Federation of Churches named it Arrarat and advertised it as “a place of refuge for the unwanted of Earth.” They began to raise money for its development, and since this was before the Bureau of Relocation began involuntary colonies, they had a lot of help. Charity, tithes, government grants, all helped, and then the church groups hit on the idea of a lottery. Prizes were free transportation to Arrarat for winners and their families; and there were plenty of people willing to trade Earth for a place where there was free land, plenty to eat, hard work, no government harrassment, and no pollution. The World Federation of Churches sold tens of millions of one-credit lottery tickets. They soon had enough money to charter ships and sent people out.

There was plenty of room for colonists, even though the inhabitable portion of Arrarat is comparatively small. The planet has a higher mean temperature than Earth, and the regions near the equator are far too hot for men to live in. At the very poles it is too cold. The southern hemisphere is nearly all water. Even so, there is plenty of land in the north temperate zone. The delta area where Harmony was founded was chosen as the best of the lot. It had a climate like the Mediterranean region of Earth. Rainfall was erratic, but the colony thrived.

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