The Rebel Bride by Catherine Coulter

He gazed at her, stupefied, and suddenly she couldn’t hold to her anger. Brokenly she whispered, “I thought you were my friend, that you held me in equal esteem. I can’t believe you’ve done this.”

He’d been incredulous at her sudden fury, and was now appalled at the pain in her voice. He leaned close to her and said, “Kate, surely you must see that it is only proper for me to seek out your father first. That you are angered by my action, I am sorry. No, don’t look away from me. Of course I’m your friend. My esteem and respect for you are surely obvious. That won’t change. It’s just that I wish to be much more to you. In truth, I want to be your husband, the man with whom you will spend your life, the man who will make you happy.”

She closed her eyes tightly as each of his words burned deep into her. She knew of a certainty that she couldn’t escape him as she’d done the day before, that he would pursue her and demand an explanation. But she had no such explanation, even to herself. She drew a deep breath. “Pray forgive my anger, my lord. I was unprepared and therefore am shocked by your proposal. I’m aware of the great honor you do me.” To her own ears her words sounded stilted, and she finished in a rush, “But I don’t wish to wed you, nor any other man, for that matter.”

He grabbed her arm, his own gray eyes darkening with anger. “What game are you playing? Surely you can’t expect me to believe that you are indifferent to me, that you don’t care. By God, I’ve waited until I was certain of your feelings. Don’t you remember opening your mouth to me yesterday?”

She looked down dispassionately, thinking it strange that she felt no pain, for he was holding her arm in an iron grip. She replied calmly, “What you wish to believe is your own affair, my lord. That I don’t wish to wed you is a fact.”

“Surely you cannot wish to marry that bumptious ass Bleddoes.” His grip tightened more.

“If you would like to beat me, my lord, my father finds a cane to be much to his liking, the results giving him immense pleasure.” She stared at his angry face, her chin thrust up. She had nothing left but defiance, nothing at all. Please God, let him believe it.

It was as if she had struck him full in the face. Appalled at his lack of control, he released her abruptly.

She didn’t move or attempt to back away from him. “There is no one else, my lord, nor will there ever be. I don’t wish to be any man’s possession, any man’s chattel.”

He looked at her blankly and repeated vaguely, “No one else, Kate?” This gave him rational direction, and he asked slowly, “Then what is it you want? I offer you all my wealth, the protection of my name, I offer you a safe haven with someone who will place your wishes over all others’, and above all, I offer you the chance to escape from the intolerable life with your father. That I love you is without question. I’ve never loved a woman before in my life, but I know I love you and it will last. I’m a loyal man, if that worries you, faithful to my toes. Never will you know infidelity from me.”

Kate looked down and unconsciously began to rub her arm. What he said was true, though she could not fathom why he should possibly profess love for her. As to his faithfulness, she didn’t want to think about that. She knew a brief moment of doubt before the strange fear gripped her. She knew she couldn’t marry him. Not ever.

She raised her eyes again to his face and saw that he clearly expected an answer from her. His gray eyes were clouded with confusion. He was her friend, her only friend save Harry, and now she would lose him.

“What you say is true, my lord. It would be absurd to deny that my father and I do not deal well together. But I cannot, indeed, I will not marry you for such reasons as you have listed.”

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