The Rebel Bride by Catherine Coulter

They ate their lunch in the small town of Brayville, drinking the local cider and feasting on cold chicken, cheese, and crunchy warm bread. Feeling fortified by the heady cider, Julien found himself, not long after their return to the carriage, clearing his throat to gain her attention.

“I ask you to listen to me for a moment.”

“Oh?” A brow went up a good inch. “Have you planned a delightful detour from our trip to Switzerland? Are we going to the Barbary Coast? Perhaps you’ll be so infuriated with me that you’ll sell me to a slaver?”

“Good God, woman. What do you read?”

“I read everything. I’m not ignorant, nor am I stupid.”

“I never believed you were— well, perhaps just a bit of both of those things, but not an overabundance. Now, listen to me, for now I’m perfectly serious. My intention is to cease these meaningless hostilities between us. You thought me cruel, perhaps overbearing in my treatment of you in London. No, don’t interrupt me, let me finish. When you refused me, I was forced to admit to myself that I had rushed into the matter too quickly, that I hadn’t given you sufficient time to judge your feelings for me. I never meant to insult you. Perhaps I am overly proud— arrogant perhaps, as Harry said— but I found I simply couldn’t lose you.”

He paused for a moment, thinking that no man had ever before so abased himself. He looked at her searchingly. His speech didn’t seem to be going as well as he had expected, but he pursued it anyway, speaking more rapidly.

“I knew that I couldn’t continue to see you at Brandon Hall, for your father would force you to meet with me and perhaps try to beat you into submission. You must understand, Kate, I couldn’t allow you to remain under his roof any longer than necessary. That’s why I arranged for you to go to London, to Lady Bellingham. There, at least, I knew I could control the situation. You thought me cruel, hard. I tell you now that I had no other choice in the matter. My intention was and still is to do what is best for both of us. That I forced you to marry me was not a reprehensible act. I had to wed you as speedily as possible after your flight to Paris, for had I not, had I left you alone to your own devices, you would eventually have had to return to England, your reputation ruined.

“As for my threat about the drug, I don’t know if such a drug exists. Perhaps opium, but it’s nasty stuff and I would never give you such a thing. It’s just that I couldn’t think of any other way to secure your agreement.”

“There was no drug?” She was appalled at her own gullibility.

“No. And I wouldn’t have you think me a licentious rake, for I would have never forcibly taken you aboard my yacht.”

“You’re quite right, I’m both ignorant and stupid. It’s also clear that I’m a fool and that you have admirable sangfroid, my lord, for I didn’t ever doubt that you were utterly ruthless and implacable in gaining your ends. No drug! Damn you to the Devil.”

“Perhaps it was merely that I felt compelled to use whatever tactics I needed to secure you as my wife.”

“Nothing has changed. I told you I never wanted to marry any man, not even your magnificent self. But you wouldn’t heed me. Well, my lord, you’ve paid dear for a wife who loathes you. I swear to you that you’ll never enjoy your purchase.”

She’d gotten to him at last, the damnable shrew. She was illogical, stubborn, ah, but passionate. “Don’t rant nonsense at me, Kate. It now does you no credit. We’re married and that is the end to it. You speak of my purchase. Let me tell you, madam, you’re now the one being arrogant and implacable.”

“By God, you dare to criticize my actions? You pass all bounds. You exceed all probabilities, you outrank even the rankest species that now exists on this earth.”

“You need to close down that malicious brain of yours.” He leaned over and dropped a hand on her shoulder, gripping it for an instant. She tried to pull away, but he grasped both her shoulders, jerking her close to his face. He’d meant to give her a good yelling-at, but found instead that his body went from anger to lust. It was all of an instant, and he hated it, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. In a swift motion he cupped her face between his hands and pressed his mouth against hers. Dear God, she was so warm and sweet and he wanted her to open her mouth for him, but she didn’t, of course. She tried to twist free of him, but he simply lifted her bodily and held her firmly in the circle of his arms. His hands were on her breasts, kneading her, feeling their weight in his hands, learning her, and he thought he’d die if he couldn’t have her now, this very instant. He flattened his hand on her belly, cursing the damned cloth that kept her from him, and his hand went lower, and his breathing hitched painfully.

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