The Reef by Edith Wharton

“Blind with it–what else would drive him to this folly? And I can’t have her think me jealous too! I’ve said all I could, short of making her think so; and she’s refused a word more to either of us. Our only chance now is that she should listen to you–that you should make her see the harm her silence may do.”

Darrow uttered a protesting exclamation. “It’s all too preposterous–what you suggest! I can’t, at any rate, appeal to her on such a ground as that!”

Anna laid her hand on his arm. “Appeal to her on the ground that I’m almost Owen’s mother, and that any estrangement between you and him would kill me. She knows what he is– she’ll understand. Tell her to say anything, do anything, she wishes; but not to go away without speaking, not to leave that between us when she goes!”

She drew back a step and lifted her face to his, trying to look into his eyes more deeply than she had ever looked; but before she could discern what they expressed he had taken hold of her hands and bent his head to kiss them.

“You’ll see her? You’ll see her?” she entreated; and he answered: “I’ll do anything in the world you want me to.”

Chapter XXVI

Darrow waited alone in the sitting-room.

No place could have been more distasteful as the scene of the talk that lay before him; but he had acceded to Anna’s suggestion that it would seem more natural for her to summon Sophy Viner than for him to go in search of her. As his troubled pacings carried him back and forth a relentless hand seemed to be tearing away all the tender fibres of association that bound him to the peaceful room. Here, in this very place, he had drunk his deepest draughts of happiness, had had his lips at the fountain-head of its overflowing rivers; but now that source was poisoned and he would taste no more of an untainted cup.

For a moment he felt an actual physical anguish; then his nerves hardened for the coming struggle. He had no notion of what awaited him; but after the first instinctive recoil he had seen in a flash the urgent need of another word with Sophy Viner. He had been insincere in letting Anna think that he had consented to speak because she asked it. In reality he had been feverishly casting about for the pretext she had given him; and for some reason this trivial hypocrisy weighed on him more than all his heavy burden of deceit.

At length he heard a step behind him and Sophy Viner entered. When she saw him she paused on the threshold and half drew back.

“I was told that Mrs. Leath had sent for me.”

“Mrs. Leath did send for you. She’ll be here presently; but I asked her to let me see you first.”

He spoke very gently, and there was no insincerity in his gentleness. He was profoundly moved by the change in the girl’s appearance. At sight of him she had forced a smile; but it lit up her wretchedness like a candle-flame held to a dead face.

She made no reply, and Darrow went on: “You must understand my wanting to speak to you, after what I was told just now.”

She interposed, with a gesture of protest: “I’m not responsible for Owen’s ravings!”

“Of course—-“. He broke off and they stood facing each other. She lifted a hand and pushed back her loose lock with the gesture that was burnt into his memory; then she looked about her and dropped into the nearest chair.

“Well, you’ve got what you wanted,” she said.

“What do you mean by what I wanted?”

“My engagement’s broken–you heard me say so.”

“Why do you say that’s what I wanted? All I wished, from the beginning, was to advise you, to help you as best I could– –”

“That’s what you’ve done,” she rejoined. “You’ve convinced me that it’s best I shouldn’t marry him.”

Darrow broke into a despairing laugh. “At the very moment when you’d convinced me to the contrary!”

“Had I?” Her smile flickered up. “Well, I really believed it till you showed me…warned me…”

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Categories: Edith Wharton