The Rock Rats by Ben Bova. Chapter 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

“That’s true,” Pancho said evenly. “I didn’t say it was existing state-of-the-art hardware. But it is within existing capabilities. We just have to build it and test it.”

“At what cost?” asked the gray-haired woman sitting two chairs down from Pancho.

“You have all the cost figures in my presentation,” Pancho said. Then, turning to O’Banian, she asked, “Can I finish my say without bein’ interrupted, please?”

O’Banian nodded. Raising her voice slightly, she said, “Let’s give Pancho the same courtesy we gave Martin, everyone.”

Pancho said, “Thanks, y’all. Earth needs energy sources that won’t put greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Fusion is the answer, and fusion based on helium-three is the most efficient fusion system that’s been built so far. There’s trillions of dollars per year waitin’ for the company that can supply fusion fuels for Earth. And don’t forget that Selene, the Mars bases, Ceres, and lots of other facilities off Earth will buy fusion fuels, too. Not to mention the market for spacecraft propulsion.”

“Selene sells us deuterium-three,” said the red-faced bald man. “They scoop it up out of the ground.”

Pancho countered, “There’s not enough deuterium on the Moon to satisfy the potential market demand.”

“But going all the way out to Jupiter . . . that will make the price too damned high, won’t it?”

“Not once we get the facilities runnin’. It’ll be a long-haul cargo run, a pipeline operation. We won’t hafta undercut Selene’s price; we’ll just offer a million times more fusion fuels than Selene can dig up.”

The man mumbled to himself, unconvinced.

Pancho looked back to O’Banian, but before the chairwoman could say anything, she went on, “One more thing. If we don’t do this, Humphries Space Systems will.”

Humphries shot up from his chair and pointed an accusing finger at Pancho. “That’s a deliberate insult!”

“That’s the truth and you know it!” Pancho fired back.

The board room erupted with angry voices.

O’Banian banged on the table, hard. “Quiet! All of you.”

“Do I still have the floor?” Pancho asked, once the commotion calmed down. Humphries was glaring at her from across the table.

O’Banian threw an irritated look at Pancho. “As long as you refrain from personal attacks on other board members,” she answered stiffly.

“Okay,” said Pancho. “But it seems to me like we got a problem here. Mr. Humphries here is in a position to block new ideas and then take ’em back to his own corporation and run with ’em.”

“You’re accusing me of unethical behavior!” Humphries barked.

“Damn right,” said Pancho.

“Wait! Quiet!” O’Banian demanded. “I will not have this meeting break down into a personal quarrel.”

The oldest member of the board, a frail-looking gentleman who hardly ever said a word, spoke up. “It seems to me,” he said in a whispery voice, “that we do indeed have a conflict of interest here.”

“That’s nonsense,” Humphries snapped.

“I’m afraid that the point has to be considered,” O’Banian said. She tried to make it as mild and noncommittal as possible, but she was not going to let this point pass without a full discussion. She deliberately kept her eyes away from Pancho, afraid that her gratitude would show.

The discussion wrangled on for nearly two hours. Each board member demanded to have his or her say, whether or not the same sentiment had already been expressed by someone else. O’Banian sat patiently through it all, watching their egos on parade, trying to figure out how she could bring this to a vote. Throw Humphries off the board? Gladly. But there weren’t enough votes for that. The best she could hope for was to pull his fangs.

Humphries was no fool. He too listened to the board members’ repetitious ramblings, clearly impatient, obviously calculating his odds. By the time it was his turn to speak in his own defense, he had come to a decision.

Rising to his feet, he said slowly, calmly, “I’m not going to dignify the accusation that Ms. Lane made by trying to defend myself against it. I think the facts speak for themselves—”

“They sure do,” Pancho muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Humphries kept his temper, barely. “Therefore,” he continued, “I will withdraw my opposition to this Jupiter concept.”

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Categories: Ben Bova