The Rum Diary. The Long Lost. Novel by Hunter S. Thompson

It took me a long time to understand Segarra’s function at the News. They called him The Editor, but he was really a pimp and I paid no attention to him.

Perhaps that’s why I didn’t make many friends in Puerto Rico — at least not the kind of friends I might have made — because, as Sanderson very gently explained to me one day, Segarra came from one of the wealthiest and most influential families on the island and his father was a former attorney general. When Nick became editor of the Daily News, the paper made a lot of valuable friends.

I had not given Lotterman credit for this kind of devious think­ing, but as time went by I saw that he used Segarra solely as a front man, a sleek, well-oiled figurehead to convince the literate public that the News was not a yanqui mouthpiece, but a fine local institu­tion like rum and sugarballs.

After our first talk, Segarra and I exchanged an average of about thirty words a week. Once in a while he would leave a note in my typewriter, but he made a point of saying as little as possible. In the beginning this suited me well enough, even though Sanderson ex­plained that as long as Segarra had the nix on me I was doomed to social oblivion.

But I had no social ambitions in those days. I had a license to wander. I was a working journalist and I had easy access to any­thing I needed, including the finest cotillions and the Governor’s house and secret coves where debutantes swam naked at night.

After a while, however, Segarra began to bother me. I had a feel­ing that I was being cut out of things and that he was the reason for it. When I was not invited to parties that I would not have gone to in the first place, or when I called some government official on the phone and was brushed off by his secretary, I began to feel like a social leper. This wouldn’t have bothered me at all had I felt it was my own doing, but the fact that Segarra was exercising some sinis­ter control over me began to get on my nerves. Whatever he might have denied me was unimportant; it was the fact that he could deny me anything at all, even what I didn’t want

At first I was tempted to laugh it off, to give him as hard a time as I could and let him do his worst. But I didn’t, because I was not quite ready to pack up and move on again. I was getting a little too old to make powerful enemies when I held no cards at all, and I had lost some of my old zeal that had led me, in the past, to do what I damn well felt like doing, with the certain knowledge that I could always flee the consequences. I was tired of fleeing, and tired of having no cards. It occurred to me one evening, as I sat by myself in Al’s patio, that a man can live on his wits and his balls for only so long. I’d been doing it for ten years and I had a feeling that my reserve was running low.

Segarra and Sanderson were good friends, and, oddly enough, although Segarra considered me a boor, Sanderson went out of his way to be decent. A few weeks after I met him I had to call Adelante about a story I was doing, and I thought I might as well talk to Sanderson as anyone else.

He greeted me like an old buddy, and after giving me all the in­formation I needed, he invited me out to his house for dinner that night. I was so surprised that I accepted without a thought. The tone of his voice made it seem so natural that I should eat dinner at his house that I had already hung up before I realized that it was not natural at all.

After work I took a cab out to his house. When I got there I found Sanderson on his porch with a man and a woman who had just come in from New York. They were on their way to St. Lucia to meet their yacht, which the crew had brought back from Lisbon. A mutual friend had told them to look up Sanderson when they stopped in San Juan and they had taken him completely by sur­prise.

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