The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad

sixty yards away, and Mr Verloc, cosmopolitan enough not to be

deceived by London’s topographical mysteries, held on steadily,

without a sign of surprise or indignation. At last, with business-

like persistency, he reached the Square, and made diagonally for

the number 10. This belonged to an imposing carriage gate in a

high, clean wall between two houses, of which one rationally enough

bore the number 9 and the other was numbered 37; but the fact that

this last belonged to Porthill Street, a street well known in the

neighbourhood, was proclaimed by an inscription placed above the

ground-floor windows by whatever highly efficient authority is

charged with the duty of keeping track of London’s strayed houses.

Why powers are not asked of Parliament (a short act would do) for

compelling those edifices to return where they belong is one of the

mysteries of municipal administration. Mr Verloc did not trouble

his head about it, his mission in life being the protection of the

social mechanism, not its perfectionment or even its criticism.

It was so early that the porter of the Embassy issued hurriedly out

of his lodge still struggling with the left sleeve of his livery

coat. His waistcoat was red, and he wore knee-breeches, but his

aspect was flustered. Mr Verloc, aware of the rush on his flank,

drove it off by simply holding out an envelope stamped with the

arms of the Embassy, and passed on. He produced the same talisman

also to the footman who opened the door, and stood back to let him

enter the hall.

A clear fire burned in a tall fireplace, and an elderly man

standing with his back to it, in evening dress and with a chain

round his neck, glanced up from the newspaper he was holding spread

out in both hands before his calm and severe face. He didn’t move;

but another lackey, in brown trousers and claw-hammer coat edged

with thin yellow cord, approaching Mr Verloc listened to the murmur

of his name, and turning round on his heel in silence, began to

walk, without looking back once. Mr Verloc, thus led along a

ground-floor passage to the left of the great carpeted staircase,

was suddenly motioned to enter a quite small room furnished with a

heavy writing-table and a few chairs. The servant shut the door,

and Mr Verloc remained alone. He did not take a seat. With his

hat and stick held in one hand he glanced about, passing his other

podgy hand over his uncovered sleek head.

Another door opened noiselessly, and Mr Verloc immobilising his

glance in that direction saw at first only black clothes, the bald

top of a head, and a drooping dark grey whisker on each side of a

pair of wrinkled hands. The person who had entered was holding a

batch of papers before his eyes and walked up to the table with a

rather mincing step, turning the papers over the while. Privy

Councillor Wurmt, Chancelier d’Ambassade, was rather short-sighted.

This meritorious official laying the papers on the table, disclosed

a face of pasty complexion and of melancholy ugliness surrounded by

a lot of fine, long dark grey hairs, barred heavily by thick and

bushy eyebrows. He put on a black-framed pince-nez upon a blunt

and shapeless nose, and seemed struck by Mr Verloc’s appearance.

Under the enormous eyebrows his weak eyes blinked pathetically

through the glasses.

He made no sign of greeting; neither did Mr Verloc, who certainly

knew his place; but a subtle change about the general outlines of

his shoulders and back suggested a slight bending of Mr Verloc’s

spine under the vast surface of his overcoat. The effect was of

unobtrusive deference.

“I have here some of your reports,” said the bureaucrat in an

unexpectedly soft and weary voice, and pressing the tip of his

forefinger on the papers with force. He paused; and Mr Verloc, who

had recognised his own handwriting very well, waited in an almost

breathless silence. “We are not very satisfied with the attitude

of the police here,” the other continued, with every appearance of

mental fatigue.

The shoulders of Mr Verloc, without actually moving, suggested a

shrug. And for the first time since he left his home that morning

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Categories: Conrad, Joseph