The Shadow of the Lion by Mercedes Lackey & Eric Flint & Dave Freer. Chapter 19, 20, 21, 22

“Oh, I think she’ll be happy enough with a few ducats,” said Manfred calmly, with an ease he didn’t feel.

In the moonlight Erik looked doubtful. “Do you really think so? I mean it was an act of great v–v–virtue,” he stammered.

Manfred swallowed his amusement. Only Erik could describe a harlot performing fellatio on one man while straddling another as “virtue.” And believe it too. For all the Icelander’s ferocious skill in combat, he was an innocent country boy in so many other ways.

“I’m sure,” he agreed cheerfully. “And I think Abbot Sachs will be surprised to see you back. Unharmed.”

Erik shrugged. “Maybe it was just some kind of mix-up.”

“That’ll be his story,” growled Manfred, with court-honed wisdom far beyond his years.

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Categories: Eric, Flint