The Shadow of the Lion by Mercedes Lackey & Eric Flint & Dave Freer. Chapter 38, 39, 40, 41, 42

Diego stared at the portrait, still confused. But Pierre nodded. “Indeed so. The portrait is a reminder to us. A warning, perhaps—of the danger of pride.”

“She was indeed a proud woman, by all accounts,” mused Diego.

Eneko shook his head firmly. “You misunderstand. The duke was warning us of the danger of our pride.” He smiled grimly. “Canny old man. That is indeed the downfall of theologians.”

His eyes went back and forth from Pierre to Diego. “We will do nothing with this knowledge, for the time being. That, too, the old man made me swear. The children are safer for the moment with their identity concealed, obviously. But when the time comes—remember, brothers. There were two sons, produced by the same mother.”

“God works in mysterious ways,” said Diego solemnly.

“Oh, nonsense!” chuckled Pierre. “Not in this instance. Any Savoyard can tell you the trick. Always keep a second string for your bow.”

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Categories: Eric, Flint