The Shadow of the Lion by Mercedes Lackey & Eric Flint & Dave Freer. Chapter 43, 44, 45, 46, 47

Aldanto grimaced, and shoved his chair back a bit. “Marco, I’d be very much surprised if there wasn’t ‘something funny’ going on there. Half this damn town smuggles.”

“It isn’t that—I mean, they tell us what not to see, if you catch my meaning.” Marco bit his lip as he struggled to communicate what he had discovered in a way that Aldanto would understand. “This is something else; it’s different. I’d swear on my life it’s something that Ventuccio doesn’t know is going on. It’s something I sort of ran into in the books. I don’t think anybody else would notice, because nobody else remembers these things like I do.”

Now Caesare looked serious, and very much interested. He quirked one finger at Marco. “Come over here and sit where I can see you—”

Marco obeyed, pulling out the chair next to Aldanto’s and plopping into it. Aldanto shoved his food aside and clasped his hands quietly on the table before him. Marco imitated his pose without really thinking about it.

Aldanto took a deep breath. “I’ve got good cause to know about that memory of yours; I don’t know that I’ve ever seen it play tricks. So what is it that you’ve uncovered?”

“About twice a month,” Marco replied, picking his words with care, “there are three or four fewer tax stamp receipts than there are items on the bill of lading inventory, which is when things go into the warehouse. But there’s exactly the same number as on the warehousing inventory, when things go out. There’s no discrepancy in the bill of lading and what’s been paid for, and no calls for reimbursement from clients, so there’s no reason for Ventuccio to go back-checking the books; so far as they figure, they’ve been paid in full, everything’s okay. The way things go is this—the bill of lading gets checked off at the warehouse door when the ship gets unloaded. That’s the first time they make a count. Then the Doge’s official in charge of duties inspects the goods, stamps each thing when it comes back out again; that’s the second time. That way nobody can swipe stuff from the warehouse with the tax stamp on it an’ resell it.”

“Huh.” Aldanto looked very thoughtful. “So—somebody is bringing something in, paying Ventuccio for it, then ‘losing’ it before it gets duty paid on it.”

Marco nodded. “Or before it gets inspected. That’s what it looks like to me, milord.”

“Do you know who—or even what?”

Marco nodded again. “Spices. Or so it claims to be. About three, four little spice casks at a time.”

Aldanto chewed his lip. “Not much is it?” he said after a pause.

Marco’s head bobbed. “Enough to make a real difference to somebody, I’d think. Spices aren’t cheap. And maybe they just don’t want those casks looked at.”

Caesare brooded for a bit. “You’ve been doing your damnedest to act and think like a responsible adult, lately,” he said, and Marco flushed painfully, lowering his eyes to his clasped hands. “I’m minded to see if you can take an adult task. It just might be worth what you cost me.”

Marco looked up at him in a flare of sudden hope.

Caesare smiled sourly. “You’ll be fishing in dangerous waters, Marco, I want you to know that. This might be something one of the younger Ventuccios is running without the knowledge of the Family—it’s maybe something worth enough money that at least one of the parties involved is going to be willing to kill to protect it. You’re going to have to be very, very cautious, and very, very smart.”

“You want me to find out who’s involved,” Marco stated. “And you figure that I’ve gotten enough sense beat into me to take the risk and come out on top. If I keep my head.”

Caesare nodded, and coughed a little self-consciously. “And you know why. I sell information, and I don’t much care who I sell it to, or how many times I sell it. If you take care, you should be all right, but this will probably cost you your job, no matter what—”

Marco shrugged. “It was you got me the job in the first place,” he pointed out. “Reckon I can scrounge another one somewhere. Maybe Maria can have a word with Milord Giaccomo; maybe Milord Giaccomo could use a pencil pusher, or knows someone who could—”

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Categories: Eric, Flint