The Shadow of the Lion by Mercedes Lackey & Eric Flint & Dave Freer. Prologue. Chapter 1, 2

Charles Fredrik snorted. “All of it, mind you, supposedly in my interests. Some of them probably even believe it. But I have no desire to get embroiled in the endless squabbling of Italian city-states, much less a feud with the Petrine branch of the church. The Grand Duke of Lithuania and King Emeric of Hungary give me quite enough to worry about, leaving aside the outright pagans of Norseland and Russia.”

Again, he sighed. “And they’re not a binding force any more. Today, the common people call the church’s arm militant ‘The Knots,’ more often than not. And, what’s worse, the Knights themselves seem to relish the term.”

“The Clann Harald do not mix in Empire politics,” stated Erik firmly. His father had warned him that this might happen.

The Emperor gave a wry smile. “So your father always said. Just as I’m sure he warned you before you left Iceland. But, Erik Hakkonsen, because you guard Manfred . . . do not think you will be able to avoid it. Any more than your father could.”

The old man turned and faced Erik squarely. “Politics will mix with you, lad, whether you like it or not. You can be as sure of that as the sunrise. Especially in Venice.”

Erik’s eyes widened. The Emperor chuckled.

“Oh, yes. I forgot to mention that, didn’t I?”

He took Erik by the arm again and began to lead him toward the door. “But we can discuss Venice tomorrow. Venice, and the expedition of the Knights to that city, which you will be joining. An expedition which I find rather . . . peculiar.”

They were at the door. By some unknown means, a servant appeared to open it for them. “But that’s for tomorrow,” said the Emperor. “What’s left for tonight, before you get some well-deserved rest, is to meet the cross you must bear. I suspect the thought of Venice will be less burdensome thereafter.”

About halfway down the long corridor leading to the great staircase at the center of the palace, he added: “Anything will seem less burdensome, after Manfred.”

* * *

It took the Emperor, and quite a few servants, some time to track down Manfred. Eventually the royal scion was discovered. In the servants’ quarters, half-drunk and half-naked, sprawled on a grimy bed. Judging from the half-sob and half-laugh coming from under the bed, Manfred and the servant girl had been interrupted in a pastime which boded ill for the prince’s hope of attaining heaven without spending some time in purgatory.

Erik studied the young royal, now sitting up on the edge of the bed. Manfred was so big he was almost a giant, despite being only eighteen years old. Erik was pleased by the breadth of shoulders, and the thick muscle so obvious on the half-clad body. He was not pleased with the roll of fat around the waist. The hands were very good also. Thick and immensely strong, clearly enough, but Erik did not miss the suggestion of nimbleness as the embarrassed royal scion hastily buttoned on a cotte.

He was pleased, also, by the evident humor in the prince’s eyes. Bleary from drink, true, but . . . they had a sparkle to them. And Erik decided the square, block-toothed grin had promise also. Whatever else Prince Manfred might be, he was clearly not a sullen boy.

It remained to be seen how intelligent he was. There, Erik’s hopes were much lower.

The Emperor, standing in the doorway of the servant’s little room, cleared his throat. “This is your Clann Harald guardian, you young lout. You’ll have to mind your manners from now on.”

The prince’s huge shoulders seemed to ripple a bit, as if he were suppressing a laugh.

“This—willow? Uncle! The way you always described these Icelandic sheep farmers, I got the impression—”

Manfred gasped, clutching his belly. Erik’s boot had left a nice muddy imprint. The prince choked, struggling for breath.

“You stinking—” he hissed. A moment later the prince was hurling himself off the bed, great arms stretched wide. Erik was pleased by the rapid recovery. Just as he had been when his driving foot hit the thick muscle beneath the belly fat.

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