Elizabeth Knight didn’t smile. Her eyes were as red as Sara’s, her skin paler than usual. “Sara,” she said, “I’d like to meet with you after the afternoon session tomorrow.” She cleared her throat. “And I’d like you to speak with Steven about the bench memo on Chance. I have to have it by tomorrow at the latest. If he has to work through the night, I have to have it.” Her voice was almost shrill.

Sara looked shaken. “I’ll tell him right away, Justice Knight.”

Knight gripped one of Sara’s hands. “Thank you.” She swallowed with difficulty. “Please also remember that the dinner for Judge Wilkinson is tomorrow night at seven o’clock at my home.”

“It’s on my calendar,” Sara said a little reluctantly.

Elizabeth Knight finally looked at Fiske. “Your brother was a very gifted lawyer, Mr. Fiske. I know it may sound callous discussing these details, but the business of the Court stops for no one.” She added a little wearily, “I learned that lesson a long time ago. Again, I’m very sorry.” She checked her watch. “Jordan, you’re going to be late for your meeting on the Hill. And I have some work to finish.” She looked at Fiske. “If you’ll excuse us.”

Fiske shrugged. “Like you said, the machine stops for no one.”

After the Knights had departed, Sara commented, “Justice Knight is tough, but fair.” She glanced quickly at Fiske. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it to sound that way.”

“Sure she did,” Fiske said.

Chandler stepped in. “Well, she probably had to work three times as hard as a man to get where she is. You don’t ever forget that sort of experience.”

“That’s a very liberated mind-set,” Sara said.

“If you knew my wife, you’d understand.”

Sara smiled. “Ramsey and Knight are from different walks of life, although they tend to work together on many issues. He seems overly accommodating to her. Maybe he doesn’t like confrontation with women. He’s from a different generation.”

“I don’t think gender has anything to do with it,” Fiske remarked bluntly.

“She’s a brilliant jurist,” Sara said defensively.

They all heard the beeping sound. Chandler reached down to his belt, held up the pager and looked at the number on its screen. “Can I use a phone?” he asked Sara.

She led the way.

Chandler rejoined them a minute later and shook his head wearily. “Couple of new customers for me to interview. Shotgun wounds to the heads. Lucky, lucky me.”

“Can you take me back to the station so I can pick up my car?” Fiske asked.

“Actually, I was heading the other way.”

“I can drive you,” Sara said quickly. Both men looked at her. “I’m finished for the day. Not that I got much accomplished.” She looked down and smiled a little wistfully. “The ironic thing is, I know Michael wouldn’t approve. I’ve never seen anyone so dedicated, so hardworking.” She looked at Fiske keenly, as though giving added strength to her words.

“Grab some dinner or something,” Chandler suggested. “You two might find a lot to talk about.”

Fiske glanced around, clearly uncomfortable with this suggestion, but he finally nodded. “You ready?”

“Give me a minute.” She shook her head wearily. “I have to tell Steven he has to work all night,” she said, and headed off.

Chandler said, “John, find out what you can. She was close to your brother.” He added, “Unlike you.”

“I’m not real good at spying,” Fiske said, feeling guilty about plotting like this behind Sara’s back. He had to catch himself, though; he didn’t even know the woman.

As if he were privy to Fiske’s thoughts, Chandler said, “John, I know she’s smart and pretty, and she worked with your brother and she’s shook up about his death. But remember one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Those are not reasons to trust her.” With that parting comment, Chandler walked off.


* * *

Jordan Knight stood in the doorway of his wife’s office and watched her. Elizabeth Knight’s head was bowed as she sat at her desk. Several books were open in front of her, but she was obviously not reading any of them.

“Why don’t you call it a day, honey?”

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Categories: Baldacci David
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