
Prologue There were twelve men in the heavily guarded underground chamber…

I She was hurrying along Pennsylvania Avenue, a block from the…

II Dana Evans was awakened by the relentless ringing of the…

III School was an unbearable ordeal for Kemal. He was smaller…

IV What are you trying to tell me, Dana?”

V The call from Dana’s mother, Eileen, came without warning.

VI The staff was getting ready for the evening news.

VII When Dana walked into her office on Monday morning, Olivia…

VIII Wednesday Morning, as Dana was preparing breakfast, she heard loud…

IX They were in the middle of their morning meeting about…

X The call came out of the blue on Monday morning.

XI It was an effort for Rachel to move. Just walking…

XII Rachel Stevens was at Miami International Airport to meet Jeff…

XIII That evening when Dana returned to her room, she stopped…

XIV Dana and Matt Baker were in the conference room at…

XV When Dana arrived home, she found a beautiful little Christmas

XVI That evening at Dulles airport, Dana boarded a Lufthansa jet…

XVII Each city has its own rhythm, and Rome’s is like…

XVIII The headquarters of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is…

XIX The flight to MOSCOW on Sabena Airlines took three and…

XX When DANA awakened, she telephoned Tim Drew.

XXI Mrs. Daley and Kemal were waiting at Dulles airport to…

XXII There was a Military jet waiting at a private area…

XXIII In Raven Hill, a red no trespassing sign and high…

XXIV Dana’s cell phone rang.

XXV Dana managed to Flag down a taxi in front of…

XXVI Dana’S mother took a bite of the wedding cake.

Books by Sidney Sheldon





THERE WERE TWELVE MEN in the heavily guarded underground chamber, representing twelve far-flung countries. They were seated in comfortable chairs set in six rows, several feet apart. They listened intently as the speaker addressed them.

“I am happy to inform you that the threat with which we have all been so deeply concerned is about to be eliminated. I need not go into details because the whole world will hear about it within the next twenty-four hours. Rest assured that nothing will stop us. The gates will remain open. We will now begin the auction. Do I have a first bid? Yes. One billion dollars. Do I have two? Two billion. Do I have three?”


SHE WAS HURRYING ALONG Pennsylvania Avenue, a block from the White House, shivering in the cold December wind, when she heard the terrifying, earsplitting scream of air-raid sirens and then the sound of a bomber plane overhead, ready to unload its cargo of death. She stopped, frozen, engulfed in a red mist of terror.

Suddenly she was back in Sarajevo, and she could hear the shrill whistle of the bombs dropping. She closed her eyes tightly, but it was impossible to shut out the vision of what was happening all around her. The sky was ablaze, and she was deafened by the sounds of automatic-weapons fire, roaring planes, and the wump of deadly mortar shells. Nearby buildings erupted into showers of cement, bricks, and dust. Terrified people were running in every direction, trying to outrace death.

From far, far away, a man’s voice was saying, “Are you all right?”

Slowly, warily, she opened her eyes. She was back on Pennsylvania Avenue, in the bleak winter sunlight, listening to the fading sounds of the jet plane and the ambulance siren that had triggered her memories.

“Miss—are you all right?”

She forced herself back to the present. “Yes. I’m—I’m fine, thank you.”

He was staring at her. “Wait a minute! You’re Dana Evans. I’m a big fan of yours. I watch you on WTN every night, and I saw all your broadcasts from Yugoslavia.” His voice was filled with enthusiasm. “It must have been really exciting for you, covering that war, huh?”

“Yes.” Dana Evans’s throat was dry. Exciting to see people blown to shreds, to see the bodies of babies thrown down wells, bits of human jetsam flowing down a river of red.

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon