The stars are also fire by Poul Anderson. Part nine

“It was never our intention.”

“Maybe not, but you’re skirting too bloody close to it, and you did already send one man to the firecoils.” Dagny sighed. “Brandir, I’m getting very tired. I’ve no more time or patience to spare. Hear what I propose.

“You and your fellows will make an honest offer to negotiate a peaceful settlement. I guess that has to include taking down your catapults, unless government crews operate them for you, and maybe surrendering assorted heavy weapons; but surely you can get concessions in return. Quid pro quo, tomorrow is another day, and so forth. The main point is that you make peace. If you do, we can pass Jaime Wahl’s death off as natural, send young Erann home, and, not so by-the-by, free you to cook your next cabal.”

“Otherwise, my lady?”

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