The stars are also fire by Poul Anderson. Part seven

“Oh, yes, we’ll have to abide by environmental rules under the Covenant. But they’re flexible enough when … we are the local supervisors … and we do want to bring our Keiki into balance with nature, it’s just that we can’t do it without destroying what we are unless we have time and elbow room and … freedom—“ She couldn’t go on.

She had not yet been there in person, but before her rose the vision she conjured out of the database. Nauru was not Niihau. It lay solitary, 200 square kilometers, a plateau scarred by the former mining,walled by coral cliffs, ringed by sandy beaches and the outlying reef, a wilderness where remnants of dwellings stood desolate under the sea wind and the screaming sea birds, the only habitation a few cabins. But trees swayed in that wind, flowers glowed, in the southwest was a freshwater lagoon, everywhere around reached the living sea. The English had named it Pleasant Island.

“What we can make of it,” she whispered after a minute.

“I daresay the deal will raise an uproar in Hiroshima.” Kenmuir stroked his chin. “But, hm, I’d guess you can plead your case on more than legalistic grounds. Popular sentiment will favor a cause that romantic. Also, not least, because you’ll be taking the country out of Lunarian hands, back into Earthlings’. Yes, the prospects look good to me.”

His dryness was just what she needed. Had he known? Aleka settled into reality. “First,” she said, “we’ve got to carry out our mission, and hope the result will seem worth it to Lilisaire.”

His countenance drew into furrows. “Right. We do.” Then: “What exactly is your plan?”

“The plan I was given, actually,” she replied, “and there’s nothing exact about it, only a briefing on what to expect and a suggestion or two about how to proceed. We can try something different if we choose. But this does strike me as our best bet. Does the name Prajnaloka mean anything to you?”

“No-o … Wait. Some kind of cult or fellowship?”

“Stranger than that. I hardly knew of the movement myself till the agent in San Francisco told me. Later, before going to meet you, I retrieved more details. It’s worldwide, though it hasn’t many members, and its name depends on the language—in Anglo, it’s Soulquest. Prajnaloka is the center for North America, a settlement in the Ozark Mountains, not far east of here. For our purposes, it’s got superb data facilities, and they often get used in such peculiar ways that we can hope the system won’t look closely if we—” A knock crashed on the door, again and again. Aleka and Kenmuir jumped to their feet. For a terrible half second, she felt this must be their enemy, who had no face. Then she thought to see what the time was. She hadn’t noticed how the hours slipped away, noise and flicker from the square died out, the night grew old.

“Bruno,” Kenmuir said. He walked stiffly over to unbolt the door and open it.

The mayor’s bulk filled the frame. Aleka glimpsed the guardsman Bolly behind him. “Good evening,” Kenmuir greeted. “Or I could better say, ‘Good morning.’“

“Good, yah, good,” Bruno replied slurrily. His face was flushed, he breathed hoarsely, but he advanced with iron steadiness. Kenmuir must step aside. Bruno’s gaze sought Aleka and clung. “Ho, th’ li’l lady,” he boomed. “B’env’ida.” He approached, stopped, laid hands on her shoulders. “Happy here?”

She slipped from her chair and his touch. He came after her and loomed. Sweat and drink swamped her nostrils.

“Not happy, huh? Yah, stuck in this room. No fun. Sorry. For y’ own safety. Things got kin’ o’ wild. Quiet now. Come on out V I’ll show you our fair city. You’ll like it.”

She would not let her voice tremble. “Gracias, but I’m afraid we must go. Urgent business.”

“Naw. Not that urgent. Later t’day. When I start off for th’ game. First, fun.” Again his hands were upon her, enclosing her hips, sliding up to her breasts. “Come on wi’ me. You’ll like it.”

She writhed free. He grabbed her wrist, bruisingly } hard. Through nausea she heard Kenmuir: “I say, this won’t do. Let her go.”

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