The stars are also fire by Poul Anderson. Part ten

Afterward—I don’t suppose “afterward” means anything in this case. “Go with God” is a wish that you go in safety and happiness, no more. Maybe I’m wrong. It would be a new adventure to find out!

Regardless, nobody ever quite leaves the living universe. What we have done travels on and on, we cannot tell how far, before it’s lost in the cosmic noise. Closer to hand, duties remain to carry out, decencies to respect, mercies to grant.

And so I appeal to you, my Earth-son. You will understand what my dear Moon-children cannot. You, who have become a power within mighty Fireball, yet are wholly human, can do what neither Anson Guthrie nor any Selenarch is quite able to.

Oh, you will keep your troth. You will stay Guthrie’s man as you promised long ago. I ask just that you set aside whatever weariness of age is on you and volunteer to him your services in the cause of Lunar peace.

You have the insights, the connections, the experience, everything I showed you and confided in you and got you involved with. No, you will not be the never-existent indispensable man. But you can play a very large—and very quiet; I know you—role in the coming years. It will be hard, thankless, often maddening, possibly catastrophic, but it will better the odds, and what more can we mortals do?

Herewith is a file, which I keep updated. It summarizes the situation, the factors I believe are important, and any recommendations that occur to me. You will see that much of this is confidential. I trust you. I trust you alsoto study it. Then, if you agree you can make a difference, you will go to Guthrie. And God go with you.

What else? They talk of building a great tomb for my ashes, come the day. I thought of asking you to intervene as best you can, try to have them scattered where Edmond’s lie. But no, Verdea is passionate about what this would mean to everybody. If they really want it, let them. It won’t matter to me. Save your efforts for the living and the not yet born.

What does matter, though—be kind to my download.

I think that’s all. As you in your heart bid me goodnight, wish the children, from me, a good morning.

Your Mother JVenmuir drew to attention. “Hola, seftor,” he greeted. Aleka crossed hands on breasts and bowed. The woman who had escorted them from the gate saluted.

The huge old man in the huge old room looked up from his hearthside chair. Lighting was turned low and the fire cast flickers over him. Its crackle mingled with an undertone of music—a contemporary piece that Kenmuir recognized, Nomura’s “Symphonic Variations on Sibelius’s ‘Swan of Tuonela.’” As somber in the dimness were the portraits that stared from their frames. Through the windows he saw the long Northern dusk deepening into night.

“So you’re back, lan Kenmuir,” Matthias rumbled.

“Yes, sir,” the pilot said. “May I introduce Aleka THE STARS ARE ALSO FIRE491 Kame?” He could never think of her by the Anglo version of her name.

“Bienvenida, senorita.”

“Gracias,” she replied uncertainly. “You are very kind to receive us like this, on no notice, senor.”

“Kenmuir called troth when you arrived. Besides, I’m … curious.” ^ “We have more to tell than a peculiar story, sir,” Kenmuir said.

The Rydberg nodded. “That’s plain to see.”

“We need to speak with you in privacy.”

“Equally obvious. Sit.” Matthias gestured. Kenmuir and Aleka went to get chairs. Meanwhile Matthias addressed their escort: “Did you hear, Gould? Seal of secrecy. I want you to inform the staff, each individual person in the house and on the grounds.” He described their whereabouts.

Aleka took the opportunity to whisper to Kenmuir, “Will that work?”

“Yes. Troth,” he answered, not quite so shyly. “But for my part—I can’t lie to him, you know.”

“Why should you?”

“Nor expect him—nor ask him—to act against his judgment of what’s best for all the Fireball con-sortes.”

“Or for all living things. I understand.”

They brought their chairs back to face the lodgemaster’s carven seat. As he sat down, Kenmuir felt how weary he was. It was a physical tiredness, though, warm and loose-boned. This day’s tramp, along upland greenwood trails to the sea had been as heartening as the half-sorrowful bliss last night. Aleka, beside him, took his hand.

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Categories: Anderson, Poul