The Stars Shine Down by Sidney Sheldon

It was going to be a spectacular party. She would hold her head high and face her guests as though nothing were wrong. She was Lara Cameron.

When the private jet finally landed at La Guardia, it was an hour and a half late.

Lara turned to the pilot. “We’ll be flying back to Reno later tonight, Roger.”

“I’ll be here, Miss Cameron.”

Her limousine and driver were waiting for her at the ramp.

“I was getting worried about you, Miss Cameron.”

“We ran into some weather, Max. Let’s get to the Plaza as fast as possible.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Lara reached for the car phone and dialed Jerry Townsend’s number. He had made all the arrangements for the party. Lara wanted to make sure that her guests were being looked after. There was no answer. He’s probably in the ballroom, Lara thought.

“Hurry, Max.”

“Yes, Miss Cameron.”

The sight of the huge Cameron Plaza Hotel never failed to give Lara a glow of satisfaction at what she had created, but on this evening she was in too much of a hurry to think about it. Everyone would be waiting for her in the Grand Ballroom.

She pushed through the revolving door and hurried across the large spectacular lobby. Carlos, the assistant manager, saw her and came running to her side.

“Miss Cameron…”

“Later,” Lara said. She kept walking. She reached the closed door of the Grand Ballroom and stopped to take a deep breath. I’m ready to face them, Lara thought. She flung open the door, a smile on her face, and stopped in shock. The room was in total darkness. Were they planning some kind of surprise? She reached for the switch behind the door and flicked it up. The huge room was flooded with incandescent light. There was no one there. Not one single person. Lara stood there, stunned.

What in the world could have happened to two hundred guests? The invitations had read eight o’clock. It was now almost ten o’clock. How could that many people disappear into thin air? It was eerie. She looked around the enormous empty ballroom and shivered. Last year, at her birthday party, this same room had been filled with her friends, filled with music and laughter. She remembered that day so well…

Chapter Two

One year earlier Lara Cameron’s appointment schedule for the day had been routine.

September 10, 1991

5:00 A.M. Workout with trainer

7:00 A.M. Appearance on Good Morning America

7:45 A.M. Meeting with Japanese bankers

9:30 A.M. Jerry Townsend

10:30 A.M. Executive Planning Committee

11:00 A.M. Faxes, overseas calls, mail

11:30 A.M. Construction meeting

12:30 P.M. S&L meeting

1:00 P.M. Lunch—Fortune magazine interview—Hugh Thompson

2:30 P.M. Metropolitan Union bankers

4:00 P.M. City Planning Commission

5:00 P.M. Meeting with mayor—Gracie Mansion

6:15 P.M. Architects meeting

6:30 P.M. Housing Department

7:30 P.M. Cocktails with Dallas investment group

8:00 P.M. Birthday party at Grand Ballroom—Cameron Plaza

She had been in her workout clothes impatiently waiting when Ken, her trainer, arrived.

“You’re late.”

“Sorry, Miss Cameron. My alarm didn’t go off and…”

“I have a busy day. Let’s get started.”


They did stretches for half an hour and then switched to energetic aerobics.

She’s got the body of a twenty-one-year-old, Ken thought. I’d sure love to get that into my bed. He enjoyed coming here every morning just to look at her, to be near her. People constantly asked him what Lara Cameron was like. He would answer, “The lady’s a ten.”

Lara went through the strenuous routine easily, but her mind was not on it this morning.

When the session was finally over, Ken said, “I’m going to watch you on Good Morning America.”

“What?” For a moment Lara had forgotten about it. She had been thinking about the meeting with the Japanese bankers.

“See you tomorrow, Miss Cameron.”

“Don’t be late again, Ken.”

Lara showered and changed and had breakfast alone on the terrace of the penthouse, a breakfast of grapefruit, cereal, and green tea. When she had finished, she went into her study.

Lara buzzed her secretary. “I’ll do the overseas calls from the office,” Lara said. “I have to be at ABC at seven. Have Max bring the car around.”

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon