The Tank Lords by David Drake

“Lord blast you for a fool!” the Kikuyu shouted, taking a step forward. All four technicians backed away with their hands lifting. “Will you—” But though there was confusion on the faces watching him, there was nothing of assent, and there was no time to argue. As if he had planned it from the start, Juma slipped into the left saddle of the jeep he had just rewired and gunned the fans.

With an oath, Bog Muller grappled with the civilian. The muscles beneath Juma’s loose jellaba had shifted driving fans beneath ore carriers in lieu of a hydraulic jack. He shrugged the technician away with a motion as slight and as masterful as that of an earth tremor. Juma waggled the stick, using the vehicle’s skirts to butt aside two of the younger men who belatedly tried to support their chief. Then he had the jeep clear of the repair rack and spinning on its own axis.

Muller scrambled to his feet again and waited for Juma to realize there was not enough room between truck and wall for the jeep to pass. If the driver himself had any doubt, it was not evident in the way he dialed on throttle and leaned to bring the right-hand skirt up an instant before it scraped the courtyard wall. Using the wall as a running surface and the force of his turn to hold him there, Juma sent the gun-jeep howling sideways around the barricade and up the street.

“Hey!” shouted the startled guard, rising from the shady side of the truck. “Hey!” and he shouldered his weapon.

A technician grabbed him, wrestling the muzzle of the gun skyward. It was the same lanky man who had caught ben Khedda when he would have plucked at Juma’s sleeve. “Via!” cried the guard, watching the vehicle corner and disappear up the main road to the mine. “We weren’t supposed to let him by!”

“We’re better off explaining that,” said the tech, “than we are telling the captain how we just killed his brother. Right?”

The street was empty again. All five troopers stared at it for some moments before any of them moved to the radio.

Despite his haste, Youssef ben Khedda stopped his car short of the waiting gun-jeeps and began walking toward the prisoners. His back crept with awareness of the guns and the hard-eyed men behind them; but, as God willed, he had chosen and there could be no returning now.

The captain—his treacherous soul was as black as his skin—was not visible. No doubt he had entered the Bordj as he had announced he would. Against expectation, and as further proof that God favored his cause, ben Khedda saw no sign of that damnable first sergeant either. If God willed it, might they both be blasted to atoms somewhere in a tunnel!

The soldiers watching the prisoners from a few meters away were the ones whom ben Khedda had led on their search of the village. The corporal frowned, but he knew ben Khedda for a confidant of his superiors. “Go with God, brother,” said the civilian in Arabic, praying the other would have been taught that tongue or Kabyle. “Your captain wished me to talk once more with that dog—” he pointed to ben Cheriff. “There are documents of which he knows,” he concluded vaguely.

The non-com’s lip quirked nervously. “Look, can it wait—” he began, but even as he spoke he was glancing at the leveled tribarrels forty meters distant. “Blood,” he muttered, a curse and a prophecy. “Well, go talk then. But watch it—the bastard’s mean as a snake and his woman’s worse.”

The Kaid watched ben Khedda approach with the fascination of a mongoose awaiting a cobra. The traitor threw himself to the ground and tried to kiss the Kaid’s feet. “Brother in God,” the unshackled man whispered, “we have been betrayed by the unbelievers. Their dog of a captain will have you all murdered on his return, despite his oaths to me.”

“Are we to believe, brother Youssef,” the Kaid said with a sneer, “that you intend to die here with the patriots to cleanse your soul of the lies you carried?”

Others along the line of prisoners were peering at the scene to the extent their irons permitted, but the two men spoke in voices too low for any but the Kaid’s wife to follow the words. “Brother,” ben Khedda continued, “preservation is better than expiation. The captain has confessed his wicked plan to no one but me. If he dies, it dies with him—and our people live. Now, raise me by the hands.”

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Categories: David Drake