The Teeth of the Tiger by Tom Clancy

It was probably harder for the others in his party, Mustafa thought. They had to trust him to know what he was doing. He was the mission commander, the leader of a warrior band about to divide into four parts that would never reunite. The mission had been painstakingly planned. The only future communications would be via computer, and few enough of those. They’d function independently, but to a simple timetable and toward a single strategic objective. This plan would shake America as no other plan had ever done, Mustafa told himself, looking into a station wagon as it passed them. Two parents, and what appeared ; to be two little ones, a boy about four, and a smaller one perhaps a year and a half. Infidels, all of them. Targets.

His operational plan was all written down, of course, in fourteen-point Geneva type on sheets of plain white paper. Four copies. One for each team leader. The other data was in files on the personal computers that all of the men had in their small carry-bags, along with spare shirts and clean underwear and little else. They would not need much, and the plan was to leave very little behind in order to further befuddle the Americans.

It was enough to generate a thin smile at the passing countryside. Mustafa lit up a cigarette—he only had three left—and took a deep breath of tobacco smoke, and the air-conditioning blew cold air on him. Behind them, the sun was declining in the sky. They’d make their next—­and last—stop in the darkness, which, he considered, was good tactical planning. He knew it was only an accident, but, if so, it meant that Allah Himself was smiling on their plan. As He ought to do, of course. They were all doing His work.

ANOTHER DULL day’s work done, Jack told himself on the way to his car. One bad thing about The Campus was that he couldn’t dis­cuss it with anybody. Nobody was cleared for this stuff, though it was not yet evident why. He could, surely, kick this around with his dad—the President was by definition cleared for anything, and ex-Presidents had the same access to information, if not by law, then by the rules of prac­ticality. But, no, he couldn’t do that. Dad would not be pleased by his new job. Dad could make a phone call and screw all of that up, and Jack had had enough of a taste to keep himself hungry for a few months at least. Even so, the ability to kick a few things around with somebody who knew what was going on would have been a blessing of sorts. Just someone to say, yes, it really is important, and, yes, you really are con­tributing to Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

Could he really make a difference? The world worked the way it worked, and he couldn’t change it much. Even his father, for all the power that had come to him, had been unable to do that. How much less could he, a junior prince of sorts, be able to accomplish? But if the broken parts of the world were ever to be fixed, it would have to be at the hands of someone who didn’t care if it were impossible or not. Probably someone too young and dumb to know that impossible things were . . . impossible. But neither his mother nor his father believed in that word, and that’s the way they had raised him. Sally was graduating medical school soon, and she was going into oncology—the one thing their mother had regretted not doing with her own medical career—and she told everyone who asked that she was going to be there when the cancer dragon was finally slain once and for all. So, believing in impos­sibility was not part of the Ryan creed. He just didn’t know how yet, but the world was full of things to learn, wasn’t it? And he was smart and well educated, and having a sizable trust fund meant that he could go forward without fear of starving if he offended the wrong person. That was the most important freedom his father had bequeathed him, and John Patrick Ryan, Jr., was smart enough to know just how important it was—if not to grasp the responsibility that such freedom carried with it.

INSTEAD OF cooking their own dinner, they decided to go to a local steak house that night. It was full of college kids from the Univer­sity of Virginia. You could tell—they all looked bright, but not as bright as they thought they were, and they were all a little too loud, a little too confident in themselves. That was one of the advantages of being children—much as they would have detested that appellation—kids whose needs were still looked after by loving parents, albeit at a comfortable distance. To the two Caruso boys, it was a humorous look at what they’d themselves been only a few short years ago, before harsh training and experience in the real world had turned them into something else. Ex­actly what, they were not yet sure. What had seemed so simple in school had become infinitely complex after leaving the academic womb. The world was not digital, after all—it was an analog reality, always untidy, always with loose ends that could never be tied up neatly like shoelaces, and so it was possible to trip and fall with every incautious step. And cau­tion only came with experience—with a few trip-and-falls that brought pain, only the worst of which taught remembered lessons. Those les­sons had come early to the brothers. Not as early as they’d come to other generations, but still soon enough for them to realize the consequences of errors in a world that had never learned to forgive.

“Not a bad place,” Brian judged, halfway through his filet mignon.

“Hard to mess up a decent piece of beef, no matter how dumb the cook is.” This place obviously had a cook, not a chef, but the steak fries were pretty good for nearly raw carbohydrates, and the broccoli was fresh out of the freezer bag, Dominic thought.

“I really ought to eat better than this,” the Marine major observed. “Enjoy it while you can. We’re not thirty yet, are we?”

That was good for a laugh. “Used to seem like an awfully big number, didn’t it?”

“Where old age starts? Oh yeah. Well, you’re pretty young for a ma­jor, right?”

Aldo shrugged. “I suppose. My boss liked me, and I had some good people working for me. I never did take a liking to MREs, though. They keep you going, but that’s about all I can say for them. My gunny loved the things, said they were better than what he’d grown up in the Corps with.”

“In the Bureau, you tend to live on Dunkin’ Donuts and—well, they make about the best industrial coffee in America. It’s hard to keep your belt loose on that kind of diet.”

“You’re in decent shape for a deskbound warrior, Enzo,” Brian ob­served rather generously. At the end of the morning run, his brother occasionally looked as though he was about to drop. But a three-mile run was just like morning coffee for a Marine, something to open the eyes. “I still wish I knew exactly what we’re training for,” Aldo said after another bite.

“Bro, we’re training to kill people, that’s all we need to know. Sneak up without being seen, and then get the hell away without being noticed.”

“With pistols?” Brian responded dubiously. “Kinda noisy, and not as sure as a rifle. I had a sniper with my team in Afghanistan. He did some bad guys at damned near a mile. Used a Barrett .50 rifle, big mother, like an old BAR on steroids. Shoots the .50 round from the Ma Deuce ma­chine gun. Accurate as hell, and it makes for a definitive hit, y’know? Kinda hard to walk away with a half-inch hole in you.” Especially since his sniper, Corporal Alan Roberts, a black kid from Detroit, had pre­ferred head shots, and the .50 really did the job on heads.

“Well, maybe suppressed ones. You can silence a handgun fairly well.”

“I’ve seen those. We trained with them at Recon School, but they’re awful bulky for carrying under a business suit, and you still have to take them out and stand still and aim them at the target’s head. Unless they send us to James Bond School to get courses in magic, we’re not going to be killing many people with handguns, Enzo.”

“Well, maybe we’ll be using something else.”

“So you don’t know, either?”

“Hey, man, my checks still come from the Bureau. All I know is that Gus Werner sent me here, and that makes it most-of-the-way kosher . . . I think,” he concluded.

“You mentioned him before. Who is he, exactly?”

“Assistant Director, head of the new Counter-Terrorism Division. You don’t fuck with Gus. He was head of the Hostage Rescue Team, got all his other tickets punched, too. Smart guy, and tough as hell. I don’t think he faints at the sight of blood. But he’s also got a real head on his shoulders. Terrorism is the new thing at the Bureau, and Dan Murray didn’t pick him for the job just because he can shoot a gun. He and Mur­ray are tight, they go back twenty-plus years. Murray ain’t no dummy, either. Anyway, if he sent me here, it’s gotta be okay with somebody. So, I’ll play along until they tell me to break the law.”

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