The Thing in the Stone by Clifford D. Simak

The Thing in the Stone

Clifford D. Simak


He walked the hills and knew what the hills had seen through geologic

time. He listened to the stars and spelled out what the stars were saying.

He had found the creature that lay imprisoned in the stone. He had climbed

the tree that in other days had been climbed by homing wildcats to reach the

den gouged by time and weather out of the cliff’s sheer face. He lived alone

on a worn-out farm perched on a high and narrow ridge that overlooked the

confluence of two rivers. And his next-door neighbor, a most ill-favored

man, drove to the county seat, thirty miles away, to tell the sheriff that

this reader of the hills, this listener to the stars was a chicken thief.

The sheriff dropped by within a week or so and walked across the yard to

where the man was sitting in a rocking chair on a porch that faced the river

hills. The sheriff came to a halt at the foot of the stairs that ran up to

the porch.

‘I’m Sheriff Harley Shepherd,’ he said. ‘I was just driving by. Been

some years since I been out in this neck of the woods. You are new here,

aren’t you?’

The man rose to his feet and gestured at another chair. ‘Been here three

years or so,’ he said. ‘The name is Wallace Daniels. Come up and sit with


The sheriff climbed the stairs and the two shook hands, then sat down in

the chairs.

‘You don’t farm the place,’ the sheriff said.

The weed-grown fields came up to the fence that hemmed in the yard.

Daniels shook his head. ‘Subsistence farming, if you can call it that. A

few chickens for eggs. A couple of cows for milk and butter. Some hogs for

meat — the neighbors help me butcher. A garden of course, but that’s about

the story.’

‘Just as well,’ the sheriff said. ‘The place is all played out. Old Amos

Williams, he let it go to ruin. He never was no farmer.’

‘The land is resting now,’ said Daniels. ‘Give it ten years — twenty

might be better — and it will be ready once again. The only things it’s

good for now are the rabbits and the woodchucks and the meadow mice. A lot

of birds, of course. I’ve got the finest covey of quail a man has ever


‘Used to be good squirrel country,’ said the sheriff. ‘Coon, too. I

suppose you still have coon. You have a hunter, Mr. Daniels?’

‘I don’t own a gun,’ said Daniels.

The sheriff settled deeply into the chair, rocking gently.

‘Pretty country out here,’ he declared. ‘Especially with the leaves

turning colors. A lot of hardwood and they are colorful. Rough as hell, of

course, this land of yours. Straight up and down, the most of it. But


‘It’s old country,’ Daniels said. ‘The last sea retreated from this area

more than four hundred million years ago. It has stood as dry land since the

end of the Silurian. Unless you go up north, on to the Canadian Shield,

there aren’t many places in this country you can find as old as this.’

‘You a geologist, Mr. Daniels?’

‘Not really. Interested, is all. The rankest amateur. I need something

to fill my time and I do a lot of hiking, scrambling up and down these

hills. And you can’t do that without coming face to face with a lot of

geology. I got interested. Found some fossil brachiopods and got to

wondering about them. Sent off for some books and read up on them. One thing

led to another and — ‘

‘Brachiopods? Would they be dinosaurs, or what? I never knew there were

dinosaurs out this way.’

‘Not dinosaurs,’ said Daniels. ‘Earlier than dinosaurs, at least the

ones I found. They’re small. Something like clams or oysters. But the shells

are hinged in a different sort of way. These were old ones, extinct millions

of years ago. But we still have a few brachiopods living now. Not too many

of them.’

‘It must be interesting.’

‘I find it so,’ said Daniels.

‘You knew old Amos Williams?’

‘No. He was dead before I came here. Bought the land from the bank that

was settling his estate.’

‘Queer old coot,’ the sheriff said. ‘Fought with all his neighbors.

Especially with Ben Adams. Him and Ben had a line fence feud going on for

years. Ben said Amos refused to keep up the fence. Amos claimed Ben knocked

it down and then sort of, careless-like, hazed his cattle over into Amos’s

hayfield. How you get along with Ben?’

‘All right,’ Daniels said. ‘No trouble. I scarcely know the man.’

‘Ben don’t do much farming, either,’ said the sheriff. Hunts and fishes,

hunts ginseng, does some trapping in the winter. Prospects for minerals now

and then.’

‘There are minerals in these hills,’ said Daniels. ‘Lead and zinc. But

it would cost more to get it out than it would be worth. At present prices,

that is.’

‘Ben always has some scheme cooking.’ said the sheriff. ‘Always off on

some wild goose chase. And he’s a pure pugnacious man. Always has his nose

out of joint about something. Always on the prod for trouble. Bad man to

have for an enemy. Was in the other day to say someone’s been lifting a hen

or two of his. You haven’t been missing any, have you?’

Daniels grinned. ‘There’s a fox that levies a sort of tribute on the

coop every now and then. I don’t begrudge them to him.’

‘Funny thing,’ the sheriff said. ‘There ain’t nothing can rile up a

farmer like a little chicken stealing. It don’t amount to shucks, of course,

but they get real hostile at it.’

‘If Ben has been losing chickens,’ Daniels said, ‘more than likely the

culprit is my fox.’

‘Your fox? You talk as if you own him.’

‘Of course I don’t. No one owns a fox. But he lives in these hills with

me. I figure we are neighbours. I see him every now and then and watch him.

Maybe that means I own a piece of him. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if

he watches me more than I watch him. He moves quicker than I do.’

The sheriff heaved himself out of the chair.

‘I hate to go,’ he said. ‘I declare it has been restful sitting here and

talking with you and looking at the hills. You look at them a lot, I take


‘Quite a lot,’ said Daniels.

He sat on the porch and watched the sheriff’s car top the rise far down

the ridge and disappear from sight.

What had it all been about? he wondered. The sheriff hadn’t just

happened to be passing by. He’d been on an errand. All this aimless,

friendly talk had not been for nothing and in the course of it he’d managed

to ask lots of questions.

Something about Ben Adams, maybe? Except there wasn’t too much against

Adams except he was bone-lazy. Lazy in a weasely sort of way. Maybe the

sheriff had got wind of Adams’ off-and-on moonshining operation and was out

to do some checking, hoping that some neighbor might misspeak himself. None

of them would, of course, for it was none of their business, really, and the

moonshining had built up no nuisance value. What little liquor Ben might

make didn’t amount to much. He was too lazy for anything he did to amount to


From far down the hill he heard the tinkle of a bell. The two cows were

finally heading home. It must be much later, Daniels told himself, than he

had thought. Not that he paid much attention to what time it was. He hadn’t

for long months on end, ever since he’d smashed his watch when he’d fallen

off the ledge. He had never bothered to have the watch fixed. He didn’t need

a watch. There was a battered old alarm clock in the kitchen but it was an

erratic piece of mechanism and not to be relied upon. He paid slight

attention to it.

In a little while, he thought, he’d have to rouse himself and go and do

the chores — milk the cows, feed the hogs and chickens, gather up the eggs.

Since the garden had been laid by there hadn’t been much to do. One of these

days he’d have to bring in the squashes and store them in the cellar and

there were those three or four big pumpkins he’d have to lug down the hollow

to the Perkins kids, so they’d have them in time to make jack-o-lanterns for

Halloween. He wondered if he should carve out the faces himself or if the

kids would rather do it on their own.

But the cows were still quite a distance away and he still had time. He

sat easy in his chair and stared across the hills.

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Categories: Simak, Clifford