The Trial by Franz Kafka

perhaps she’s soft and kind to you, one might guess that from the photograph. Big strong

girls like that often can’t help being soft and kind. But would she be capable of sacrificing

herself for you?” “No,” said K. “She is neither soft nor kind, nor would she be capable of

sacrificing herself for me. And up till now I have demanded neither the one thing nor the other from her. In fact I’ve never even examined this photograph as carefully as you have.”

“So she doesn’t mean so very much to you,” said Leni. “She isn’t your sweetheart after all.”

“Oh, yes,” replied K. “I refuse to take back my words.” “Well, granted that she’s your

sweetheart,” said Leni, “you wouldn’t miss her very much, all the same, if you were to lose

her or exchange her for someone else, me, for instance?” “Certainly,” said K., smiling,

“that’s conceivable, but she has one great advantage over you, she knows nothing about my

case, and even if she knew she wouldn’t bother her head about it. She wouldn’t try to get

me to be less unyielding.” “That’s no advantage,” said Leni. “If that’s all the advantage she

has over me I shan’t give up hope. Has she any physical defect?” “Any physical defect?”

asked K. “Yes,” said Leni. “For I have a slight one. Look.” She held up her right hand and

stretched out the two middle fingers, between which the connecting web of skin reached

almost to the top joint, short as the fingers were. In the darkness K. could not make out at

once what she wanted to show him, so she took his hand and made him feel it. “What a

freak of nature!” said K. and he added, when he had examined the whole hand: “What a

pretty little paw !” Leni looked on with a kind of pride while K. in astonishment kept

pulling the two fingers apart and then putting them side by side again, until at last he

kissed them lightly and let them go. “Oh !” she cried at once. “You have kissed me !” She

hastily scrambled up until she was kneeling openmouthed on his knees. K. looked up at her

almost dumfounded; now that she was so close to him she gave out a bitter exciting odor

like pepper; she clasped his head to her, bent over him, and bit and kissed him on the neck,

biting into the very hairs of his head. “You have exchanged her for me,” she cried over and

over again. “Look, you have exchanged her for me after all !” Then her knees slipped, with

a faint cry she almost fell on the carpet, K. put his arms round her to hold her up and was

pulled down to her. “You belong to me now,” she said.

“Here’s the key of the door, come whenever you like,” were her last words, and as he

took his leave a final aimless kiss landed on his shoulder. When he stepped out on to the

pavement a light rain was falling; he was making for the middle of the street so as perhaps

to catch a last glimpse of Leni at her window, but a car which was waiting before the

house and which in his distraction he had not even noticed suddenly emitted his uncle, who

seized him by the arms and banged him against the house door as if he wanted to nail him

there. “Joseph!” he cried, “how could you do it! You have damaged your case badly, which

was beginning to go quite well. You hide yourself away with a filthy little trollop, who is

obviously the lawyer’s mistress into the bargain, and stay away for hours. You don’t even

seek any pretext, you conceal nothing, no, you’re quite open, you simply run off to her and

stay beside her. And all this time we three sit there, your uncle, who is doing his best for

you, the lawyer, who has to be won over to your side, above all the Chief Clerk of the

Court, a man of importance, who is actually in charge of your case at its present stage.

There we sit, consulting how to help you, I have to handle the lawyer circumspectly, and

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Categories: Kafka, Franz