The Unteleported Man by Philip K. Dick

“What about the other paraworlds?” he said.

“Well? What about them? They’re real, too. Just as real. The Clock; that’s a common one. Paraworld Sil­ver; that comes up again and again.” She added, “I’ve been here a long time; I’ve seen that one again and again . . . I guess it’s not so hard to take as Paraworld Blue. Yours is the worst. Everybody seems to agree with that. Whether they’ve seen it or not. When you’ve gone through Computer Day and fed your experience into the fniggling thing’s banks so that everybody in the class can—”

Rachmael said carefully, “Why different psychedelic worlds? Why not the same one, again and again?”

Sheila Quam raised a thin, expertly drawn eyebrow. “For everyone? The whole class, as long as it exists?”


After a pause she said, “I don’t really know. I’ve wondered a whole lot of times. So have plenty of other people who know about it. The ‘wash psychiatrists, for instance. Dr. Lupov himself; I heard a lecture he gave on the subject. He’s as no-darn-place as anybody else, and that’s what—”

“Why did Miss de Rungs say everyone squirms when you come into the room?” He waited for her answer; he did not let her off the hook.

Smoking a newly-lit cigarillo placidly, Sheila Quam said, “A control, whoever he is—it varies from one month to the next; we take turns—has the power to order the euth-x of someone he thinks a menace to New­colonizedland. There’s no board of appeal, anymore; that didn’t work. It’s a very simple form, now; I fill it out, get the person’s signature, and that’s it. Is that cruel?” She eyed him searchingly; evidently the query was sincere. “Next month, in fact sixteen days from now, it’ll be someone else’s turn and I’ll be squirming.”

Rachmael said, “What’s the purpose of the killing? Why has the control been given such power? Such drastic authority to arbitrarily—”

“There are eleven paraworlds,” Sheila said. She had lowered her voice; in the crowded kitchen the in­furiated, hip-and-thigh argument had terminated by dwindling swiftly away and everyone was mutely listen­ing to Sheila Quam. Even the de Rungs girl was listen­ing. And her expression of malice had gone; only a stricken, anticipatory dread showed. The same expres­sion that pervaded the features of each person in the room. “Twelve,” Sheila continued; the presence of the stony, voiceless audience did not seem either to nonplus her nor to goad her; she continued in the same detached, reasonable fashion. “If you count this.” She gestured, taking in the kitchen and its people and then she tossed her head, indicating the booming TV set in the living room with the we-bring-you-live-on-tape voice of Presi­dent of Newcolonizedland, Omar Jones. “I do,” she said. “In some ways it’s the most bug-built of all of them.”

“But the legal, sanctioned murders,” Rachmael said, staring at the girl with her glorious white-shiny hair, her immense guileless blue eyes, and, beneath her turtle-neck sweater, her small, articulated breasts. It did not seem congruent with her, this capacity, this office; it was impossible to imagine her signing death decrees. “What’s the basis? Or is there a basis?” He heard his voice rise and become almost a snarl. “I guess there doesn’t have to be, not if everyone is locked in.” Without consultation with anyone in the class he had come to that self-evident conclusion; the huddled, resigned air about all of them showed that. He felt it in himself already, and it was a noxious, almost physically poisonous sensation, to find himself drawn gradually into this demoralized milieu. Waiting for the control to act, and for whatever reason served. “You consider these people enemies of that state?” He gestured con­vulsively toward the yammering TV set in the living room, then turned, set down his syn-cof cup with a sharp clatter; across from him Sheila Quam jumped, blinked—he seized her by the shoulders and half-lifted her to her feet. Wide-eyed, startled, she returned his gaze fixedly, peering into him, penetrating him back as he focussed with compassionless, ruthless harshness; she was not afraid, but his grip hurt her; she set her jaw in an effort to keep still, but he saw, in her eyes, the wince of physical suffering. Suffering and surprise; she had not expected this, and he could guess why: this was not what one did to the pro tern control. Pragmatically it was suicidal if not insane.

Sheila, gratingly, said, “All right; possibly someday we’ll have to admit—classify—Omar Jones and the col­ony we’ve built up here as just one more paraworld. I admit it. But until then this remains the reference point. Are you satisfied? And until then any alternate distorted subreality perceived by anyone arriving is judged prima facie evidence that he’s in need of a ‘wash. And if psychiatric help doesn’t bring him around to the point that you’re at now, sharing this reality instead of—”

Hank Szantho said brusquely, “Tell him what the paraworlds are.”

The room, then, was silent.

“Good question,” the middle-aged, bony, hard-eyed man said presently.

To Rachmael, Szantho said, “It’s von Einem’s do­ing.”

“You don’t know that,” Sheila said quietly.

“He’s got some razzle-dazzle gadget he’s been playing around with at the Schweinfort labs,” Szantho continued. “Undoubtedly stolen from the UN, from where it tests its new top-secret weapons. Okay, I don’t, know that, not like I saw it in action or a schematic or something. But I know that’s what’s behind all this damn paraworld stuff; the UN invented that time-warping device recently and then Gregory Floch—”

“Ploch,” Miss de Rungs corrected.

“Gloch,” Sheila said bitingly. “Gregory Arnold Gloch. Anyhow, Gloch, Floch, Ploch; what does it mat­ter?” To Rachmael she said, “That freak who switched sides. Possibly you remember, although all the news media because of really incredible UN pressure more or less squelched it, right down the line.”

“Yes,” he said, remembering. “Five or six years ago.” Greg Gloch, the peculiar UN progeny prodigy, at that time beyond doubt the sole genuinely promising new wep-x designer at the Advance-weapons Archives, had, obviously for financial reasons, defected to a private industrial concern which could pay considerably better: Trails of Hoffman. And from there had beyond question passed directly to Schweinfort and its mam­moth research facilities.

“From that time-warpage wingding,” Hank Szantho continued, appealing to each of them with jerky, rapid gesticulations. “What else could it be? I guess nobody can say because there isn’t nothing; it has to be that.”

He tapped his forehead, nodding profoundly.

“Nonsense,” Miss de Rungs retorted. “A variety of alternate explanations come to mind. Its resemblance to the UN’s time-warpage device may be merely—”

“To be fair about this,” the middle-aged, hard-eyed man said in a quiet but effective monotone, “we must acquaint this newcomer with each of the major logical alternatives to Mr. Szantho’s stoutly defended but only theoretically possible explanation. Most plausible of course—Szantho’s theory. Second—in my opinion, at least—the UN itself, since they are the primary utilizers of the device . . . and it is, as Mr. Szantho pointed out, their invention, merely pirated by Gloch and von Einem. Assuming it was obtained by von Einem at all, and proof of this either way is unfortunately not available to us. Third—”

“From here on,” Sheila said to Rachmael, “the plausibility swiftly diminishes. He will not recount the stale possibility that the Mazdasts are responsible, a frightening boogyman we’ve had to live with but which no one seriously believes, despite what’s said again and again. This particular possible explanation properly belongs in the category of the very neurotic, if not psychotic.”

“And in addition,” Miss de Rungs said, “it may be Ferry alone, with no help from anyone; from von Einem or Gloch. It may be that von Einem is absolutely unaware of paraworlds per se. But no theory can hold water if it assumes that Ferry is ignorant.”

“According to you,” Hank Szantho muttered.

“Well,” Sheila said, “we are here, Hank. This pa­thetic colony of weevils. Theo Ferry put us here and you know it. THL is the underlying principle governing the dynamics of this world, whatever category this world falls into: pseudo-para or real or full para.” She smiled grimacingly at Hank Szantho who returned her bril­liant, cold glare dully.

“But if the paraworlds are derived via the UN’s time-warpage gadget,” the hard-faced middle-aged man said, “then they would constitute a spectrum of equally-real alternative presents, all of which split off at some disputed episode in the past, some antediluvian but crit­ical juncture which someone—whoever it is—tinkered with through the damn gadget we’re discussing. And so in no sense are they merely ‘para.’ Let’s face that honestly; if the time-warpage gadget is involved then we might as well end all speculation as to which world is real and which are not, because the term becomes mean­ingless.”

“Meaningless theoretically,” Miss de Rungs an­swered, “but not to anyone here in this room. Or in fact anyone in the world.” She corrected herself, “Anyone in this world. We have a massive stake in seeing to it that the other worlds, para or not, stay as they are, since all are so very much worse than this one.”

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Categories: Dick, Phillip K.