The Valley of Fear by Arthur Conan Doyle

“Well, I hope the pride and justification and the rest of it will come before we all get our death of cold,” said the London detective with comic resignation.

We all had good reason to join in the aspiration; for our vigil was a long and bitter one. Slowly the shadows darkened over the long, sombre face of the old house. A cold, damp reek from the moat chilled us to the bones and set our teeth chattering. There was a single lamp over the gateway and a steady globe of light in the fatal study. Everything else was dark and still.

“How long is this to last?” asked the inspector finally. “And what is it we are watching for?”

“I have no more notion than you how long it is to last,” Holmes answered with some asperity. “If criminals would always schedule their movements like railway trains, it would certainly be more convenient for all of us. As to what it is we — Well, that’s what we are watching for!”

As he spoke the bright, yellow light in the study was obscured by somebody passing to and fro before it. The laurels among which we lay were immediately opposite the window and not more than a hundred feet from it. Presently it was thrown open with a whining of hinges, and we could dimly see the dark outline of a man’s head and shoulders looking out into the gloom. For some minutes he peered forth in furtive, stealthy fashion, as one who wishes to be assured that he is unobserved. Then he leaned forward, and in the intense silence we were aware of the soft lapping of agitated water. He seemed to be stirring up the moat with something which he held in his hand. Then suddenly he hauled something in as a fisherman lands a fish — some large, round object which obscured the light as it was dragged through the open casement.

“Now!” cried Holmes. Now!

We were all upon our feet, staggering after him with our stiffened limbs, while he ran swiftly across the bridge and rang violently at the bell. There was the rasping of bolts from the other side, and the amazed Ames stood in the entrance. Holmes brushed him aside without a word and, followed by all of us, rushed into the room which had been occupied by the man whom we had been watching.

The oil lamp on the table represented the glow which we had seen from outside. It was now in the hand of Cecil Barker, who held it towards us as we entered. Its light shone upon his strong, resolute, clean-shaved face and his menacing eyes.

“What the devil is the meaning of all this?” he cried. “What are you after, anyhow?”

Holmes took a swift glance round, and then pounced upon a sodden bundle tied together with cord which lay where it had been thrust under the writing table.

“This is what we are after, Mr. Barker — this bundle, weighted with a dumb-bell, which you have just raised from the bottom of the moat.”

Barker stared at Holmes with amazement in his face. “How in thunder came you to know anything about it?” he asked.

“Simply that I put it there.”

You put it there! You!”

“Perhaps I should have said “replaced it there,”” said Holmes. “You will remember, Inspector MacDonald, that I was somewhat struck by the absence of a dumb-bell. I drew your attention to it; but with the pressure of other events you had hardly the time to give it the consideration which would have enabled you to draw deductions from it. When water is near and a weight is missing it is not a very far-fetched supposition that something has been sunk in the water. The idea was at least worth testing; so with the help of Ames, who admitted me to the room, and the crook of Dr. Watson’s umbrella, I was able last night to fish up and inspect this bundle.

“It was of the first importance, however, that we should be able to prove who placed it there. This we accomplished by the very obvious device of announcing that the moat would be dried to-morrow, which had, of course, the effect that whoever had hidden the bundle would most certainly withdraw it the moment that darkness enabled him to do so. We have no less than four witnesses as to who it was who took advantage of the opportunity, and so, Mr. Barker, I think the word lies now with you.”

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Categories: Arthur Conan Doyle