The Wizardry Consulted. Book 4 of the Wizardry series. Rick Cook

Ray Whipple put his head in his hands and groaned.

* * *

By mutual consent, the programmers and Judith Conally kept word of the FBI raid from Wiz. So naturally Wiz kept sending e-mail and chatting with thekeep.org as if it was still there.

Which it was, of course. In spite of what it said in the paperwork, the real server for the domain had always been in the Wizard’s Keep in another world. True, there was now no computer in Judith’s apartment, but that didn’t matter to the signal. It was tapped off magically between the junction box and the apartment. First, however, it traveled through the local telephone office, where the FBI was monitoring the line.

Clueless Pashley looked at the surveillance report and slammed it down on the table. “We didn’t get it,” he said disgustedly. “Someone’s still using that computer link.”

“But that’s impossible,” Arnold protested. “We got her computer.”

“Well, she’s still on-line. Look at this. She must have another computer in there.”

The other FBI agent went over the transcript and shook his head.

“But we got all the computer equipment in the apartment.”

“Then it’s got to be disguised as something else.” He riffled through the sheaf of pictures of Judith’s apartment. “What about that wall of electronic stuff?”

“That was a stereo system.”

“Are you sure? You can disguise a computer to look like anything. These hackers are diabolical. Come on, let’s go back to the judge.”

This time the agents carried off a complete stereo system, a big-screen television complete with video game console, and anything else in the apartment that looked electronic, including a clock radio. Again they gave Judith an itemized receipt with serial numbers. Then they departed as quickly and officiously as they came.

“This,” Judith said to the bare wall where her stereo had been, “is bloody ridiculous.”

Fifteen: Competition

Utter incompetence never kept anyone from underbidding and over-promising to get the job.

The Consultants’ Handbook

Wiz was having another lousy morning. He had left the house to escape the usual flow of people who wanted him to solve their problems only to run into the mayor at the town hall, who wanted to know how the dragon program was coming, and by the way did he have anything for a head cold? Wiz barely got out of that when he encountered Dieter Hanwassel and a couple of his council flunkies in the square.

“There you are, Wizard.” Dieter made it sound like an accusation.

“Here I am,” Wiz agreed glumly. Then he waited.

“I’m giving you one last chance, Wizard,” Dieter said at last. “You can see things our way or suffer the consequences.”

“Gentlemen, I have already told you I will give your position all the consideration it deserves.”

“You mean you’ll try to stall us,” Dieter said. “Well, we won’t be stalled. You’ll either cooperate or else.”

“I wonder how the rest of the council would take it if they knew what you were proposing?” Wiz asked with a slight smile. “I understand they are not all in favor of increasing taxes.”

The little man turned purple. “Defy me, will you!” Then with a visible effort he controlled himself. “Well, we’ll see.” He turned and stalked up the steps into the town hall. His hangers-on followed. “I’ve a trick that’s worth two of you,” he said to his cronies as they drifted out of earshot. Wiz wasn’t sure whether he was supposed to hear that or not.

Wiz spent another hour or so wandering around town, looking at things and fending off a couple of requests for magical help. Malkin was waiting for him when he got home.

“Messenger came from the council for you just a few minutes ago,” she told him as soon as he walked in the door. “Ol’ Droopy and some of the others want to see you in the mayor’s office right away.”

“Great. I just came from there. Now what?”

The tall woman shrugged. “Nothing good, I’ll warrant.”

There was a group gathered in the mayor’s office by the time Wiz arrived. Dieter, the mayor, Rolf and several others were talking to a blond young man Wiz didn’t recognize. The stranger’s back was to the door but Dieter’s wasn’t. As soon as Wiz walked into the room he peered around the young man’s shoulder and smiled at Wiz, not at all pleasantly.

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Categories: Books Cook, Rick