The Wizardry Consulted. Book 4 of the Wizardry series. Rick Cook

“This was not your object, then?”

“No. I was suckered. What now?”

Wurm seemed surprised by the question. “Why, that is up to you. You can fight him or not.”

“Any advice?”

“Advice? That would be presumptuous indeed of me. You must do as you think best.”

Wiz thought Wurm had been presumptuous as hell already by getting him into this mess. However he didn’t see any point in saying so.

“But if I fight him and he kills me, I haven’t solved the problem.”

Wurm considered. “Your death would be a solution of sorts.”

For an instant Wiz wondered if this entire episode might have been Wurm’s elaborate plot to get him to commit suicide. He dismissed that as unnecessarily baroque, even for a dragon.

“I don’t suppose I could talk him out of this?”

Wurm cocked his enormous head. “Unlikely. The challenge was formally issued and accepted. Now it is a matter of honor.” He paused, as if considering. “True, there is not much honor to be gained by killing a single human, but Ralfnir enjoys sport for its own sake.”

“But if I win do I have a deal?”

“Why should you? If you win you will only eliminate Ralfnir.”

“Then what’s the point?”

“No point, really,” Wurm said, “unless you like slaying dragons as much as Ralfnir likes slaying humans. I told you before, Wizard, dragons do not form groups as humans do. There is none who can speak for all of us.”

“So why should I even show up for this duel?”

Wurm gave a mental “shrug.” “Perhaps no reason at all. Save that if you do not Ralfnir will undoubtedly hunt you down and quite likely burn down that town you humans are so fond of in the process.”

“And if I do face him?”

“If you win you have nothing to fear from him. If you lose-“ again the “shrug” “-he will probably not bother with the town.”

“Great. And if I do beat him, I’ll still have to best every single other dragon in order to get them to leave the people alone?”

Wurm paused, as if considering. “Probably not. I imagine that after you have slain forty or fifty dragons most of the rest will decide humans are not worth bothering with.” He cocked his head. “It would be an effective strategy, were you able to carry it out.”

“There’s gotta be a better way,” Wiz muttered.

“If there is I would suggest you endeavor to find it,” Wurm said. “It would be best if you found it ere dawn tomorrow.”

“I’m working on it,” Wiz told the dragon and turned to start down the canyon.

“Oh, and Wizard . . .” Wurm’s “voice” rang in his head.

Wiz turned back to the dragon.

“Do not count on your ring of protection. Even a hatchling could defeat that spell.”

“Thanks,” Wiz mumbled, and turned his face again toward town.

Twenty-four: Net Gains

The essence of successful consulting is knowing when to bail out.

The Consultants’ Handbook

Wiz spent most of the night staring at the screen and doodling meaningless bits of code. He knew he should be coming up with some dynamite dragon-killing spell, but instead he kept reviewing the spells he did have.

Let’s see. I’ve got lightning bolts . . . probably not much good against a dragon . . . suck energy . . . maybe that would do something . . . frictionless surface . . . nope, not against a flying creature . . . attract fleas . . . I wonder if dragons get fleas? Occasionally he would compound something out of the spells at his command, combining the old spells to be called in sequence or simultaneously by a single code word. He spent rather more time working on a fire-protection spell that looked pretty good. But mostly he just sat at the terminal and stared into space.

Time and again his fingers would stretch to the keyboard and he would start the sequence to reach the Wizard’s Keep over the Internet. Time and again he hesitated and his hands dropped away. He knew he wasn’t thinking clearly but trying to think more clearly only made things less clear. Like trying to squeeze a handful of jelly, he thought morosely.

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Categories: Books Cook, Rick