“Traitor,” he said.


“Traitor) Fucking traitorl Fucking commie)”

Bang. Bang. Bang-bang-bang-bang.

The gun was empty. Government issue. Six official

shells expended. Have to account for them. One should have been enough if he’d come close enough to make it tell.

How to explain to the authorities those five wasted shots?

He sat down beside the chair that her blood was soaking and began to cry, quite unable to think of an excuse.

XX1~ .

What in hell have 1 wandered into?

Sheklov’s mind rang with that question. But be had no choice about complying, short of seizing the dashboard gun and holding it to Magda’s side.

At the same time, however, a curious exaltation filled him. Suppose-just suppose-that by pure chance he had already stumbled on what he had been looking for: that “different attitude of mind” that Bratcheslavsky had been so insistent about . . .

Where the behaviour of Danty and Magda had relevance to that alien ship sparkling against the stars, he could not guess. Nonetheless, he was willing for the time being to yield to whatever he was told, although he was simultaneously worried about what would happen to his cover as a Canadian if security’s attention were drawn to him.

Hunched forward on the rear seat, speaking almost in Sheklov’s ear, Danty said, “No, not this turn-go two more blocks, then make a right. Then we’ll come down our street on the side farther from the apartment, and we’ll get a clearer sight of what’s happening.”

“What do you think is happening?” countered Sheklov in his best Holtzer manner. “I can’t see any point to this-”

“Nonsense?” Magda interrupted. “Don, rve known Danty a long, long time. Like I told you, he was born at the wrong end of time. He can feel things that haven’t happened yet.”

“So why didn’t he dodge the guy with the knife?” Sheklov retorted.

There was a short silence. Magda turned around in her seat and looked at Danty.

Finally Danty said, “Because if I hadn’t been where they caught up with me, I wouldn’t have found out something very important.”

“Danty, what are you talking about?” Lora demanded.

Almost in the same moment, Magda said, “Danty, are you-?”

“Sure I’m surel” he snapped. “It’s been getting stronger

for several minutes now. I’ve never had it so strong in my life. Right here, Don, and right again. Around the corner, take it as slow as you can.”

Lora said after a short pause, “I keep some binocs in the glove compartment-do you want them?”

“Yeahl” Danty sat up straight. “Mag’, pass them to Mel”

She pulled open the glove compartment and found them, a cheap Mexican pair in a plastic case. He took them and held them ready as Sheklov made the final turn into their home street. At once he let out a hissing breath.

“Lookl” he rapped, and set the glasses to his eyes.

Glancing rapidly from the traffic around to the landing, up close to the hoverhalt, from which access to Magda’s home was obtained, Sheklov felt a pang of horror. The door was wide open. The window was lighted. Two men were standing guard, suspiciously eying passengers descending from a recently arrived hovercar, and apparently giving off some sort of repellent aura, because these passengers were keeping their distance.

Also-and this gave him an excuse to drive very slowly-two large cars were illegally parked against the kerb instead of in parking-bays.

“Pigs?” Lora said, her voice quavering.

“Not pigs,” Danty said, staring through the glasses. “Security force. Mag’, I’m afraid you’ve lost your home.”

“What do you mean?” Sheklov snapped. “I don’t know

what those security men-if they are security men -I

don’t know what they’re doing in your apartment, but

surely you don’t mean thatl”

“Don’t mean it?” Danty repeated, lowering the binocs now that they had passed the building and it was impossible to see the landing where the men stood guard. “Tell him, Mag’ baby.”

She was sitting very still, face white, eyes staring straight ahead. But her hands were folded over so that her nails were deep in her palms.

“He’s right,” she said in a dead voice. “Pigs you can take. Once the series hit you, you’re done for.”

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Categories: John Brunner