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Nancy Warner Barrineau (Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1988). Published in American Literary Realism, Thomas Hardy Journal, Dictionary of Literary Biography, among others. Book in progress: Theodore Dreiser’s “Working Girls”: Journalism to Fiction. Assistant Professor, Communicative Arts, Pembroke State University.

Leonard Cassuto (Ph.D., English, Harvard University, 1989). Published in Studies in Short Fiction, Prospects, American Literary Realism, among others. Assistant Professor, English, Fordham University.

M. H. Dunlop (Ph.D., English, George Washington University, 1982). Author of Sixty Miles from Contentment: Traveling the Nineteenth-Century American Interior. Published in American Quarterly, The Old Northwest, among others. Associate Professor, English, Iowa State University.

Shelley Fisher Fishkin (Ph.D., American Studies, Yale University). Author of Was Huck Black? Mark Twain and African–American Voices and the award-winning From Fact to Fiction: Journalism and Imaginative Writing in America. Coeditor of Listening to Silences: New Essays in Feminist Criticism. Numerous articles and presentations, several articles in press, Reconfiguring Jewish–American Identity: Literary and Cultural Essays in an Autobiographical Mode in progress. Professor, American Studies and English, University of Texas, Austin.

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Irene Gammel (Ph.D., English, McMaster University). Author of Sexualizing Power in Naturalism: Theodore Dreiser and Frederick Philip Grove. Published in The Faulkner Journal, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, Canadian Literature, Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, among others. Assistant Professor, English, University of Prince Edward Island.

Lawrence E. Hussman (Ed.D., English, University of Michigan, 1964). Author of Dreiser and His Fiction: A Twentieth-Century Quest and Counterterrorist. Contributing editor, Dreiser Studies (1983–present). Designated textual editor, The Bulwark, for the University of Pennsylvania Press critical edition of the collected works of Dreiser. Published numerous articles on Dreiser and wrote the Foreword to The Bulwark (1973). Wrote reviews of Dreiser’s Notes on Life, the Pennsylvania Edition of Sister Carrie, and Vera Dreiser’s My Uncle Theodore. In progress: editing, with a foreword, The Lust of the Goat Is the Bounty of God, by Marguerite Tjader (a posthumous memoir by Dreiser’s literary secretary) and Frank Norris and His Fiction. Professor, Wright State University.

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