Theodore Dreiser : Beyond Naturalism by Gogol, Miriam

Osherson, Samuel, 98

Pathography, xi

Père Goriot (Balzac), 235, 236

Petrey, Sandy, 239, 240

Phenomenology, The (Hegel), 237

Pichel, Irving, 187

Pizer, Donald, xi–xii, 12, 129 (n. 7),

Place in the Sun, A, film interpretation of An American Tragedy, 176, 189–195

Plank, Kathryn M., 12

Popular culture, xiv

Poststructuralism, xii, xiii

Principles of Psychology, The (James), 98

‘‘Protoplast” (Dreiser), 168

Psychoanalysis, xii, xiii, 97, 112–128

Ralph, Ruth S., 113

Richardson, Dorothy, 9

Riggio, Thomas P, 15, 17, 129–130 (n. 7)

Rise of Silas Lapham, The (Howells), 112

Rodman, Henrietta, 14

Roe, E. P.

Page 268

Barriers Burned Away, 203

Opening of a Chestnut Burr, The, 203

Romance, rediscovery of, 216–217, 225

Ross, Albert

Moulding a Maiden, 203–209

Rousseau, Jean Jacques

Confessions, 59

Rowson, Susanna

Charlotte Temple, 5

Russell, Ken, 180

Salzman, Jack, 65

Sanger, Margaret

and birth control, xv (n. 1), 58–59, 69–72

Birth Control Review, 14

Family Limitation, 59

and gender stereotypes, 14

Secret Society, The (Simmel), 78, 79

Sedgwick, Eve, 84

Sein und Zeit, 135

Sexual Revolution in American Literature, 32

Shame, 95–106

Showalter, Elaine, 2

Simmel, Georg

and men’s fraternities, 80, 81, 87, 91

The Secret Society, 78–79

Sister Carrie (Dreiser), ix, x, xiii, xiv, xv

and feminism, 11, 12, 18, 32, 36, 37, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 56, 57, 58, 59, 68

and film interpretations of, 196, 197

and Heideggerian perspective, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 145, 147, 149, 150, 151, 153, 158, 161, 163, 165, 166

and men’s studies, 77, 78, 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91

and new historicism, 216–241

and psychoanalysis, 112, 113, 114, 115, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll, 62, 63

Snow, C. P., 197

Sochen, June,14


Oedipus Rex, 164

Sternberg, Josef von, xiv, 176

and An American Tragedy, film interpretation of, 184–189

Stevens, George, xiv, 176

and An American Tragedy, film interpretation of, 189–193

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 217

Strange Interlude (O’Neill), 181

Strike, 180

Stroheim, Eric von, 176

Sundquist, Eric, xii, 137

Swanberg, William, 1, 18

Tatum, Anna, 17

Taylor, Gordon O., 113

Theory of Sex (Freud), 36

Thorne, Robert, 79, 80

Throne of Blood, 179

Titan, The (Dreiser), 46, 47

Tolstoy, Leo

War and Peace, 219

“Transcendentalist, The” (Emerson),164

Trilling, Lionel, x, xii

Trilog of Desire, The (Dreiser), 31, 38, 103, 118

Turgenev, Ivan, xi

Twain, Mark, 1, 220

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 217

Under the Gaslight, 157, 158, 159

Walcutt, Charles Child, xi, xii

War and Peace (Tolstoy.), 219

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